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Everything posted by Poledar

  1. This is a long running PITA, but shopping can be lucrative. Foremost used to have a big bike policy when I lived in New York, and it was $300 for full coverage on my '84, and then on my '88. I am going to check with Progressive, Foremost, Dairyland, but NOT GEICO. Back in the day (1960's), they refused to insure anyone except Government Employees (Government Employees Insurance Co!!), and accordingly I have never given them a 2nd consideration since then. I am with Progressive now on my Suzuki Burgman, but now that there is another Gen ! in the garage, I need to do my homework again! Wish us all the luck...we will need it dealing with insurance companies!!! POLEDAR:confused24::confused24:
  2. Hi Peggy, The letter from that young man was so inspirational, that his Dad must have been pretty special to bring up a boy like that in so few years. Obviously, they communicated well and were very close in many ways. If all families could be like that, this would be a better country in so many ways. I hope that your weather is giving you a break and that the snow will melt off and let you folks get back on the road again, like US Southerners have been all winter long!!!! Take care, be well. Hope we may meet one of these old days! God bless and keep you and yours safe! Bill...
  3. Todd...please forward this to Connor! Connor, I believe and I am sure that many others do as well, that your Daddy was a very special man. It is just that now God needs him up in Heaven to help Him. You should be very proud to have had a Daddy who was like yours, who loved you and the rest of your family so much, and who helped you to become the young man you are, and no doubt the good man you will become in a few more years. All of us will pray for you and for your Daddy, but he has no worries now, as God will take good care of him once he gets to heaven. Now is the time for you to show your Daddy that he taught you well, and BE the man of the family. You will have to be a big help to your Mom and your younger brother, to show them and someday your own children how much you learned from the years your Daddy was with you. All of us will miss him even if we didn't meet him in person, because he has shown us through you what a good man he was for all of those around him, whether family or not. Our earth needs more men like him, so you be sure to grow up to be just like your Daddy was all of his life. God bless and keep all of you. Bill Darling "Poledar":bighug:
  4. Trust me, Todd, there was food aplenty there! They just wanted to get the drinks to us first, so that we might tip generously! Then after we ate, and before we left, there was about an hour outside the restaurant, to "defuse" a couple of folks before we rode! You would have had a good time, for sure. And the DQ was even glad to see us! See us go, that is! They had been slow, and we put them all back to work! Next time, bro!! BTW, what's the word on FedEx? My fingers are X ed for ya! Bill.. No longer bildar, but Poledar. My date got a message on her white hat, saying she was a retired pole dancer, and I was POLE on mine! So I gotta change my name on here, I guess!!!!
  5. Add me to the list of patch buyers, please! Just let me know how much, and when, and it shall be done!!
  6. June through September is all good weather in NS. The Cabot Trail, while the road isn't the greatest, gives incredible scenery. The last time I rode it, we saw a moose along the road, a whale off the other side, and had some wonderful food. A good place to kick off from once you are there is Baddeck. Nice motels/hotels, good restaurants, and easy access to the Eastern part of NS. If you go to the western part, be sure to go to Digby and get some scallops! Awesome! Also, there is a tidal bore out there with the highest tides in the world...as high as 54 feet have been recorded. There are BnB's everywhere, and lots of lovely sights. Halifax has a brewery--Alexander Keith's--which is a must to tour. Very unique experience. Also, check out on the web for the International Tattoo as to dates and reservations. It is the greatest pipe band rally in the world!
  7. Poledar


    If anyone is looking, I have a wiring harness and a women's medium vest for a reasonable price.
  8. I could never understand the concept of giving up 30% of the braking by NOT using the rear brake on the 1st gens. Have never had to unbend it from another vehicle and have put it to the test often. Guess I am stuck in the 80's but I still like the integrated braking system as Yamaha first put it together.
  9. I did that 11 years ago and have been working at 2-3 jobs ever since. It depends on whether you want to be at the beach or inland. There are some sizable plants for working in Florence (QVC, Honda), Greenville (Michelin), Spartanburg (BMW) and others as well. Minimum wage here is $5.65 just FYI! And employers who are touristically oriented are in love with that or less if they can find a way to pay it. The coastal area around Myrtle Beach is noted for cheap employers overall, unless you have a specific skill which is in need. Let me know if I can be of any further help. Bill Darling (Formerly of Syracuse area)
  10. I was one of those who arrived by vehicle as mine was a bit "unwired" at the time. It would start and run, but those 40 dangling wires were kinda ugly, so.... It was my first live contact with Venture Rider folks and I have to say that I have never met a more welcoming group of folks in all my years of riding (nearly 30 of 'em!). Bobbie's welcoming hug to the "new guy" kind of set the standard from the getgo and it just got better all day. The food and restaurant entertainment were outstanding, but oh those pies!!! What really got my tear ducts close to running rivers was when Muffinman and Beer30 setup a workday just to get my wiring problems fixed! That has been done and the bike now runs better than before and on LOTS FEWER SWITCHES than the previous owner had in place. Of course, that means that there are all those switches in case I decide to "add stuff". I hope to spend lots more time with these wonderful folks in the futnre as long as this old body allows me to keep riding, even if it involves a trike conversion kit!
  11. Between the IRS, the INS, the NSA, the FBI and all those other alphabet organizations, there is already too much invasion of privacy, and now the IIHS in conjunction with NHTSA are trying to ban sport bikes (see December 2007 American Motorcyclist) and to implement a mandatory helmet law. While I don't ride without a helmet, I don't want to be told I have to wear one. This country is heading more and more to an authoritarian state with the government telling us what we can and can't do, what we should and shouldh't want, etc ad infinitum. At this rate, organizations like Venture Rider will be outlawed in the future. We have to say no at some point and the more we give away to governmental control, the harder it will be if we wait much longer. And, yes this does include HILLARYCARE!!!
  12. Well, it's a little cool here nights in South Carolina, but we still ride daily unless Mom Nature sends us a hurricane, and this year she seems to have ignored us! Temps in the low 60s and breezy! C'mon down and visit!
  13. To ALL of those Veterans throughout history who first gave us this country and then gave their lives to keep it free, may God bless all of you and may you know of our gratitude to you.
  14. My 1983 venture overheats and I cant find out why.I have replaced the thermostat, water pump and the radiator cap. The fan comes on and runs the correct rotation and at the right temp. No mater what I do it I cant find out what is causing this and I have taken in to the repair shop and they don't know why it is doing this either. I let the bike sit for about five years but when I decided to ride it again I took it into the shop and had the carbs serviced and what ever else it needed.Hope someone can help me out with something elese to try First off, shame on you for letting it sit for 5 years. No doubt it got lonely and is punishing you! Alternatively, check the temperature gauge itself. Flush the block and be sure of full emptying of old fluids and no blockages. Beyond that, I am no mechanic, but what do you have to lose?
  15. The Yamaha Filter is a complete and end-to-end connected ring of filter paper. The Fram (according to Yamaha) is an incomplete ring, and thus prone to allowing particles through that would be caught in the Yamaha spec filter.
  16. I owned an '88 and had nothing but good to say about it...right up until the divorce and the "parting". I rode it everywhere from east to west, through one deer with little damage to bike (totalled the deer!). I never had any mechanical issues, just changed the oil (I used Spectro Golden 4) regularly, kept air pressure in tires up, and rode til I dropped. It never even hiccuped when I rode UP in the Rockies. It didn't need a choke to start there but otherwise a GREAT machine to ride. I installed zirk fittings on the swingarm for lubrication rather than have to disassemble it to lube the swimgarm. Later Yamaha did it at the factory. Buy it, clean it and ride til you drop!
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