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Everything posted by Poledar

  1. Hey, Todd! How is life treating you? Muffinman was here today, and we are on the verge of launching the Tugs powered Venture!



  2. Hey Rick, when are you coming home so that we can do some riding together? My Venture is just about to hit the road!



  3. There are two kinds of riders...those who have already done the kill switch boogie and those who WILL ! Now you have joined the club, and you are a wiser person for the "joining"!! Ride safe! POLEDAR:080402gudl_prv:
  4. I have one...the only thing wrong is that a couple of the holes have been....knocked out. So you have to use a larger washer and screw to secure it, but otherwise it is in pretty good shape. I will sell it to you for $25 + shipping, satisfaction guaranteed. You ship it back if you don't like it and get a full refund of purchase price. POLEDAR Bill Darling...
  5. Stupid sucky dealer. He seems to have forgotten that a happy customer will tell 2 others. An angry one will tell 30 or more. You can only hope that this guy learns his lesson when eh is O. B. !!!
  6. Here is yet another option. I have used Spectro Golden 4 ever since I bought my '84 First Gen new, through my '88, now in my '86. It smooths out the shifting CLUNKS, and helps the engine run a little cooler. It's a blend of synthetic and petroleum and works wonders. I had to have it brought down from NY, and of course got a great price on it there. Poledar Bill Darling...
  7. I talked to someone years ago who had ridden cross country from East to West and back again. She mentioned that her BMW65 was leaning about 30 degrees into the wind as she rode across Kansas, but that she had to watch out for patches of trees to avoid falling down as she passed them. Much lighter bike, but as Muffinman said, it is a matter of adjusting to the conditions as they evolve and maintaining a high level of awareness of your riding environment.
  8. Hi Baker911 ! and welcome to Venture Rider . org. You have joined what is probably the friendliest motorcycle group in the USA, and the least over-organized. Fun folks who have the Venture in common, who love bickering over which is better--1st or 2nd Generation (BTW, it's FIRST just so you know!! LOL ).

    Hope you enjoy the organization. There are lots of activities all over the country, most of which consist of an eating society with a riding disorder!

    Ride safe and enjoy VentureRider!



  9. Hi Jeff,

    Coming in on Friday...come South out of Wilmington for about 55-60 miles and once you pass Hwy 904 (traffic light and McDonalds at light), just past the NEXT light, the road curves left and has a shunt to the right by Brunswick Plantation. Take the right and stay on that road until you come to the 1st stop light, which is Hwy 9 (Bell and Bell Pontiac/GMC/Buick at the light on your left). Turn right on Hwy 9 for 5-6 miles to the next traffic light (Exxon Station/Tiger Mart on left). This is Hwy 905. Turn left there and one mile down the road is Longs Station. Turn in through the white rail fence and I am the 6th house on the right. I'll leave the light on for you!!


    Thanks and looking forward to seeing you then. Ride safe!



  10. Bob, Get it together, my friend. There are a lot of us pulling for you and your bride that all will be well and that you will be up and around soon to enjoy that Venture. Bill Darling Poledar "Former NY'er and former NYS Director of the Venture Touring Society" May God keep His hand on you and give you blessed fast healing!
  11. I have had a Pit Bull for 6 years w/no problems. Used it to lift a Yamaha Silverado Roadstar as well as a 1st Gen with no problems. And you can roll the bike around on a smooth surface to get to the ideal work surface. Pit Bulls are made to last (Of course, they're made HERE!!!!) with ease of use and no problems.
  12. The warmest of congratulations to all three (oops, four!) of you. The years of wondering are now over and you can take a deep sigh of success and know that you have made the lives of others better and that it is now their turn to emulate the example you have set for them. This comes as no surprise to anyone who knows you, but it is nice to have the documen- tation to confirm that it is really true. Best sincere wishes to all, Poledar:superman:
  13. If the dessicant has turned pink, it is fairly well saturated with moisture and needs to be either regenerated or replaced, as I remember from my days of Venture service seminars. Yamaha probably prefers to resell it, but it can be regenerated almost indefinitely.
  14. I got some Frogg Toggs from Bargainoutfitters.com at a GREAT price, but they are still virgin...long live virginity!!!
  15. Yeah...down in the 9th ward! Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are there doing security duty! Also, I understand that Mayor Nagin has guaranteed no crime in his chocolate city! (Could that be because all of his previous criminal element is still in Houston?)
  16. It involves a crossover induction tube between the intake manifolds. It cuts the carb air velocity in half throughout the entire operating range. You have to change main jets, vacuum position spring length and lift hole size. Mileage is upped as is performance. I am getting a used one as part of a 1988 VR, but in case they are still around, the company address is: TUGS INDUCTION SYSTEMS INC 501 8th Ave, Ste 15 Meas, Az 85210 602-835-6640 I will post the results once I get it together and run it a bit. Poledar
  17. On my '84, I used to get 42-45. On my '88, I got 38-41. Now I have an '86 and am adding a Tugs Induction system to it in a few weeks. Then we will see what comes of it. Tugs is supposed to give better performance as well as mpg. Fingers are crossed, as I have a 10,000 mile trip planned for the end of August, and in the 40s would be very nice! Will get back to you!!!! Poledar:happy34:
  18. Show her how much you think of her. Get an oil change on the bike so it doesn't fail while she is riding back seat and have to push you to the service shop! (Some flowers might help too!!!!)
  19. I don't know if any are on tap, but let me know if you find one, k? Ride safe getting here and back!
  20. Better a lucky idiot....than a DEAD one! Ride safe and learn from your mistakes!
  21. Hi Nathan, I will be in town all week (conveniently I live here!), and would be glad to do breakfast with you on Saturday morning. Where are you staying...and how do you feel about GREAT pancakes? Bill.... POLEDAR:)
  22. Redneck, I would think it is you who should be "calibrating" as there is one less member with a bike that can whip your bike's butt!!!!!
  23. Oil is a personal thing these days. Some use cheap and change it often, while others buy expensive and change it less often. My personal choice for oil is Spectro Golden 4 20/50 in hot weather and 20/40 in cooler. The reasoning here is from Gen 1's early years when there was a very noticeable "clunk" when you shifted and occasionally some drag during shifts. The Spectro is a blend of petro and syn and seems to hold up well to serving as a motor oil as well as transmission fluid. Their shear factors smoothed out the shifting and worked well....for me. That choice is up to you. For me, good oil is the cheapest investment in keeping an engine tightly together and running for the long run. I used Yamaha filters in both of my 2 first Gen 1s, but now have some EMGO I am going to try. Model 10-28500. They work on all Gen 1's, XS1100's, Maxims, XS series. I usually try to change every 1500-2000 miles. Go with whatever makes the most sense to you. Poledar:080402gudl_prv:
  24. From the MSF manual, there is only one basic suggestion...and that is NO PARALLEL RIDING! As long as there is staggered positioning, it really is a matter of group preference. Just leave enough room for everyone to have lateral adjustment space in case of---whatever!! I don't remember ever seeing a rule, and guess it comes down to the individual. Remember that there are already too many RULES against us. Let's not overwhelm ourselves with minutiae. Poledar:080402gudl_prv:
  25. The nerve of some people....you can call the Gen I's weird if you want, but if it wasn't for them, you wouldn't be riding what you do...probably be on one of those Battlestar Galactica's better known as a Gold Wing!!!:no-no-no:
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