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Everything posted by Poledar

  1. It looks a lot like my 1979 XS1100, except I had Pacifico fairing and luggage on it. Had to change the seat within hours of my first ride away from the dealer. Called from the road and screamed bloody murder...(actually was my BUTT screaming!) those original seats were for eternity but not for comfort. Had the bike for 5 years and loved every minute of it. STRONG motor, fun times....of course I was a LOT younger in those days!
  2. That was a fun bunch of people. I attended several national and regional rallies. We had lots of fun as a group then. Even over rode the GWRRA at Americade one year by leading the parade through Lake George!! I have a lot of those pins on my vest and in a drawer dedicated to "stuff" from those years.
  3. Batman, I see you have an '88 that was triked. If I can be so nosy, who did it and what did it cost you? I have an '86 and having turned 71, would like to investigate the increased safety and stability that brings. Please respond here and at gmta@sccoast.net as well. Thanks. POLEDAR:fingers-crossed-emo
  4. Do you really think the media would ever come that close to the truth? I would love to see the reaction of any of the media writers if Treyvon came wandering into their neighborhood at night, wearing a hoodie and walking close to their house. Never happen, because none of them would ever come close to a hood like the one where this took place. It was a tragedy, probably avoidable, but the jury has decided. The federal gov't. has no business sticking their big noses into this situation, except that the FED is so heavily invested in black employees they have to do the "civil rights" thing, no matter that the FBI already did it and found nothing to have violated civil rights in the situation. Ride on, King Obama!
  5. We used to put red pepper flakes in bird feeders and anywhere else they might try to get. It seemed a short time of passing fire out their butts discouraged them without lethal results!
  6. I'm curious...did the hospital order a "cooling sleeve" for your knee? It pumps ice water around the knee to keep it cooler and reduce inflammation, accelerates rehab as well! Be a good boy and do what the Dr. tells you ...+ 10%!
  7. It was first a Honda Trail 90 in 1965 when I was 22. The next bike was a Bultaco 250 in 1968. Then nothing until 1978....:confused24:
  8. Bobbie, I would have thought with all the hot air generated by the SC State government, that y'all would have a protective shield that would repel the snow!!!???
  9. Please accept my deepest condolences on your loss. It is easy to empathize as I too lost a friend two weeks ago--also to cancer. It is never easy, but particularly difficult at this time of year. We can only hope we can have the good sense to take our lives as they come to us, and make the best of each and every day as God gives it to us. I wish you and all of the members of VR.org a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with a higher level of happiness than the past two years have brought to us. POLEDAR
  10. The ones I have had all came from V Maxes!
  11. Uhhhh....what's snow?????
  12. Greg, Just in case there should be a problem, perhaps it is better that you use Pinwheel for your supplier. Thanks. POLEDAR
  13. Greg, If you want to cover the shipping all the way to London, I am willing to accept the $50 price tag I quoted you. Bill...
  14. I have a rear wheel from an '86 with rotor, axle, etc. If you are interested, let me know. POLEDAR...
  15. I have a good starter motor...factory stock and in good condition. Asking $50 + shipping at cost. Let me know if you want it. POLEDAR...
  16. I have an '86 radio intact. If you are interested, please let me know.
  17. I have the cover for the headlight with either color coded trim or chrome. Let me know if you are interested. Poledar....
  18. I have a full set minus locks of 1986 black and gold bags and trunk. Trunk is in very good condition, bags are showing wear, but still intact and very usable!
  19. what they all said....trust minimuffin more than anyone, cuz she is backed up by the Muffinman and there are few who know more about this machine than ahe does!!!!!!
  20. Bobbie, May this birthday be exceeded only by the one next year and the year after!!! POLEDAR:179:
  21. If you want, I can add my Kimber .45 :soapbox:and my Saiga .308 and we can assault the dude from all sides...and just pray that he decides to hold out!!!
  22. I went the other way...from an RT to 1st Gen. 4 bikes later, I am still on the 1st Gen!
  23. Try this...go to Accessories, System Tools, and Restore. Go back 30 days, and once Resotre has done its work, do a scan with AVG 2011 for all potential issues. Good luck!!!
  24. About the best thing I have found is WD-40. It won't affect a finish and with some gentle rubbing and a little patience it will clean almost any glue off from a surface. LUCK!!
  25. Just as you indicate you will be glad when others depart your sport, we will be equally happy when narrow-minded folks like you learn that safety comes at a cost--good sense! Ten years of teaching MSF courses and seeing the aftermath of a goodly number of accidents from an investigative perspective taught me indelibly that we can control ourselves, but not others--i.e. other drivers, road conditions--and it will pay in the long run to protect ourselves in advance of the nearly inevitable accident rather than to repair the aftermath. I wish you well, and may your luck continue to run as long as you ride!
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