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Everything posted by Everette

  1. I just finished putting in the Buddy Rich fix for using the cell over the zumo, and it works great. My question is that the head set I have hangs over my ears and is really uncomfortable. If I switch back to the external speakers will the mic still work? If no one knows I will give it a shot when I get home this afternoon.
  2. I found a 10' extention cable. This should work. Thanks
  3. I'm not to sure about that. Don't want to ruin a $160 device. I guess I'm going to look for a extension cable to run under the seat. Everette
  4. I'm looking at placing the antenna/radio part at the back of my bike. I would run the cable under the seat. Problem: I like to take this with me in my car as well. Question: Can I splice a connector in the cable? Something like a PL259, male and female. Thanks
  5. Pulled the faring and checked all the wires. I could not find a ground or any problem. Pulled the fuses and they were all good. It appears that one of the bulbs was bad. I replaced them both. Turned the switch and they came on. I just don't know. Kinda scratching my head. Starting to wonder if I have a bad switch. If this happens again I'm going to rewire everything and put in a new switch. Thanks for all the advice and help. Everette
  6. Thanks, I will look tonight.
  7. As far as I know, they were on the bike from the factory. I bought it used and I thought all Ventures came with the lights. But that being said, I know for a fact they do not run to the Battery and they are fused in the lower faring on the right side. I'm going to look at all of it, because I know there must be a problem with the turn signal because one of them flashes too fast. I don't know if this is symtomatic of the problem or an additional issue.
  8. I blew another fuse on my passing lamps this morning on the way to work. Had this happen a couple of weeks ago. Not sure what is going on. I pulled the faring and could not find a problem the last time. Guess I will pull it again on Saturday (suppose to Rain). Any Ideas?
  9. Thanks everyone, I just finished putting it in the tires. Not much to it, a little more difficult on the front, because of the roters. Took the opportunity to change the oil in the gear box, while having the bag off. So, later this afternoon, I will take it out for a spin.
  10. Thanks for all the replies. I'm trying to figure the same thing as far as how much to use in the tires. I cannot find the MT150/90 on the chart.
  11. I've been working on my bike for the past week, getting ready for the summer. I have some Ride On tire sealent. http://www.ride-on.com/prod_mot.asp Before I put this in the tires, does anyone else run with this in their tires and is there any down side?
  12. I have had the carbtune for a few months, but was hesitant to do this on my own, without some help. The help was in a post by Freebird. I followed it to the "T" and hopefully everything is ok. I won't be able to Ride until Sunday. 1 and 2 were a little off, so I got them pretty close. 3 and 4 were just about perfect, but the difference between the 1,2 and 3,4 was quite a bit off. I got them pretty close. It had never been done before, I could tell because the hoses were difficult to take off the carbs.
  13. Thanks, I just ordered a Odyssey. It should be here next week. I do ride almost every day. I would have ordered with the group, but don't think I can wait util May.
  14. I have just about decided part of the problems that I'm having with my ride is the battery. It is 5 years old and I'm going to replace it. Decision? There are several types from gel to AGM to normal batteries. Any thoughts?
  15. This is exactly the problem that I've been having with my bike. I have also been blowing fuses. I'm going to change the battery out first, it is about 5 years old and probably needs to be replaced. It seems if I put it on charge at night, I have no problem in the morning, but when I leave work is when I have the problem. I think for me it is a first start. If it is the ingnition, is it difficult to change?
  16. Well this thing is getting more wierd as it goes. I drove to work this morning and when I got there I checked the passing lamps and one was off. Must be a bad bulb. I just changed both of them a couple of months ago. This afternoon I go out and it's still pretty chilly. I forgot to pull out the choke and it took a littel while to start. But it did start. I'm not running the starter too long, but it seems to be turning slowly or lugging a little. I look at the dash and the speedometer is out again. I get home and turn it off and then think, I should turn the key back on and see if anything else is out. No only the one light and guess what, the dang speedometer is back on again.
  17. About a month ago I go out to get on the bike and my speedometer does not work. No gas gauge or anything. No problem, pull the fuse and tested it. No, the fuse is good, but just for the heck of it I replaced it anyway. Speedometer works! No problem. Noticed a week or so ago that the cruise control does not work. Not a real issue, because I rarely use it. When I leave the office this afternoon, my passing lamps don't work. So I pull the fuses from the fuse box and test all of them. They all test ok, but I replace them anyway and the passing lamps now work. I don't know if the cruise works yet, but I would bet that it does. Any Ideas? I use a multimeter to test and I know it works. On a related issue. The plastic screw that holds the bottom of the lower farings together seems to be striped or something. I could not get it loose. Any problems with drilling this thing out?
  18. Thanks Lou, I will give it a try later this week. I noticed last week that my cruise control is not working, no power and I figure it is a fuse. I don't use it very often but I'm going on a trip the first of May and would like to have it.
  19. I have found the first fuse block behind the left cover. I cannot find the second fuse block. I read that it is below the front right lower. How do I get to it? Thanks in advance. Everette
  20. Boominup, Where did you get your trunk light. I really like that. Everette
  21. Thanks for all the help. I'm still not sure what these hoses are, but I will find out tomorrow. Everette
  22. No it's not that hose this is going down in front of the engine and then to the lower faring. I think it is the other end of that hose. I just cranked the bike and it runs, so that is a good sign. Thanks Everette
  23. I've been working on the bike the last couple of days and everything going well. I was putting the gas tank back on this morning and noticed a loose hose that smells like gas. I cannot find where it goes. On the other side it looks like there is a similar hose going to the lowers where the air filters are are located. It feels loose also, I did not pull it out. Can I just slide the hose back into the space or does it connect to something? Thanks:confused24: Everette
  24. I've had mine on order for 6 weeks now. How long did it take to get yours? Everette
  25. Thanks Jerry, I've been watching this one. Hoping I could find one other than Ebay. Everette
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