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About Everette

  • Birthday May 23

Personal Information

  • Name
    Everette Harmon


  • Location
    Lawrenceville, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    03 Royal Star Venture

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  1. Raining today and thought I would change the air filters and sync the carbs. Really no problem, except that I cannot seem to do it at 1000 rpms or 1050. I need it to be at about 2000 or above and it syncs perfectly. It is not that far off at 1000, but is seems this is what the manual calls for. Any ideas or suggestions? Any problems leaving it this way?
  2. Would have loved to made this ride. I actually had already mapped it out and mentioned it my wife and she reminded me that we are going to my 40th class get togeather that day. Maybe next year.
  3. My understanding is there is not a set of risers for the RSTD. I think it interfers with the speedometer. You would probably have to change the bars.
  4. Yeah, I know the amp guzzels a lot. It is not turned up that high, It could be turned down a little. I get a lot of junk at position 28 and higher on the volume. Does anyone know the max amperage output for the Venture. How close can you get to it 80% ?
  5. I will be adding a volt meter real soon. I have it but have not had time to put it on the bike yet. I don't have a passenger and like I said only gloves and maybe socks. I understand I can disconnect the heaters for the carbs. So I should get some juice back from those. I will look at ugrading the stator if necessary this winter. I'm just trying to get all my ducks in a row before that time gets here. Thanks for the responses
  6. I have a couple of questions. 1. I have a power strip close to the battery that I installed last year. I have the horn relay, alarm, amp, zumo, and a couple of other things. I’m thinking about putting another strip up under the faring. So that I don’t have to pull wires under the tank and to clean up a few things in that area. Anyone else have a power strip up front? 2. I like to ride during the winter and this year I will definitely have some heated gloves and maybe some heated socks. The only thing that really gets cold is my hands and feet. Any suggestions? What power requirements/hook up will I need?
  7. Have you tried here: http://betawww.prospero.com/star4sale/messages/?start=Start+Reading+%3E%3E Tim has lots of parts for Vstars and can stear you in the right direction if he does not have it.
  8. I made it back safe. It was nice to meet a few people and it was a nice but hot ride over and back. It had to be quick, for both myself and my friend John. John's wife is in a nursing home and he travels quite a bit. He wanted to get back in time to spend some time with her before he leaves for a couple of weeks on Tuesday. I have Grandkids over this afternoon and tonight and my wife wanted me to be here to help. Looking fwd to the next one. Oh by the way the food was great.
  9. OK, I just made my reservation from the 2nd, leaving on the 6th. Never done any thing like this looking fwd to it. Question: Any way we can combine some of the "Maintenance Day" things into this as well. Like some others I have limited vacation time, especially with out the family. Although I would be willing to extend my stay a day or so to do some work. Looking forward to it. Everette
  10. Ti-Lou The risers will work fine. You will have to go under the faring to loosen some of the cables. But other than that no modifications. I would suggest that you put something on your tank so there are no accidents. I actually strung a length of rope from the garage opener to hold the handle bar up while I did my thing. Everette
  11. The dragon was not as bad as I had been led to believe. I had no problem and I'm not one to take the twist and turns lightly. There was a sort of pattern to it. If I could have stayed I would have explored more on the other side. The lake on the Tenn. side was just wonderful. I should have left more time to do more exploring. The dragon was fun, but like I've heard others say, I think there is a lot more to see and do in this area.
  12. I actually went on Tuesday. First time and I thought it was great. I want to go back and spend a couple of days riding the area. The mountains and lakes were outstanding.
  13. I have a '03 Venture. I bought it used and it had a Corbin seat on it. The corbin is a nice looking seat and has been pretty good for short rides. I took a 400 mile 10 hr trip on Tuesday. My behind hurt so much that I was standing at every red light that I came too. I had to make a two hour trip today. I had purchased a stock seat a few months back and thought I would put it on and give it a shot. The seat is off a RSV midnight. To say it was uncomfortable is a understatement. Pushed my testies up and was just uncomfortable on the bottom. I did like the fact that it seem to be lower and pushed me a little fwd toward the tank. I'm 5'8" , with a 28" inseam. With all these facts I have been looking at seats and seat conversions. I need to know what others have and what they think of them. I've looked a the Russel All Day, a lot of money, but have not really heard of anyone having one. I know seats are like oil everyone has their own preference. But this is a lot of money, anyway I would go. Need help with options and riders thoughts. Thanks in advance.
  14. When I first got the Venture, there was only one key. I was able to go in and they made keys on the spot and I needed some new gaskets for the slide on mufflers. Other than that I have not gone in there. Your right, I have saved a ton of money ordering on line. The other Yamaha dealer close by,gives no quarter on any parts and I never order anything there unless I just have to have it and they can get it next day. I've got a couple of screws from them. I plan and shop on line.
  15. You know, they actually did me a favor. About 18 months ago, I had convinced myself that I wanted a Goldwing. I had a Vstar 1100 at the time. I had been there a couple of times, as I live in Lawrenceville and they advertise the best price. I wanted to trade the Vstar and they told me no problem. I went in to see them and had the check in my pocket. They went out and looked at my bike. It was only a year old and in excellent condition. Came back in and told me they didn't want it. I looked at them and said why. The only reason was we don't want it. I knew I was not going to get everything I paid for it but they would not even make an offer. I walked out, kinda stunned and a couple of months later I found my Venture and sold my Vstar for more than I thought I was going to get in trade in. Best break I could have had. They were actually real jerks. I still go there for parts if they have them in stock and I have to have it right away, only because the only other yamaha dealer close to me carries no parts. Most of the time I order on line. Yamaha support locally is the pits. I mean if they have to order the parts, I usually do the same thing and find a better price. Sorry you had such a bad time, but seems we are not the only ones.
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