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13 Good

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    winnsboro, SC, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    08 venture
  1. Well, it must have been crud in the carbs, as it has been more than a week since I added Seafoam, and the idle is responding better today. It's in the low seventys here in South Carolina, so the wife and I are leaving for a ride in just a few minutes. Merry Christmas to all!
  2. Well, the bike has sat for a few days with Seafoam in it. Ill be taking it for a ride later today, and hopefully, the Seafoam will have worked it's magic and disolved any gunk in the carbs. I opened the drain on the carbs last week before adding Seafoam and a tank of Premium gas, hope this helps.
  3. I can't say how long it sat before I got it. I'm betting the slides are sticking as the carbs warm up. The bike revs fine w hile cool. The throttle cable has slack after warmup.
  4. I have recently balanced the carbs and the bike runs fine except that, after riding for several miles, the engine revs to high between shifts, and the idle takes a long (several seconds!) time to return to normal idle speed when I come to a stop. I go of the bike yesterday while the idle was still running high, and pushed against the cable track on the right side carb pair, to make sure the throttle had returned to the idle position, which it had. But the idle remained high. So I now know for certain it isn't a stuck throttle, or throttle cable. Any Thoughts? I just Added a bottle of Sea foam to the tank yesterday, so I'll see what that does, as I was thinking maybe one or more needle valves might be sticking open after warm up for some reason.
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