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Personal Information

  • Name
    Jim French


  • Location
    Panama City, FL, United States


  • City
    Panama City


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 Yamaha Royal Star Venture
  1. A week ago Friday I rode home in a rain storm and I know rain got down in between the windshield and the fairing. A minute or so later the radio started messing up. Could not control the volume or even turn it off the normal way. Volume was also nonadjustable. Dried everything off as well as I could with my leaf blower and let it set over night. Tired it the next day and all seemed normal again. Rode it to work Monday and the problem returned. Monday night took fairing apart and blew everything out with compressed air. Worked good Tues - Fri. Went to work this afternoon, hit a bump and the problem was there again; radio cutting in and out and uncontrollable. Did manage to get it to turn off holding the audio button in for abut 30 seconds, but then the cb light kept fading in and Ch01 fading in and out on the display. When I got almost home a truck started to run me off the road, tried to blow the horn and that died too. Any ideas?
  2. Got the new R/R in the mail today and installed it. Now putting out 14.75 volts, even at idle. Took it for a short ride and seems to be ok now. Will try riding to work tomorrow and see what happens. Keep your fingers crossed. If it works then Merry Christmas to me.
  3. I can see you had a hard time coming up with that list. lol
  4. Problem came back. Left the bike sitting the day after getting the new battery. Was going to ride it to work Thursday. Started it and let it run here in the yard. Monitored the battery voltage as it ran and the voltage dropped off slowly and steadily. Checked the regulator and stator per Flyinfool's checklist. In the diode test setting on the meter, everything tested just the opposite of what the list says. Got readings where I should not have and no readings where there should be some. On the stator test. testing wires to ground, nothing seems to be grounding out. Run test shows 56 volts on each leg when going across the pairs. I am ASSUMING this means my stator is working correctly. AM I right or wrong? (Enter your answer here please.) In talking this problem over with my son, he informs me that his friends bike had the exact same problem, ( not sure what kind of bike) and it was the rectifier/ regulator on his. Before I could say more I was informed that a new regulator was on it's way and would be here between the 15th to 18th. Guess I will replace that and see what happens? Can anyone think of something that can happen if I put a good regulator on it and there is something wrong with the stator? Like maybe a bad stator will cook a new regulator? Just guessing at this point. Thanks for any and all help.
  5. Update. Got a new battery and installed. Voltage readings at the battery are now at 13.7 to 14 with the engine running. Believe the battery was giving warning signs of going bad. Thankfully it was close to home when it happened. Will watch for other signs of charging system failure just in case. Thanks to all for your help.
  6. My 06 Venture has had a fuel supply problem ever since I purchased it new. I replaced the fuel pump this past week, ( 3rd pump in 9 years) and rode the bike to work. It's 13 miles each way to work. Bike ran fine. Coming home, it was raining slightly. The bike was still running good fuel wise, but I did notice when pulling up behind a car at an intersection that the headlight was "strobing" for lack of a better word. I noticed the turn signal was flashing very rapidly, in time with the headlight strobing. Made my turn and continued on. The next thing I notice is the radio is not playing and the display is flashing off and on. Tried to turn the radio off as it acted like it was shorting out. Could not get it to turn off for about 1 minute. Finally it went off. 1/2 mile from home at a stop light the engine started to falter and died. When I tried to start it all I got was tick tick tick; the battery was too dead to start it. Towed it home and checked out the wiring. Thought possibly rain had gotten into the fairing and was grounding something out. Didn't find anything going to ground. Charged the battery and it holds a charge with no load on it. Used a jump box at first to start the engine. Voltage on jump box read 13 volts at start up. Turned the box off and the voltage dropped to 12.5, then with the engine running the voltage was dropping steadily as the engine ran. Engine ran about 2 minutes and was down to 10.6 volts when I turned it off. The battery is about 4 years old. I am wondering if I knocked something loose during the fuel pump replacement. Have also been reading posts on batteries, stators and regulator/ rectifiers. I'm lost at this point. Any advice and help will be greatly appreciated.
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