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Everything posted by Leftcoaster

  1. Thanks but I'll be sticking with my 2013 RSV... Some parts grab me, others not so much. FYI I'd search diligently to find where they hid the cassette player..LOL
  2. sounds like a great idea...I'd be very interested!
  3. Well I found the greatest way to reconnect with EVERYONE is to take on the Executor duties for any one of the family...extended family, etc. When that final roll call comes around, you wouldn't believe how reconnected one becomes! Lol
  4. Hope I live long enough to see Mother Karma rear her welcome head and smite upon these worthless pieces of skin and bones! At least one of them...that's all I ask! Here's hoping...
  5. Thanks to all for the quick feedback! I will continue with the change bearing in mind your suggestions.
  6. As noted I'm looking for feedback about 1.5 inch Baron risers added to stock bars. I understand that longer cables should not be required. My main concern is possible contact between risers and plastic cover around key ignition top of tank. Any ideas? What have others done? Any and all info greatly appreciated.
  7. Was aware you are selling, but if I was to show up with another scoot, I'd be on a permanent motorcycle tour! My real interest was to experience the feel of the CCT. I'll possible get an opportunity to ride my brother's Victory. Thanks for the offer. :thumbsup2:
  8. Wonderful to meet you and your lovely wife. Good people like you two certainly help to make the world go round as it should. Appreciate your offer of riding company and will also consider your offer of riding a lower CG unit like the CC.
  9. I will repeat the thanks to Rick and Nina for the awesome work you did to bring it all together. We thoroughly enjoyed meeting a lot of new people and the opportunity to ride new territory. As 1/3 of the 'Watson Boys' I'll pass on the thanks and also tell you that we were blessed to meet more very nice people! Hopefully our paths will continue to cross.
  10. North of the border wishes all goes well and God speed recovery
  11. I thought the new fine was first time $585 or so with increases each time after that! None the less, texting while driving is a BIG no-no in my books!
  12. Been wearing a HD helmet for a while...just covered the logo with a Canadian flag sticker!
  13. Must add my worth... First Yamaha was a 305 Big Bear ...forgot year, but then forgot a lot about those years! Second was an RD400...again forgot year. Third was XV750J Virgo... year? Fourth was 2007 V-Star Silverado Classic...still own. Fifth is 2013 RSV... LOVED them all! Had a few other makes Harley, Kawasaki, Honda but love the Yammershow best.
  14. Now that's an update! Wowser
  15. Ice field Parkway Rode it south to north two years ago after leaving 'Road to the Sun' Highly recommend it! I believe the powers that be just completed a glass walkway viewing site somewhere along it. Similar to the Grand Canyon site. Beautiful trip and I hope you have the best of weather. Good luck and safe travels!
  16. Another...all the best...from up north. We're very glad to hear things are looking awesome for you. Exercise, exercise, exercise...but I'm sure you've heard that before! :thumbsup2:
  17. Found this 2 wheeled delicious looking unit hiding amongst the pages of a well read Homemakers magazine. My thoughts instantly flew to the VR page and the name of a certain tube-steak specialist. I will admit I have no idea of dimensions/weight. Certainly would be a very cool eye-catching addition to m/c runs anywhere!
  18. My latest endeavor is to ask the caller to wait until I can get the 'boss' then put the sucker on hold until he disconnects himself. I think it might save at least one other person from having to endure the spiel!
  19. Yeah yeah yeah:thumbsup2: Well said by all!
  20. All the best from north of the border Puc. Hope it goes the way you want it to. We'll have you in our thoughts and prayers.
  21. Plus 12 here in Squamish! Harley boy next door borrowed my charger Fired his up and off he went. May have to get going!
  22. Just noticed your post about 'it's on a sidecar' sorta makes my comments useless! You'all can file them...in the round file!
  23. Top Box... I installed the stock trunk rack on my 2013 and Yamaha info stated not to exceed 10 pounds. Personally I feel that is somewhat conservative so would consider exceeding that by a few pounds. Remember that additional weight may lift your CG to an uncomfortable riding position. Just my
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