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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. I had a cop try to get me under the influence when I was riding horseback going home from a bar many years ago. Went to court and the judge threw it out because not only did I not have a saddle, but no reins as well when I was charged, therefore I had no control of the horse. I told the cop all along I was just a passenger, the horse knew it's way home and she wasn't drinking. Now if I was riding my Morgan at the time, he would have been drinking along with me. That Morgan was an expensive drinking partner, good thing that I did not ride him to the bar that much. BEER30
  2. Does the Pond Monster at Freebird's keep us away from Maintenance Day each year? Does a full stomach keep us away from DQ after each M & E? Does a HD rider waive back at us after we laugh at him because he's trailering his bike? Does a Toll booth refuse to let us go by without paying the toll because we are good looking? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then go ahead and buy a whistle! BEER30
  3. Reply back with a hint of Baby Powder in the e-mail. That should keep them busy for a few days. And sign it , Pedro too? BEER30
  4. Well my first name is Al........., but no Kaeda. At the shop, we make tactical nylon gear for LEO and Military. Since I ride the scoot a lot, I have to bring in my firearms, mags, etc.... to make pattern for. Then on occasion, I go out to a private facility to do some bang-bang or to take a tactical shooting course or perhaps a 3 gun shoot. You should see other shooter's faces when I show up on the scoot and start pulling out weapons out of the saddlebags and trunk . I was riding one day last week when a local deputy passed by me and saw my with me pistol on my side (open carry is legal in NC). He decided to pull me over anyways. I showed him my Carry Conceal permit and that not only did I have my pistol, but 2 AR carbines in the saddle bags. He couldn't believe it , so I showed him. He laughed his arse off and grabbed a business card. We now have an appointment with the SWAT team next week. You really can put a lot in these saddle bags and trunk! BEER30
  5. I have carried 2 15" laptops in my trunk. Ok .....your asking why? Well I took my laptop to work (road the scoot that day). My mom came to the shop that same day and gave me back a new laptop I gave to her last year for Christmas that she said she did not use. So I had 2 laptops to take home. I also had a broken down 16 AR15, a micro chest harness with 3 AR mags, 3 9mm mags, and a small Bleeder Blowout pouch. 2 baseball caps, small can of Pledge with 2 micro clothes, and a bunch of old gas receipts! And still had a small amount of air space to boot. BEER30
  6. Just dress accordingly in deer hunting camouflage. As they say,"When your hunting them, they are nowhere around. It's when your not hunting, they are everywhere"! BEER30
  7. Mom just made me a sugar free Coconut Bannana Cream Pie with graham cracker crust, now that I'm Diabetic. Regardless it's almost all gone. I know my glucose is going to a tad bit higher tonight. But hey,Thanksgiving comes once a year! If ya want Yammer, I can have another piece later tonight and I'll report how yummier it WAS ! BEER30
  8. I'm not just yet sold on the 2 axle idea............................ Maybe on the straight-a-way it will pull great, but take off in a turn will pull/tug the scoot. BEER30
  9. Just sent PP. Smoke preferred. I'll PM you my shipping address. Thanks, BEER30
  10. Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel , "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land." Nearly 75 years ago (when Welfare was introduced) Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land." Today, the Government has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of camels and mortgaged the Promised Land! BEER30
  11. It was a tough year, but I made it! http://mail.cybersharks.net/Main/frmReadMail_Attachment.aspx?folder=inbox&uid=31889&partid=4&filename=image001.jpg&user=gene&mapped=True But not everyone is as lucky as I am . . . . The economy is so bad that I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail. I ordered a burger at McDonald's, and the kid behind the counter asked, "Can you afford fries with that?" CEO's are now playing miniature golf. If the bank returns your check marked "Insufficient Funds," you have to call them and ask if they mean you or them. Hot Wheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM. McDonald's is selling the 1/4 'ouncer'. Parents in Beverly Hills and Malibu are firing their nannies and learning their children's names. A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico. Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting. Motel Six won't leave the light on anymore. The Mafia is laying off judges. BP Oil laid off 25 Congressmen. Congress says they are looking into the Bernard Madoff scandal. Oh Great! The guy who made $50 Billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $ 1.5 Trillion disappear! And, finally . . . I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, Social Security, retirement funds, and our bleak future, that I called the Suicide Life line and was connected to a call center in Pakistan. When I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited, and asked if I could drive a truck.
  12. I really don't care what people call it. This PC is crap ! All I have to say about myself is that I'm all screwed up and that's it ! So don't get used to being called a descriptive name, cause in a year or two, you be called something else. How about just plain 'ole "Broken"? I'm supposed to be on crutches full-time as both my hips need replacing as they are collapsed already, due to vascular necrosis(dead bone due to no blood supply). Fusion L5/S1, broken right arm since I was 18 years old (never healed) and Arthritis in hips, back and wrist. Now diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.......and I haven't turned 50 yet ! BEER30
  13. I think that description resembles all of us VR riders AFTER going to an M&E and the DQ! BEER30
  14. What great timing for this discussion. Just last week I had a middle aged lady of the opposite race (absolutely not being racist in any form here) started bobbling her head , shaking her finger, and tried to tear me a new ****** with her rant as I parked in a HC parking spot with my scoot, on which I have a placard. Finally a break came to where I could get a word in edge wise. I replied to her," Sorry lady as I'm mentally challenged and your about to break my last nerve ! Would you like to see me when that happens?"...................I think she got the hint and departed mighty quickly!!!!!!!!!! Some people do have good intentions, just poor judgment. BEER30
  15. When I purchased my bag rails, it came with the shims to relocate the reflectors. BEER30
  16. BEER30


    Well wife and I voted early last Thursday. Not to start stink like the Boss said, but I will mention that they had my wife listed as a ****acrat when she is NOT! She blasted them and made them change her affiliation mighty quickly....:no-no-no: BEER30
  17. I find it easier to point downwards rather than Hi-5 ! That wind catches the hand more doing the Hi-5. I was told the crotch rockets came up with the fingers pointing downwards as it was about the only way they could wave without developing a wind-break with their hand and flying off the back of the bike. Being I have the Clearveiw XL windshield, pointing downwards or keeping the hand behind the shield, out of the flow of the wind is fine with me. Another signal is tapping the top of the helmet to warn other passing bikers of the law up ahead. BEER30
  18. Here ya go snow-boys ! Motorcycle conversion for snow BEER30
  19. Charlie, is it snowing, is it really snowing, really? No snow here and I went fishing and a ride today. Caught Speckled Trout, Flounder, and Sea Bass. Afterwards I took a ride on the scoot and along the way, stopped in at a local Volunteer Fire Dept. that was having BBQ! Yum-Yum............... Enjoy your SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:snow2::stickpoke: BEER30
  20. Just wondering, Is there a fuse or relay that might gone bad? I've never checked the manual. BEER30
  21. Tap the side of the pump. It may be stuck as mine was. I was having intermittent fuel pump failure and had it replaced under warranty. BEER30
  22. Guys.....winter is coming....think ear-MUFFS ! BEER30
  23. I'm glad that I have spools and spools of bungee cord. I was thinking of making a jig and make up some in different sizes.........when I get the time BEER30
  24. The "StudMuffin" was full of "LOVE" this weekend! Especially after he got all those "StudMuffin" mini license plates plastered all over his scoot. BEER30
  25. You can say that again ! Especially those two women. Hopefully others might have pic's of them. BEER30
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