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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. I place an extra cleaning/wipe down rag over my riders helmet . As well as some adhesive backed loop velcro over the bolt heads under the rack . Gene
  2. Here are some photo's of how I rigged up a set of J & M headsets to my shorty helmet . I use .90 kydex which I cut with my bandsaw to a width that fits between the yoke of my helmet straps and long enough for fit to squeeze between the helmet liner and the outer hard shell . On the mike side , I cut another peice of kydex and used jiffy rivets to secure to the part that holds the left speaker . Kydex can be molded with heat on which I did so the mike can extend without interfering with helmet straps . A common hair dryer will work , heatgun is better . The J & M headset came with 3 circular peices of sticky hooked side velcro . I used 2 to secure the speakers and cut the 3rd peice to fit within the clamp portion that secures the mike from vibration , being the kydex does not have a rim such as the edge of your helmet does . I could have formed the kydex to form arim ,but I was testing this first to see how it performs . I tucked the speaker wires as prescribed in the headset instructions . Mike side from outside veiw : http://www.meangene.us/pictures/HS1.jpg Inside veiw : http://www.meangene.us/pictures/HS2.jpg Gene
  3. You can also use a hose connected to an exhaust from another veichle pointed at the top of the tank where you will be working . With the carbon monoxide present and no oxygen , the element of spark will be null . I have seen welders weld up fuel tanks with fuel within this way when I worked as a heavy equipment operator and also when I was a roughneck in the oil feild . gene
  4. Bummer , But thanks for the info. . Gene
  5. Just received 2 sets of the J & M ($60.00) headsets . I have already modified my shorty helmets to accept the 3/4 helmet style by cutting out some kydex plastic . Sliding the kydex like shims between the helmet liner and shell and installing the units onto them . My questions is : "Can the radio be ran either through the speakers or headset and the CB be opposite of ?" My wife does not like the CB , but likes the radio . I enjoy both and do not want to annouy her with the squalk box . I read the owners manual and it does not dicuss this topic . I tried tuning the radio through the speakers , then tune the CB through the headset , but both radio and CB either go through the same option . I know she can turn down the volume , but we both have not been on the bike at the same time to acknowledge if we can make it work . Did I make any sense ? Gene
  6. BEER30

    Need warm gear

    Sorry , I mispelled the brandname . It's Carhartts and can be bought at many places . Here's a link to what the Carhartts coveralls at Cabela's , http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?type=product&cmCat=Related_IPL_922098&id=0021746921074a Gene
  7. BEER30

    Need warm gear

    Insulated Cardharts with zippered legs . This was what I wore when I lived in Alaska . Gene
  8. Here's a photo of my cup holder . My son cleaned out the garage and through out the empty box it came in , therefore I have no company name/info. for it . I purchased it at a HD dealership in Wilmington , NC . I paid $39.95 for it . Before I saw the price , I was almost decided to pass it up assuming that the price would be at least $79.95 . I will call the HD dealership when they open to get specifics and edit post with new info. . Gene http://www.meangene.us/pictures/CupHolder.jpg
  9. I too have the RW zippered boots . I find them extremely comfy , as I have bad hips and back . Being 30" inseam , the soles are the right thickness for me to be flat-footed while on the scoot . Also lightweight enough for me to do some longer walking without pain while the wife and I were in Gatlinburg . And ecspecially for meto take off and put on . Gene
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