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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Drebbin , Why pay for Napster , when you can get LimeWire for Free . Most music is MP3 or WMV on which you have to get a codec . I only download MP3 into a specific folder then double check with virus scan . I download from Limewire all the time for my Zumo . What folder you have your songs downloaded too ? I simply have 3 folders for music , one being limewire/music and my music in my documents and the other my scan folder . Try doing a search / music /MP3 in your computer . When all MP3 music is found , check properties to make sure there MP3's (or you may have to convert them ) , select all and move into a separate folder . Then transfer into SD card for Zumo . Gene
  2. Buddy , I have the Kennedy Cellset that connects all the voice and audio to the helmet headset . Before I got this system , I was pondering on just adding another mic taped to my helmet mic for the cell , but after talking to a friend whom does electronics , he mentioned I might get microphone feed back ( high pitched whine) when 2 mics are placed closely together . And then again , another set of wires to get tangled up with . As it goes now with the cellset , both driver and rider can talk on the cell . I cut some corners and have about $150.00 into having the zumo connected into the helmet headsets . As far a the antenna and using it for both bike and cage . Get Mini USB-B extension cable Male to Female . Route the extension cable to the trunk area . Either drill a hole in lid to route antenna cable through and mount magnetic antenna on top of trunk lid and place a thin sheet of steel underneath the lid so the magnetic pull holds the antenna secure . I have this method to hold my magnetic mount CB on my aluminum tool box on my truck . When not using the XM antenna , go to the hardware store and get a rubber plug to stop up the hold drilled where the antenna cable passed through . Did this on my boat . If you do not want to drill a hole , route the cable from front of scoot to rear , passing under the rear seat backrest and leave just enough tail to connect the antenna too . Keep the excess cable wrapped and secured by velcro strap to the trunk rack . Or make a mounting plate on rear of scoot either on rear trunk rack or somewhere near existing antenna mounts to adhere the magnetic antenna too . With the zumo , cup holder , video camera , and other stuff . The dash instruments are getting harder to read . LOL ! Either way , with the extension cable , you can unhook the antenna and transfer to the cage . Gene
  3. Perhaps you may ask Mr. Halloween to fabricate you a set of risers . Gene
  4. I'm still on the trail on this . I spoke to the tech to tell him that the usb ends do not match . He is looking into this as well as getting a Zumo himself to see first hand . He also said that he will be checking into dealer pricing on the GXM30 antenna , to see what kinda deal we may possibly get. He has my contact info. and will call me as soon as he comes to a conclusion . I also called on the two links you provided . One was not really interested and the other did not really know what to do, but did listen in hopes to help. Gene
  5. Just about anything I could do for any other scoot . The imagination is endless if you put mind to it . Especially being from AK . Now just imagine , taking your scoot up to the Valley , getting your hands on some of that Matanuska Thunder**ck . See what I mean ? Let your mind Blow .There will be a lot of possibilities .:cool10: Deliver , sure , just pay my expense back home . :rotf: I learned my leather crafts up in Anchorage , AK . Gene
  6. I received my Roadside Assistance card about 2 1/2 weeks after my purchase . Yamaha accessory catalog a few days after that . Also in the mail the 10th Anniversary Issue 2006 Star T & R Assoc. magazine I think a few months ago . Yamaha calender about the same time everyone else received theirs . Gene
  7. Actually it is cow split leather with a foil topping . Used mostly in Rodeo chaps . More flash , the crowd yells louder , influences the judges or in filagree leather work . Gene
  8. I can get Metallic Pink in leather !
  9. All I am going to say , is that they are brown too ! :rotf: Gene
  10. My wife is always been telling me that she would like to see a RSV in black with my leatherwork . My problem is time . Still need to get Tartan Terror's bags done . Gene
  11. 1-800-983-4500
  12. I made mine and not only a Tank bib , but tank chaps as well . Gene http://www.meangene.us/pictures/TC3.jpg
  13. Yes , it connects to the 5 pin jack on the tank and for passenger on left side under rear seat . No adaptor needed if you purchase the 5 pin .
  14. Received the antenna/receiver today . I went to connect the pieces together and the mini usb connection was the wrong type . I will call the tech Monday to see if there is an adapter . Still have hope for this ! Gene
  15. Hopefully the antenna/receiver will come tomorrow . I know actually ditto about XM and have no subscription . The tech told me XM has a free trial with 5 stations to test the unit with . As soon as I find out , I will post . Gene
  16. I was wondering this as well , as I am gathering up supplies to build my trailer . So far I have gathered up foam board to make a mold , then glass it over . I'm leaning towards torsion bars for the suspension , 12" mag rims , build in cooler box , 12 volt aux battery pack /110 inverter and compressor just to start . Gene
  17. Hey guys , I might have found an alternative antenna/receiver for the zumo (XM only) for around $50.00 plus free shipping. I just ordered it after talking to the tech on which "Off the record" he believes we have a good chance that it will work . As it looks so far , this unit is for indoor use , but if we place it under the fairing or inside weatherproof compartment . We will also have to get an adaptor.extension to connect to zumo's base , as it has a right angle connection . I found one of them and if I remember correctly , they run $18.00 . Even if you have to buy 2 of these , 1 for scoot and 1 for cage , it is still cheaper than the GXM 30 Garmins offers for over $200.00 . It should be here in a few days to where I will attempt to see if it works and pass the news along here and to the tech at where I purchased it . If it doesn't work , the tech said I could return with no problems and if it does work , along with a reveiw/report directly to him , he will consider a group discount for the forum members interested . Until then , Gene
  18. The Zumo is my 4th GPS and still learning everyday as well . I have a Cobra 500 for out in the woods and for backup in boat . Garmin 198c in boat on which is a sweet unit , short lived as 498c replaced it . My laptop with GPS antenna along with Delorme Strret Atlas , great program , but to big to mount to the handlebars . And now the Zumo which can do the work of all 3 listed above and more . Gene
  19. I signed up while I was at work . Just got home to see my account has been activated . Going to pop in over there to see what I can learn . There are some forum sections closed to the public , but what has been posted openly sounds pretty interesting concerning the zumo . Gene
  20. Hummm , Hadn't had that problem . Mine jumped straight out of the box and onto the scoot and has been accurate to date . Later the first day I receive mine , I did an software update . Did you do a software update ? Used it today going to the NC M & E . I like the display that gave you a ETA . I listened to MP3's music , received and made a few phone calls , Only thing I did not like , but all GPS's suffer the lack of knowledge of new roads that haven't been mapped yet , is having to hear the darn thing constantly telling you it's recalculating . The newly "retired" navigator hollering at the dam thing to shut up ! LOL . So I switched over to radio to listen to new music . The display screen alerts in text at top what next road is named when in close vicinity ( 1.5 miles too ) and at bottom right , lets you know what distance to next turn regardless of how far it is . Muffinman , Riderduke , Mechanic and others all like it , when I showed them within a few commands how far the DQ was from the Texas Steakhouse ! I do not know if it was just me , but when I wear my polarized specs , it is harder to see the screen . With my prescription specs ( transition style ) I have no problems what so ever with sun glare . I still have to plot out routes , transfer to zumo using Map Source and vise-versa . Map Source is a little bit harder to use than the DeLorme program I have on my laptop . Gene
  21. I worked for a rancher down in south Texas where we had Ford Couriers for work trucks that ran off of propane . That old rancher did things the old way , as we had to change tires on/off the rims by hand . No air compressor to air up the tires , but an extra air hose of the propane fuel tank to inflate them . Gene
  22. Ok , all you new Zumo / 2820 owners . Are you planning to wire it up to your scoot's IC ? To fill you in , this is what I finally did to connect the GPS to my scoot . It's all intalled now ! Whoopeeeee ! Parts I ordered from Kennedy : I only wanted to connect Zumo with no other accessories such a radar and such . So if you wish to connect other features into the Kennedy system , parts may very . Parts for Zumo , 2820 will vary : Part # 95415 Cellset , MC/GPS - AUX/MIC $75.00 Part # 95389 Harness , Aux, Audio-JMCB $25.00 Part # 95261 Harness , Intercom , FPD , type 2 $44.00 Radio Shack part # ? 3.5mm male to 3.5mm male 12" (stereo) around $5.00 Radio Shack part # ? 3.5mm stereo splitter $4.00 I made up some of the other parts need and saved some $$ , but if you do not have the resources , you will need these parts . Part # 95299 Harness, Power - Universal $15.00 Part #95423 Zumo Device Harness $95.00 ** ** This part I made myself as I thought it was pretty pricing for what it is . It actually consists of 3 cables within this harness . 1) Power cable exactly like the OEM power cable that comes with the Zumo . 2) 2.5mm mono mic in cable with a Molex 2 circuit connector to plug into the cellset and mic in on the Zumo cradle . 3) 3.5mm stereo cable with a Molex 3 circuit connector to plug into the cellset and audio output on the Zumo cradle . The 2.5 mm and 3.55mm cables I received from Radio Shack . Both were the 6' cables . I had just enough Molex connectors in my junk box to do mine . I have a friend whom is a TV/Electronics tech whom may be able to find some , but they are a little pricey as well for what they are as well . But heck of a lot cheaper the rout I did . Now I already had my zumo mounted on handlebars and power supply cable routed to my battery . Fuse link already part of cable , just needed to crimp on terminals for battery post . After making up the cables that I was too cheap to buy , I removed the fairing front . I located the 5 pin Din cable , marked with red tape . Installed the Intercom , FPD , type 2 between the 2 existing ends . I taped the with electrical tape securely for vibration . Connected the Intercom , FPD , type 2 via the 4 circuit connector to the Cellset , MC/GPS - AUX/MIC . Note : even though this is a 4 circuit connector , the type 2 side of the connector only has 2 wires . The red and black wires on the cellset side , ignore ! Next I connected the Aux, Audio-JMCB to the corresponding connection on the Cellset , MC/GPS - AUX/MIC . Then connected the 12" 3.5 mm to 3.5 mm (male to male) to the Aux, Audio-JMCB and the 3.5 mm stereo splitter on the other end of this 12" cable . I located the scoot's aux input connection . It is located directly under the radio , separated the connection and installed the splitter . Once again , I wrapped the connections with electrical tape . Take the 2 cables (2.5 mm and 3.5 mm) (Remember , I made my own) and run them through the hole in back of fairing towards the zumo . Making sure that they pass through the plastic cable clamps already on the handlebars of the scoot and connect them to the proper connections on the Zumo's cradle . Pulling back all the slack back into the fairing . Then connect them to the proper connections on the Cellset , MC/GPS - AUX/MIC . I then used adhesive type hook and loop velcro . Sticking the hook portion on the backs of the Cellset and the type 2 modules . Then placing the loop portion of the velcro on the location where you wish to mount the modules . I used the velcro instead of double back sticky tape , as I may need to move the modules some to let the cables relax as I then secured the loose cables with zip-ties and electrical tape . Now Please test the unit to make sure it works . To use the zumo and it's features , you have to set the scoot's IC control to AUX . Both driver and rider will hear and be able to talk on cell phone via the bluetooth feature of the zumo . If you are going to listen to another audio source , the zumo will prompt an visual alert on the screen when an incoming call comes in . Later I will be placing an external speaker using either another splitter placed between the cellset and zumo . This I will do at a later date and will repost what I have done at that time . If all works , replace fairing . It took me about 1 1/2 hours to wire the unit . It will take longer if you do not already have the zumo mounted or making your own audio and mic cables . Note : The 2820 , you will have to go into menus and select line out , or you will not hear any audio . If you have any questions , I will be happy to clarify or help out in any way I can . Just ask . Good luck and Enjoy . Gene
  23. Just think when Charlie runs out of fuel , because he doesn't know where the next gas station is . A few touches on the screen and the zumo shows the closet gas stations and phone #'s . Charlie just sits along the side of the road , waiting for a passer-by , to lift his skirt , hoping they will stop . Well he's got another thing coming , if he thinks he will get any roadside assistance ! :rotf: P.S. I punched in "Dairy Queen " on my Zumo and it showed all the DQ's as far as 200 miles away and closer ! Gene
  24. I'm a firm member of the "Crap (word replacement) or get off the pot" society . Gene
  25. I just received and installed the Kuryakyn ISO-Dually pegs that I ordered about an hour ago . I haven't taken a ride yet to see how they feel , but will most likely do tomorrow or to the NC M & E . I would have ordered the longhorns , but want to see how my hips fair using highway pegs first in general . Here's a few pic's of them . Excuse the dirty scoot ! Gene
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