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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Glad it didn't fall on top of ya ! If it were me on the pipe situation , I would investigate on using a larger diameter of pipe as well . There the more sheer factor of wobbling side to side as your working on the scoot on a narrow ramp than it is on the longer span . I fabricated something on this line many years ago . I found that if you place some re-bar inside the pipe and if it breaks , it would keep a bind on it at the joint (like where yours broke) until I lowered the lift more safely . My lift was similiar , but for raising lawn mowers at a faction of the weight of a RSV . Gene
  2. I know where ya coming from there MikeM , but I haven't had my boat out since the 4th of July . The M & E's have been taking up my weekends , but not this one as I will be 20 miles offshore tomorrow . 40+ lb kings Mac's to be taking , so I have to repay a favor and have fun at the same time . Gene
  3. Wife and I started gathering info. and photo's together and going down Monday to file the paperwork for Passports . Haven't even left for the Rally and it's already costing me a couple of Bills ! :rotf: Also remember people , if you and your spouse apply together , make checks out for each person , not together . Some passports are sent to different processing centers and check follows only on application . So make a check out for each applicant ! Then when the check clears the bank , call to verify processing and also spell check with agent on phone to make sure no typo's were made . Hate to have another delay . Gene
  4. Received my sheild yesterday , put it on last evening , and enjoying the ride today . I found that I can modify my w/bags to work , but without them right now it feels so bare , so much space . Like I am sitting on the front fender . Need to get them mounted quick ! I put close to 100 miles on today during out of shop chores . I've notice the less buffering , quiter , less tuberlence behind truckers , and cuts through the wind with much more ease . With less wind resistance , that means I can put much more further distance ahead of a 1st gen'r ! :rotf: But think of it this way , I can have their ice cream ordered and sitting there when they show up . That if I don't eat it myself ! Bugfish69 , tinted to me is much easier on the eyes . I'm 5'9" and can peep over the top of this XXL sheild . It is 1" taller than stock . Gene
  5. Charlie , Now remember that I'm not the one all sauced up trying to put birds of people heads for entertainment . And I don't slobber/spitting on the inside of my windsheild simulation engine noise and put brown streaks down the middle of my shorts acting like burn-outs !!!!!:stirthepot:
  6. What's really a shame is listening to the louder whines of a 1st Gen owners over the whine of a 2nd Gen engine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rotf::stirthepot:
  7. Kuryakyn LED Trunk Handle ,think it will fit the RSV ? http://www.wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail/4034/
  8. Riding mine everyday , maintainence free ! And haven't had to add any oil either . No whining here , never , even if it did chirp . Enjoying the wind , HD's to my back and looking Purdy too ! Just checking on ya .:cool10:
  9. Them there 1st Gen'rs are awful quiet here lately . Could it be the Dark Side taking over or retirement time on the old EGO-maniacs ? Did their "Ride-On"done rode off and left them behind ? Or could it be another embarrassing post on how they lost another vent on the side of the road ? What your excuse this time ? :rotf::stirthepot::stirthepot: BEER30
  10. I'm not complaining at all about a whine or chirp . I live across the street from a TLZ (Tactical Landing Zone) . 53's , Ospreys , etc..... landing all hours of the day and night . At least the RSV doesn't have that Ghetto Boom Box stereo trash crap on it ! I just got rid of a Rokon with a 10hp. PowerBee 2 cycle engine in it , now thats noisy ! I agree with there Kit .The ride is what you make of it . Most annoying noise I hear is the 1st Gen'rs saying how faster they are .:rotf: Gene
  11. Lowell , Wife and I had a Great Time spending time with ya . Doors are open anytime you wish to visit . The girls here in the shop told me to tell you "HI" and don't be too shy next time ! Wish I was going to Bean Town as that was my old stomping grounds , perhaps next riding season .........oh forgot we southerners ride all year long :stirthepot: . Gene
  12. AAAAH , I think I will save my 30 Bucks a month , use my nation wide free long distance cellphone plan , call my wife and tell her to flip over to the Weather Channel and give me a report . Unless my job wants to pay for the plan , I'll pass on that . Save the money for more gas and tires . Gene
  13. If I got the vent up above my bags , it would be in my line of vision if I slouch down in my saddle like I do on long runs . I need my bags more than I need a vent for storage such as wallet , video equipment , glasses and such . I'm investigating on making air ducts or diverting vents on the lowers to throw air up . If it doesn't look like I can do this , oh well .....I am content . I want the taller shield more for my wife to prevent the bobbling head , as her neck was injured years ago . Gene
  14. BEER30

    New Law

    What RED Light ? Make getting a whole lot faster !
  15. That's a good question ! Water-proof , I doubt it . But I plan on mounting the antenna in the fairing or stretch a condom over it . Honestly I do not know . I personally am not interested in the navtraffic , I can drive the shoulder of the road if needed :rotf: . Weather , I just figured I would tune into a local station or veiw it on the Weather Channel before a trip or at a motel room during a trip . Ttruck stop cafes usually have the weather channel going , so periodly stops could inform me . But if ya ride with Muffinman , it's sun shiney all the way . I just got back from my tech's shop , ordered the adapters and still need to order the Zumo GXM30 right angle extension , where they are everywhere and not hard to get . Now it's time to waite till the items come in and start testing . Gene
  16. Mark , What I have in possesion is the XM Mini-Tuner CNP-2000H . From what I understand , it is the receiver and antenna for home compatiable units . There is a car docking version of it as well. The XM Mini-Tuner is what requires the subscription , just plug it into the docking station and loop it through the Zumo's controls . The Mini-Tuner has the XM Radio ID . Just that I have to find a Mini-B male to a B Female connection , plus the right angle extension cable . Finding a Mini-B to a B Female is the issue . My eyes are getting too tired to solder something that small , as fine as these wires are . Gene
  17. Kinda put it on the back burner there for awhile there guys , as other more important things came about . But I just called my tech guy whom is returning back from VA and will stop by in a few hours to take a look see at what we are trying to accomplish . My 2nd cuz who works for Garmin has been out of country working on airline GPS stuff and had not heard back from him in quite some time . Gene
  18. BEER30

    Bike Bra's

    Sleeperhawk has another brand of grill guard and lower wind vents and it will not interfer with it . I have no grill guard and see no reason why it would not work . I will be making Tim a set and I think he has a Wagner . I use 13 oz. heavy duty mesh with an ECCO finish for the ventalation . Has not caused any overheating or cooling problems to this date . All the securing bungee cords connect behind the lowers . Only thing one must do is remove ocassionally to clean and polish (the scoot) , and make sure to remove any grit that might get behind the bras . Same issue applies to car bras in a manner od speaking . I have put over 5,000 miles on mine without any chaffing either . Gene
  19. BEER30

    Bike Bra's

    I have made a few sets so far to see if the one's whom have received are happy with the bras to see if I need to make any design changes . Price has not been determined yet either as I am waiting to see if there are any changes to be made . I am also researching the net to see if anything on the market other than the HD bras to compare price too . I do have a few more sets to make for other members . As it looks right now , I will be making in sets , consisting of both upper and lowers . The lowers appear to be getting the most pounding from road grit and uppers are getting bugged to death . On the net , HD vendors are asking $79.00 - $99.00 for the uppers depending on model . A few other places are asking as low as $62.00 for products made in China and abroad . I haven't found out if they make for GW's yet . But I have been pondering in the back of my head on a regular price of $160.00 for the set . So this is what I am going to do . For the first 25 VR members (members only) , a price of $120.00 and $20.00 of that price will go to a "VR Fund" on which I will send to FreeBird . These "Scooter Hooters" will be made in Black .(They can be airbrushed by your own painter if you desire a design) . These are for the 2nd Gen only . I am working on a set for the 1st Gen , thanks to Muffinman bringing me spare parts and soon a parts bike . I will announce later when they are ready . I will place another thread later on this subject on how to order . Gene
  20. I discussed this once with my salesman . Big bikes are small sales compared to crotch rockets or ATV's . E-mail them in interest to these items , then after a quick response after you grab their attention , ask them about the big bikes . A little secret he told me . Gene
  21. Gotta have the windshield to do that . Should be here Thursday and then I will see . As the way I have my bags set up now , they do not touch the stock shield but only on the sides . I kept a gap there so it would not score the shield . As the do rest on top of the dash itself , I think I should have enough clearance and only have to do a small amount of modification . As for the Clearview vent,I know definitely it will interfere with the bags as far as height and how it sticks inwards towards the rider . Gene
  22. Great news there Sarges46 . SaltyDawg , there always room for more accessories , so what you talking about ? . I got the BEERCART to decorate also , you know ! :rotf:
  23. Second dibbs on the lower wind vents if the finance dept. flops . Gene
  24. BEER30

    Bike Bra's

    Here's some pictures . Uppers have some wrinkles due to being folded up and stowed away for the weekend . Uppers take no time to place on or off . Lowers take a alittle bit of time and a knee ot two on the ground while installation . It takes no effort at all to wipe clean without worry of scratching paint . I do take off every once in a awhile to clean dirt that might get trapped between bra and paint .
  25. Please let me clarify that I actually ordered the XX-L shield , not the X-tra large as I first stated . Hope this didn't cause any hardship , but then again I am called a trouble-maker . As far as the vent goes , my bags are a bit larger than others and a bit taller for a vent . I don't want a vent that high upon the shield . Soon I will go with the lower shield deflectors as the warmer weather start to disappear , but we will not speak much of that subject right now . BEER30
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