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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. You sure can tell Charlie is a real fisherman............Bigger the fish , bigger the Tale !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rotf: BEER30
  2. I'm slowly loosing, 5'9" 205lbs. Trying my darn'ist with this Diabetes. BEER30
  3. Hey Charlie, the Idiot in Chief wants to control the Internet as well. NO , Not referring the Freebird by any means, he's way far to cool of a guy to be that. So you know whom I'm talking about, So he did it ! BEER30 Riding into the Revolution on 2 wheels and throwing beer bottles!
  4. 1) STRIP POKER 2) Firearms/Shooting 3) Boating 4) Fishing 5) Archery 6) BEER 7) Guitar 8) STRIP POKER 9) Leather Crafts 10) Sofa Surfing 11) Trouble/Instigating 12) Snoozing 13) Hunting 14) Strip Poker 15) Chewing Tobacco Spitting! 16) Day Dreaming 17) Running around Naked on the porch Need anymore for me to List ? BEER30
  5. Where's the BOOBie Helmet? It's not pictured !!!!!!!!!!!!! BEER30
  6. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knp9-GY6fHE&playnext=1&list=PL292DEA8BCAF1BE0B]YouTube - Flintstones - Happy Anniversary[/ame] BEER30
  7. I've always had Great service with Wingstuff. When we ordered Becky's helmet years ago, we exchanged 3 helmets until we got one that fit her comfortably. They paid shipping both ways until she finally settled on one that worked for her. I have made many other orders with them and as always, fast service, great customer service. Only long wait on getting an order was because the manufacturer dropped the ball, but Wingstuff always kept us informed. +1 for Wingstuff.com BEER30
  8. A son asked his mother the following question: 'Mom, why are wedding dresses white?' The mother looks at her son and replies: 'Son, this shows your friends and relatives that your bride is pure.' The son thanks his Mom and goes off to double-check this with his father. 'Dad why are wedding dresses white?' The father looks at his son in surprise and says: 'Son, all household appliances come in white.'
  9. Google Earth blocked out my house as I was skinny dippin in the pool when the satellite flew over taking pic's! BEER30
  10. Cortisone= BAD JUJU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was perfectly healthy other that having fusion L5-S1. Dam QUACK injected me with 49 shot of Cortisone with 3 month. 39 injections in one sitting, 3 months later another 13 shots and a shot of vesilrel (sp?), some sort of booster. Well 2.5 years later, my hips had collapsed and teeth fell out. You want to know what did it......................Cortisone. BEER30
  11. NOPE! Also to consider if one has to pay to change/mount/balance 2 times in the same amount of miles with a better brand. Avons and Commanders may cost more, but you will pay more for lessor Dunlops. That's my opinion. I just paid $225.98 for a set of Michelin Commanders from Motorcycle Superstore (free shipping). That will get me the average of 18K+ on rear and with a 2 to 1 for front tire. When I only got 6K out of a Dunlop. BEER30
  12. Dingy.........Your SICK !!!!!!! BEER30
  13. Have you tried the manual reset? Press and hold the power button and one other at the same time (Sorry, I forgot which other. It's in the manual). I sent my last Zumo back to Garmin last year or so. They could not quote me a price to fix, but instead told me $120.00 to replace. The female tech must have loved my sexy voice and discounted me to $60.00 and sent me a newly updated Zumo. BEER30
  14. Cheerleaders must be in the Locker room. Every is getting Boo-Boos and running off the field back to the locker room! Bunch of Pansies....Both Teams....that is! BEER30
  15. Ran one rear Dunlop and that was one time too many. Only got 6k out of it. Never again will I waist my $$ on a Dunlop. I ran Metzler after the Dunlop. I had not problems and it was my longest mileage tire to date, however I WATCHED the tire pressure religiously. I run Michelin Commanders now and quite pleased with them. Have a tad bit over 18K on this rear with a little life left in it. As we are on the tire topic, SWMoto has been out of stock of the Mich. Commanders for awhile now. I saw a lot of online stores that either had them on discount or the illusion that they are discontinuing them. Any word out of the street as to why the short supply of them. I just ordered a set from Motorcycle Superstore last night, received e-mail today (Sunday) that they are packed and ready for pickup by the carrier on Monday. That is some fast processing to say the least. BEER30
  16. What a bunch of BROWN-NOSERS agreeing with the Boss all the time!!!!(Where did the brown nose smilie go?) I like the sig's, though I don't smoke. Chewing is Better. Been absent a month or so and look what happens. BEER30 (Fine, I'll print my own Sig) The weather is Good Somewhere. I rode here, here, and here. Black Cherry is the Fastest and Best Looking. The temperature inside is warm, Outside is Fantastic!
  17. Well spent Christmas day over at the son and future daughter in laws home. Along with my parents, aunt and future in-laws of the daughter in-law to be. As an added treat, we all Skyped the 2 grand-daughters opening all their presents in MA! That was the best part to see them (they are 2 & 3 years old now) . I wasn't really wanting anything as I told everybody, but I did selfishly except what they gave me, LOL! Craftsman Doggy-bone socket/wrench set T-Shirts Case of chewing tobacco 1T external Hard-drive Whals weed-whacker for the facial hair 4 1/2 Right angle grinder $ towards new MC tires Hercules guitar stand (to keep at the shop) *Parts for my new guns that I'm building* MagPul collapsible stock Troy Industries BattleSite Tritium Di-Optic Aperture (DOA) rear folding sight $200.00 towards NFA BATFE Tax Stamp for my new2 short barrel rifles, PWS Diablo uppers (7" barrel , CQB comp, gas piston,long stroke/full auto assembly bolt) Greissle SSA-E drop in trigger and lower parts kit CMMG MOD4 stripped lower receiver PWS Enhanced buffer tube assembly So saying , other than the presents, I was more pleasant to be with family, friends and 5 days OFF! Woo-Hoo......will not see days off again until June. BEER30
  18. Just reported that Napolitano and TSA just stopped and detained Santa at the Border! They claimed that they are NOW starting to do their job . BEER30 (temporarily on Egg-nog)
  19. Well been off the site for a bit....as I've been busy wearing out strings and building AR's. Still not an expert, but stil trying to perfect Sweet Home Alabama, White T's songs(Delilah& 1234) and just all around jiberous. Learn a few Blues licks, but mostly trying to remember what I have learned (CRS). Usually take the strings to shop to practice during breaks, but the employees complain that Wes (employee) and I play to dam loud! Wes has been teaching me a thing or two, but he's a Death Metal guy who plays in a band and get's to carried away and looses me. Was taking lessons but the late hours and work was taking it's toll on me, so dropped the lessons for awhile. Last year , I got me an Ibanez Artcore (lefty) and a Peavey Vypher 15 watt amp. Now I have added a Vox tube amp to the collection. So far at the home front, the wife hasn't bitten me , nor the dog cuss me out. So I must be doing OK. As a matter of fact, wife came into the living room last night as I was practicing, laid down and fell asleep to the tunes. Maybe a Jam Party at MD, perhaps we can drive the Pond Monster away or get Don ran out of the neighborhood! BEER30
  20. No fabric, just several light coats layers of resin. You really do not even have to use resin if you apply a good coat of oils and if you glued/laminated the wood together properly. 50/50 mix of Rawhide and Linseed oil which was plentiful in Alaska and gave a reddish slick finish. I love the look of natural wood to boot! BEER30
  21. Many years ago when I lived in Alaska and worked in constructions, I used to bring home scrap cedar and redwood. It was mainly 1x or 2x,but it did not make any difference as I ripped it into .25" x .75" strips to what ever length I could get out of it. I glues and laminated the strips together over a jig to make canoes. After the canoe was formed, I used a belt sander to sand all the uneven strips down to smooth and the canoe's wall thickness to .5"or maybe a tad thinner to reduce weight. I removed the jigs on the inside and applied struts and then laid several layers fiberglass resin to seal the wood. Overall cost for me was for water resin glue, finish gun nails, and several gallons of fiberglass resin. So saying all the wood was free! Overall the 14' canoes weighed around 75 lbs when I finished them, being cedar and redwood were lightweight. I can picture a Tear Drop made in the same fashion and body weighing at a minimal and the beauty of the natural wood would be amazing. BEER30
  22. I built mine, more for the challenge. I guesstimate that I have about $900.00 in materials (I got some hug discounts on materials as well) . That included the materials for the molds as well, so that added to the cost. Everything is way overbuilt to boot. Aluminum frame, 12 aluminum mags, radial tires, remote control/linear operated hatchw/ 12voly power supply(battery), built in cooler, led lights, flag pole mounts, and plenty of beer! First time I took it out on a trip the Bike Week in MB, I was offered $4K for the BEERCART. I asked the guy if he was a sh*t-n me and he replied, "NOPE, want CASH"? I should have took him up on the offer, but this was my first build in a long time and honestly too much pride in it. I should have taken it and made me another. I'll most likely build me another when I get the time. This time it will be a bit smaller. Not complaining that the BEERCART is to big, just do not need all the extra's for shorter trips. Most likely make me something like a Uni-Go with body to resemble a set of RSV saddlebags. BEER30
  23. When he first got the trailer, he brought it over to my house just to drop off until we had time to put together. The women folk were in the house "A YACKIN"...you know what I mean. So before you know it, Bill and myself put the trailer together before we knew it. Everything we did was straight out of the box that night. Several days later Bill went to the base hobby shop and made a lid of smooth aluminum. About a month later ,he made another lid out of Diamond Plate and added gas support struts. He took the first smooth lid and placed in directly over the floor, as it fit perfectly. He sealed all the joints from the inside with silicone (pretty thick) and rubber like gasket material strips. Later we put bearing buddies on the wheels. Never extended the tongue as it pulled great, however we did secured the fenders with better bolts and locking nuts. I know coming from Andersonville, he had at least 300 lbs. of cargo, as the wife bought so stuff while we were there, along with luggage and a 54 qt. cooler inside. He mentioned that he applied light-weight indoor/outdoor carpet in the interior. Both of us traveled together in some pretty harsh rain and there were no leaks detected. As I stated in previous post of a slight squirly wobble was while in a 15 mph turn onto an on ramp, the trailer hit a pot hole and bounced pretty good. Any trailer would have done the same thing, but it sure was hilarious to see his wife crap a brick! Only other mods he has plans for is a rack up front for small cooler, possible luggage rails on top of the lid and flag pole mounts similar to mine on the BEERCART. BEER30
  24. Friend of mine has the exact same trailer. He sealed the joints and added an aluminum diamond plate lid, hinged up front. He pulls it with his GW. Last year was his maiden tow as we went to Andersonville for POW-MIA Day (The Ride Home). I had him in front of me to watch over him as it was his first pull. We both had it up to 100 mph to catch up with the group at one point. Only had one squirly moment that freak his wife out! Other than that it pulled quite well. BEER30
  25. Man, that was the biggest mistake she ever made by saying "I Do". V v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v Just Kidding! Congrats ! BEER30
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