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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. If you can find the vinyl spray paint , you can paint it any color you want . You can even get an air brush artist to paint a scene on it . BEER30
  2. Mike , I believe the black fuzzy backed vinyl is 40# marine grade (I have to go dig up the invoice to make sure), used in most HD automotive bras . The clear vinyl is also marine grade 30# . Sewn together with 138 bonded nylon . BEER30
  3. Kit , they make a scissor jack that sits under the scoot to raise the rear end up . I'm going to the bone yard , fetch up a scissor jack and weld some plates on the bottom of it to stabilize and a yoke to fit under the scoot's frame . And yes , they do make them that is either air or hydraulic . I picked up my lift while coming back from Vogal , as I trailered to SleeperHawk's house . Got it at the SC/NC border store , but we have a HF store nearby now . I've seen some lifts that came with free shipping as well . But fer ya cheap skates , punch a hole up in the garage ceiling , wrap a chain around the rafters and use a come-a-long to lift your scoot off the floor . BEER30
  4. I have the HB manual foot pump hydraulic lift table . Had my 2nd Gen and my cow on it many a time to say it's sturdy enough . Even had a 1st Gen on it too . As far as the Tahoe , yea you better measure . I'll measure how high it it and post later tonight . BEER30
  5. But aren't "SQUIDS" Pink ? Ok , Lace or Ruffles ? Pink is obvious !:rotf: BEER30
  6. Well today I'm in the shop working on trying to finish some of the projects I'm behind on and started pattern making Scooter Hooters for the 1st Gen's . Just have to make a few more mods and sew in fastening/securing tabs and should have them production ready . Muffinman loaned me the 1st Gen scoot supposebly going to Squidley with the understanding to make his bra's in PINK ! I think I may add a little lace to balance it out . Here's a preveiw . Keep in mind they are NOT finished ! BEER30
  7. Eck , Imagine this , It is the same distance from your house to mine and also the same distance it is from my house to yours ! There are people that do and people that don't is the major objective .:rotf: Just razz'n ya there Eck ! The BEER Cave is always open . Back onto the topic .............. Once again , we had a Great Time ! As soon as everyone arrived , it was A-holes and Elbows . 1st Gen parts slinging everywhere . Stripped that puppy to the bones . Muffinman strategically cutting wires left and right . Bill ....polishing every little nook and cranny as parts were removed . Me , of course the head stupid-visor , was Muffinman's assistant handing him everything but what he asked for . Bombarding him with questions and non-sense (typical me ) . But I was in my righteous mind a good beverage and parts fetcher . Even got my hands greasy . You know , there's a lot of oil and grease on them 1st Gens . Mini and BEER24/7 did the house stuff . Preparing us men for a full hardy dinner . BBQ Brisket , Pasta Salad , Hot rolls and Green peas . And to boot , Mini made a Pear/apple Pie ! Yummy to say the least ! My mom made a breif visit and brought us homemade fudge . We put Bill's scoot back together , minus a few parts and extra weight . It is a fine looking peice of machinery . Bill also has a nice trailer , "Chariot" brand I beleive it was . Light as a feather too ! It would have been a pleasure if we had more time though it was on a Sunday . Next time it will be longer if the schedule permits . Thanks Bill and the Muffin's for coming . BEER30
  8. Like I said before . Get hooked up with one of them mapping companies . Let them place a tracking device on the scoot and records all your travel via the roadways . Let them pay for the fuel and other travel expenses . BEER30
  9. Paris Who ?:rotf: BEER30
  10. I saw the Hannagan on a RSV in Florenece SC . It was nice , but it didn't have the pizz-zaz I was looking for one to look like . Also just a small trunk which lead me to believe to less storage than I currently have on 2 wheels . But then again , maybe a second look in person is in order for a fair assumption . BEER30
  11. BEER30

    HELP !!!

    Oh you sexy thing , now you spoiled it and let me known that you are now married . I guess my plans with you now are all but gone ! :rotf: BEER30
  12. I leave the "Tip of the Day" , "third horse in the fourth race" ! No Seriously , wife and I believe we tip well for services rendered . We also believe to tip the person whom deserves the tip . I have also left the insulting penny , as well as personally making sure the waitress gets a separate tip for their effort .I know there are other working in the background and tips are shared amongst all sometimes . That's all well and good , but wife and I want to make sure the next time we come in ,is that that waiter/waitress gives us great service . My aunt own a restaurant in Alaska , several of them to be exact , while my mom and aunts were waitresses or cooks . I've seen my mom and aunt bring home $1,000.00 in tips in a shift every once in a while because of their outstanding service . Now what burns me is that the restaurants automatically add in the gratuities . To me that's asking/taking money without permission . If I want to give them the tip , I will do it myself . While in Vegas , I hit a jackpot on the $1 slots . Wife and I were budgeting ourselves before hand . The waitress that was serving us our beer was outstanding . I tipped her somewhere around $200.00 the next time she came around . Like I said , she gave us "Great" service ! She after the tip , followed us all around the casino , everywhere on the floor during her shift the whole time we stayed there and served us personally . She made sure we always had a fresh ice cold beer or other beverage . Also let us know some of Vegas's secretes . We were there for a week and must say , we tipped her in the neighborhood of $1,200.00 for that week . I did mention we hit a jackpot didn't I ? BEER30
  13. Cindy , I hope things work out . As a suggestion , start keeping a diary of your work schedule . Making note of time worked over , extra duties performed , etc..... Use this when the occassion arises such with talks with the owner and manager . Also when discussions where you swap out hours worked or need to make changes , write them down , have each party involved sign it and keep in safe place and also mark it on the shop calender . It can be merely a note of such . I have our employees not only tell us if they need a change or time off to make this note and have us sign it . But with all the chaos and interruptions that occurs within our shop daily , we the bosses tend to forget sometimes . At least when an employee returns back and to get that butt chewing , they can waive that note we signed to remind us of that agreement . This better protects all parties involved . Our employees talk all the time about what changes they say they need , but tend to forget to tell the most important persons , the boss . Please take this advise in the future , it has saved a lot of greef . BEER30
  14. Black Owl , BEER24/7 and I are ready to send more nylon gear out to the troops again this year . Just say when and where to send the bulk packages too . We can match what we did last year , no problem . BEER30
  15. XM and XM Weather via my Zumo 550 . Came with both MC and Cage mounts . GXM 30 antenna for XM mounted on home made platform off my mirror post . I can receive XM while even inside my garage with door shut ! Just a little spotty under a few of the gas pump metal awnings . BEER30
  16. I knew it ! Heck , I almost stepped in it many a time up in Alaska . Still steaming too . BEER30
  17. Hey Yammer , you first haft to have a real motorcycle to make remarks about this ! Unless you want to run for political office and promise to make it possible (meaning you buy) to have a scoot in every biker trash garage ! Keep them remarks to yourself ! :rotf:...........Now is that a policticaly correct statement ? :stirthepot: And yeah , free coupons at DQ too ! Just don't kiss them babies while solicting votes , you will scare the %*$#*() out them ! BEER30
  18. BEER30


    Well I'm eating my words ! I was asked about XM-WX (weather) and I made my reply , well today I signed up for the xm weather out of curiosity . I was a bit surprised as on another posts someone claimed it cost $30.00 a month . Well it didn't , $9.95 per month . Being I just activated my xm radio subscription , they waived the xm-weather activation , made it the primary and placed me on the family plan which dropped my radio rates to $6.95 . Of course they included tax , but still under $18.00 per month . It has the multiple day forecast and satellite , temp and all the other stuff you see on the tube . I will be putting to the test as I am out the door around 3:00 am in the mourning unto a some what 2,000 mile road trip . BEER30
  19. Hey Eck , need some suspenders for the poopie diapers ? And by the way , cribs do have a weight limit capacity ! :rotf: BEER30
  20. I hate to say it , but to endanger life in order to save a buck ! By having certain items made overseas . The task of quality control is harder to enforce not actually knowing the origin of where the raw goods come from . I know we cannot buy all "American Made" or from our closet allied countries that support one anothers economy , but a change is hopefully near as we see this drastic problems are more re-occuring . Hopefully our people will get there jobs back as well . BEER30
  21. On the Contrary , not enough ! BEER30
  22. My first tattoo took almost six hours to do . A mountainman in buckskins with all the fixins . Second one took 5 hours , Indians after some of my hertitage . Third was a collague of animals on my mid back , and 4th was our company Logo . I will be getting a full back and shoulders of wildlife animals as soon as I draw it up . Anyone watch "Down Parascope " ? :rotf: BEER30
  23. Just the same as after having Many Good Cold ones ! BEER30
  24. Cool ! I'm planning on another as soon as I get the artwork drawn out . BEER30
  25. Peg . , checkout post #1 of this thread , attached thumbnail . BEER30
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