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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. On long trips , I tend to lesson the contents of the saddlebags and trunk and transfer most of all the heavy stuff to the BEERCART . We keep the saddle bags open to her purse and our Frogg-Toggs , first aid kit and cameras , flashlight/strobe and lightweight clothing for the ride . Things that we may need more frequently . Now that I have an air pump for the shocks , I always check them as well and place 45 lbs. in it . I run 46 lbs (cold) in my rear Meztler and inspect it up on the lift at least once a week now . Between BEER24/7 and I , we weigh around 350 lbs.. Tongue weight of the BEERCART is around estimated 20-25 lbs. . I'd rather drag something more heavy than carry something heavier . Such as a trailer versus the hitch carriers . As long as everyone is vigualent on how much that hitch carrier weighs and not overload it , one could still be in the safe range . I'm not so much concerned about exhaust heat unless we are in slow traffic . Tires tend to keep normal temp range as they spin . As I learn that Brad and Lonna just came off the bridge , I think Brad's tire may have picked up some debris or may have been damaged by something . Bridges tend to collect more trash , where open road the trash is forced off by vehicle wind wash . Bridges are known to collect more trash because of the guard rails . Even the bridge is made up of sections . Each edge of these sections I have seen to have rough edges to to concrete breakage or have seen metal re-bar or metal mesh stick up out of the road . There will be multiple theories on what may have happened . A while back when I helped out the HD rider , he had a piece of glass that caused his flat . It's sad that it always takes an incident to get people to open their eyes a little bigger . We should always be more alert to what conditions our equipment is . But even with all the inspections , planning , or maintenance we preform , something is bound to happen somewhere , at anytime . BEER30
  2. Maybe with some luck , it will blow some of the 1st gens away . Clear the garage for some 2nd gens ! :rotf: Regardless , Hang in there and be safe ! BEER30
  3. Wife and I both have 2 peice Frogg-Toggs . No problems what so ever ! Besides , one peices suits ride up my crack when bending over and just cruising . Besides the benefits when having to do the #2 at rest areas . BEER30
  4. NOT ! Some things are just too good for a 1st gen . No need to waste good materials on them . Besides all the leaking oils and grease on a 1st gen , it's hard for silicones and tapes to adhere too . And heaven forbid someone takes a 1st gen to a car wash , it will just wither away with the pressure wash . But I guess I could sacrifice some zip-ties or bailing wire ! :cool10: BEER30
  5. Geez...... it was a nice toastie 24 degrees , sunshine , not a cloud in the sky to be seen , 15-20 mph crosswinds , peaceful and pleasent commute to work this mourning as I passed by SaltyDawg all bundled up on his scoot ! Now what's ya'lls problem ? :rotf: BEER30
  6. Hey Muffinman ! Being the Squid bike is here at my shop , I can have the '83 in peices for you , laying scattered all over on the floor . So all you have to do is put it back together . That should save a little time ! :rotf: I can also have a Wally-Mart plastic bag for all the extra parts to put in as well . Nothing like being prepared . I have tons of velcro and bungee cord to hold this beast together . You just say the word and I'll start dissassembling . I'm good at tearing things up ......I mean taking apart . And the good thing is , I won't get in your way either when you get here . As I will be at the DQ down the road making sure they have plenty of banana's and chocaolate ice cream fer ya . You just say the word . BEER30 P.S. By the way , I just had the Oxygen and Acetalyne bottles filled . I'm a wizz at plastic welding , just to let ya know !
  7. Laws are written by lawyers....for lawyers . Shall they purge their pockets with greed and turn honest people to victims in more ways than one could imagine . I just love this quote from history ! William Shakespeare: The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. BEER30
  8. Wish this didn't happen , but glad to see it wasn't worse . Time to go out and take a double check on the tires . Let me know if there's anything we can do to help out also . BEER30
  9. Are these what your looking for? http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/products/modelscitemdetail/5/4/83/404/2008/all/36/0/0/detail.aspx BEER30
  10. NC has a new helmet law . Being the old law was pretty vague , helmets now have to display the DOT label . Protest Rally in Raleigh yesterday with bikers riding around the Governor's mansion without helmets for a half hour . No tickets were given , nor was a protest permit submitted . Cops just stood by and enjoyed the scenery ! BEER30
  11. Think your going fast then , waite till they have a LEO POW-WOW . Them LEO's have no speed limit . Like who's going to stop them . I was traveling I-95 going to Eck's Breakfast M & E a month ago . There were County Sherrif's , State Patrol from SC , Georgia , Alabama , Florida and even a few rent a cops going towards Raleigh , NC .....All passing me like I was sitting still and I was going 85 MPH ! They were driving like the Donut factory was on fire ! I tucked in behind some and coasted off the draft they were giving . Best gas mileage I have ever had going over 85 MPH on the RSV ! :rotf: BEER30
  12. Is this more like it actually was ? You know how Charlie can doctor up them pic's ! :rotf: BEER30 http://www.meangene.us/pictures/CBubbles.jpg
  13. No I actually got the cannot display the page . I might be biker trash , but sure ain't no Trailer Queen ! I'll try later . BEER30
  14. Isn't it illeagal to run passing lamps on high beam ? I know it is in NC . Besides I like the extra light when running lows . BEER30
  15. I filled in all the details and clicked the verdict button ............. Cannot Display Page ! I guess I'm just too far ahead of you guys ! :rotf: BEER30
  16. That sounds Great ! Especially on General Robert E.Lee's Birthday ! BEER30
  17. Now for crying out loud ! What makes them Canooks so special ? :rotf::rotf: BEER30
  18. True the GPS can be wrong from time to time . But sometimes it leads into another adventure , so have fun . Also the fact , you can call the GPS all sorts of @#/+&* names and get away with it . Now tell that to the navigator if she is wrong . :rotf: BEER30
  19. At least with a 1st gen you have STYLE that is unique and second to Goldwings . 1st Gen's also suffer from memory lapse ............or did they forget ? :rotf: BEER30
  20. I hate to say it , but Polarized glasses will effect any LCD screen . My tansition eyeglasses has good vision on the LCD . I can deal with the polarized on a bright day , but not on a overcast . But that's the nature of the beast . BEER30
  21. You can add a splitter and cable into IC , or into AUX and listen through your external speakers . BEER30
  22. I wonder if these guy's armpit hairs get rats/tangles in them ? :rotf: BEER30
  23. Hey Kit or anyone else with doubts about GPS's. Like BuddyRich was saying , planning ahead is most important in any situation for a road trip . I do not try to monkey around programming addresses on the GPS while riding , I pull over if needed . The GPS has voice prompts to tell you direction on most better models . I have my GPS set in a manner where I can view it and the road at the same time . If I need to know where the next turn is or where , I only have to tap on an icon and it will tell me by voice prompt . Again , if I am not sure of a safety issue , I still pull over . Can you program a street address , most certainly ! Maybe a few new subdivisions that may be missed , but not many . I would say that I can pull over , research the GPS faster than it would to stop and unfold a map while trucks passing by and blowing it around . Can a map tell you where the next gas , food or motel , hospital , liquor store , bank/atm is located ? Or at night , do you have enough lighting , eyeglasses , or can you find a Awful House so you can sit down to view a map and have a cup of Joe ? There a lot of benefits to todays GPS's over a map . Now all the other gadgets on our scoots , discipline again is the key . I find loud pipes are just as bad as a loud radio . Yes people here you coming , but do you hear them ? I would say at the next M & E's , look carefully at the other members whom have them , sit on the scoot , visualize as if you were riding the scoot , looking up at traffic and glancing at the GPS . Look carefully at your surroundings and to see if the GPS is at it's best location to view both with little or no distraction . It's going to seam abnormal at first , but at least you will see how of us whom have them can praise them . Play with the GPS , of course with permission of the owner , but you will get a better impression sitting on that scoot than you would looking at it at the stores or online . Ask they owner to show you how to look up POI's , addresses , gas stations and such . Mine is quite simple to use . but like anything else , it gets a little to be used too . Just because you have accessories on the scoot when you just want to go out and enjoy peace and quite , air in the hair , and bugs in the teeth , just turn the gadgets off ! But just think , is it better to have and use , than to need and not have ? BEER30
  24. Ride
  25. And your point is ? :confused24::cool10::rotf: BEER30
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