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Everything posted by BEER30
I have the Diamond R hitch as well. I use cables instead of chains. They are rated for safety chain replacements. I have the large snap safety snap hooks on one end and bolted to the trailer tongue on the other. The cables have a coil shape at which I pass the cable end over the outer sides from the draw bar and back to the trailer tongue. I also twist the cables back into them selves as the go forth and back. The cables are rubber coated, therefore they have not rubbed the finish of the scoot and I get no chain rattle on bumpy roads. BEER30
Well personally, I will stay away from the Show Chrome Volt meter. Went through 3 of them on my '06. They are not water resistance and I'm not a fair weather rider. 2 of the 3 showed that I was charging 36+ volts at an idle and as low as 2 volts at 80 mph at times. Clock never stayed correct. About the only thing I could count on was the Temp gauge. It said HOT all summer long! Looking myself for a dependable and not outrageously priced volt meter. BEER30
If I have the BEERCART along, it has already an extra 230 amp battery inside tied in parallel to the scoot. @ twigg. Then I should be G2G on scoot alone. Thanks, BEER30
If'n your U-Haul has wooden floor deck. Get ya some large Eye-screws and insert them down for your tie-down straps. Pre-drill a pilot hole first and use a large screw driver to twist them in and out. Take a large block of wood for a spacer for the front tire and lay in the front so front fender doesn't touch. BEER30
YES! YES ! YES! and YES! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oh NO! NO! NO! Wait a Gosh-Darn minute ! Them Bars on the doors and windows...............Are you guys up to something? BEER30
Easier? That's a lot of finger counting, even before I get to my toes! Then to add GPS, LED accent lights, Back-OFF, Mic-Mutes, Hoppy, Headlight Modulator, Cell phone, laptop, and Video camera chargers. It's too darn puzzling to add all these up plus the necessities of just what it needs for a scoot to operate. Plans are to switch out most of the incandescent bulbs out to LED's in the future, just don't when. Brand new battery put in this past winter. I haven't found a voltmeter that amounted to crap! 3 MC brands, 3 failures ! I'm looking around for more styles/types, but haven't found one that isn't gaughty looking or out raging in price. I can wire up components, I know when they work or don't work. I see sparks, I feel zaps and shocks. It's just adding up amps, watts, ohms, and smelling smoke that confuses me . Strobe will most likely be operational while motor running. I'll be watching closely when at idle or engine off if that occasion arises. I needed while parked, I will have it operate only off the BEERCART's battery. Primary use is for warning cagers of a large string of bikes ahead and also for lead bike to visually see the tail end of the group. Plus, then maybe some of them 18 wheeler will lay off my ass, as I'm normally last bike (w/trailer) in the pack. Thanks gents for the info. BEER30
I'm mounting an pole mounted Q-625 Amber Strobe Beacon lamp on the back of the scoot for traffic awareness for our group rides, mainly for Rolling Thunder's long trips. The strobe draws 3 amps. I have an off/on switch to turn off the carb heaters. I can also turn off my passing lamps to conserve battery juice. If I pull the BEERCART, I'll have an additional battery (lawn mower type) tied parallel into the scoot's system for added power. Will I be OK drawing the 3 amps without worry of draining the battery? I plan on getting another beacon later. I just happen to have this one right now and a LED Beacon. However the LED Beacon is less noticeable in daylight. BEER30
You can always build your own. BEER30
That's one sharp trailer/stage! But I don't think the Venture can pull that. I have a hard enough time pulling my 22'. 3800 lb. boat. BEER30
Will all these strings, how is everyone going to strap them to the scoot? I have the BEERCART, plenty of room to carry my strings and things. By the way, who's giving lessons at MD? BEER30
There's only one BEER30 and you have no need to tag me! As far as Mini, just look for the little red headed trouble maker ! E-Fishing-C (Charlie) will have a beer in each hand and most likely be iced down in his trailer. Just look for the crazy canook with the little digit! Hey BigTom, going to wear the big bloomers this year? Bobbie (Mechanic) will find you, she's the one behind the camera. There's more to mention, but that will leave the fun out of it locating them. BEER30
I sure FreeBird has plenty of extension cords to plug my amp in? So far I started a one man band called "Tactical Tunes", it's the next best thing to waterboarding ! :whistling: BEER30
One of our NC MIA is finally coming home. I know many of our RT and PGR members may have been notified, however I have posted this here for all whom may wish to know of another one of our Nation's Heroes is finally coming home after 40 years. http://www2.independenttribune.com/news/2011/mar/15/5/cabarrus-soldiers-remains-identified-returning-hom-ar-864849/ Also to ask if any member in the Kannapolis, NC area would be willing to allow some of us VR and RT member their assistance to camp out for a night, maybe 2. BEER30
Heck I got that beat, but no picture. I have hand cart with a yard utility dump bed with ATV tires on it! BEER30
This happened in North Carolina. If it were in Texas, there would have been a few Mexicans riding in it. For the record, Not saying that in a racist way. BEER30
I saw him at the intersection before he made it on the highway, and even honked and waved at him. The guy was on the cell phone! Even when I backed off to get the photo, I again tried to get his attention, but he was to involved in the phone conversation. Oh well, at least the cages behind him stayed their distance. BEER30
I was on my way to the Post Office and a truck entered the highway pulling this unique trailer. I was doing 60 mph when I shot this photo. So.....If you ever are wanting one, they can be picked up along any roadside driveway! Some People ! BEER30 http://venturerider.org/forum/[img]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm312/BEERCART/droid/International%20Bike%20Show/IMG_20110323_153234.jpghttp://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm312/BEERCART/droid/International%20Bike%20Show/IMG_20110323_153234.jpg
Looks Great Jay! Looking forward in seeing it person. BEER30
Why aren't you out making a snow sculpture of a RSV ? BEER30
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That would be covered under the Home owners Ins.. BEER30
I'm due next month to renew my Ins. policy. GMAC has sent me the paperwork for next year. My buddy whom is a MISER to say the least, but truly investigates everything he does as far as Ins. Both him and myself carry Nationwide on home, auto and boat, plus life. Didn't have MC on it as when I bought the bike, they were too HIGH! Now that everyone is jumping on the MC bandwagon, my buddy told me that he had a great policy and was amazed at their price. So I called Nationwide for a quote. Supplying them with the coverage I had with GMAC, Nationwide was $115, plus change cheaper. This puts me at $331.56 a year for full coverage, 100/300/100. $500 deductible. I have additional medical coverage elsewhere. I asked them about the BEERCART and they told me liability coverage only as they understood it. Our agent is calling the main office to clarify what is all covered on the BEERCART other than liability. Since I was inquiring about the trailer, the agent (female) said that her husband and her ride and they were looking at pulling a trailer in the future. So thinking that she will be looking deeper into the subject. She's supposed to call me back this Monday. BEER30
A few years ago on I-95 South, coming out of Raleigh a pregnant roller skate lost it's hood. That sucker flew right off it's hinges straight up in the air about 60' high. Cross wind would have put it right in our lane. There were 50+ bikes returning from the "Salute our Troops" in our Rolling Thunder group. I was last bike as I pulled the BEERCART. All I could say was "Incoming" over the radio as the felt like sloooooow-moooooootion. How in the heck it happened, but that hood hit the ground just feet from the pavement without incident. BEER30
I pack a Springfield Armory XD-9 subcompact (3" barrel) and/or a Bersa .380. Both have been very reliable. If that does not work, I building an SBR (Short Barreled Rifle). Just awaiting my Tax Stamp from the BATF. It will be a total length of 24" when stock is collapsed. The upper is a .556, 7" barrel, gas piston, long stroke bolt assembly. The lower is a CMMG, with a Greissele SSA 2 stage trigger, with a PWS enhances buffer tube with all of the MagPul furniture I can put on it. Optics is still up in the air as I am deciding either getting an Aimpoint or an Eotech. Reason I mentioned an SBR, as it will fit in the saddle bags or under my jacket. On the wish list, a suppressor (.308) as it's a 7" barrel which will sustain the gas pressure much better. BEER30
Yeah , What Rooster said ! Just do not know why people get the impression that they do about us. I think they are "Profiling" us.:rotf::rotf: BEER30
Believe or not, but the RSV will run on diesel. Not very good , but it will run. 2 years ago going to Rolling Thunder, our chapter stopped for fuel. One of the members who's RSV was accidentally filled up with diesel. Nearly a full tank of it and we ran 15 miles before anyone said smoke was coming out his exhaust. The group pulled over off the highway and I said it looked like he had filled up with diesel. Sure enough, he checked his receipt and it clearly said diesel. We took off back onto the highway and the RSV was sluggish. Closet Yamaha dealer was 30+ miles ahead and he and a few other members followed him split off to the dealership where they drained the tank and got fresh fuel. They finally caught back up with us as we stopped for lunch. He also stated that the RSV had more power after the incident. I guess the diesel fuel lubed up the motor and carbs somewhat ! They never changed the plugs either at the dealership. BEER30