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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. BEER30


    But if you place an EGO-meter on a 1st gen , it would peg out as fast as the 1st gen rider thinks of hopping onto the scoot ! :rotf: BEER30 P.S. What does the 1st gen plastic and a 1st gen rider have in common ? . . . . . . . . . They are both Cracked ! :rotf: X2
  2. I went straight to the battery . Why ? , cause when I stop along side of road to talk on phone (via blue-tooth) , I sometimes turn the scoot off . Or for fuel , I still want to listen to tunes (XM , MP3 , or phone) , I simply switch off the scoot but leave on accessory to not interrupt my pleasures . While refueling , I have an extra key attached to a retractable dummy-cord reel . I pull it down out of my windshield bags to unlock my gas cap instead of using ignition key . Also my caps is suspended by the cord and I have something holding my gas cap . At least if the Zumo is still powered and uninterrupted by power loss . Besides , one less thing sucking power out of the wiring harness . BEER30
  3. I've had it !!!!! I'm going out into the garage right now to build me a magnetic force field generator to protect myself and rider from all the cagers . Then to ride down to the DMV and place a small motorcycle icon into the machine that does the testing for the eye exam , you know the one where it has all the international road sign shapes . Perhaps this icon will help the ignorant to see what we look like ! And perhaps the commicozzi crotch rockets are right in the way they ride . At least people notice them and they are smaller bikes ! If this doesn't work , I'm going to go buy me a small secluded island with no one else on it to ride my scoot . Man , I'm going to get dizzy riding in a circle !:rotf::rotf: BEER30
  4. I know of 2 mechanics personally that have revamped stock carbs to achieve over 100 mpg back in the late 70's . The oil companies paid them dearly to stop it and for their designs . The technology is there , just forbidden for profit and greed . BEER30
  5. Hey Don , I may have some help/info. on this . I left you a voice mail on the phone . BEER30
  6. I know I have done my part to save on pollution . I only inhale , never exhaled .... Well maybe a little toot now and then ! BEER30
  7. From what I have read , the Gremlin bell should be placed at the most furthest forward on the scoot and hung lowest to the ground as possible , to scoop up the gremlins before they can attach themselves to the scoot . And when the bell rings , it causes the gremlins loose grip and to fall off to a terrible demise before they can do damage to the scoot and rider . That is for the Silver/Pewter Bells . Brass Gremlin bells are for remembrance of fallen riders . Each time you clean the scoot and more importantly the Brass bell , it shows respect towards the fallen . I have my bell hung nearest the ground , attached to the right front crash bar . Once I find a way , I will attach it to the front axle . My second bell is attached to the tongue of the BEERCART . Lord , as anyones knows , I don't want no damn gremlin drinking my beer ! That beer is reserved for myself and my friends !!!!! :rotf: BEER30
  8. I just cannot beleive it , I pulled my rear tire to change the rubber and to grease my splines for my first time yesterday and the splines had already greased up from past tire changes . Took my tire and wheel to the dealer to have them mounted and they only charged me $20.00 to mount and balance , incrediable ! And as I waited for the service to be preformed (30 minutes wait) they rolled it out to me , again , new fresh red tacky grease on the splines . I think I'm starting to like these guys a little bit more . But then again , several past visits they did get a peice of my mind . Wonder if they remembered that , :rotf:. BEER30
  9. Any chance of matching "Thongs " and "Boxer's" ? BEER30
  10. Basically , no holes to drill , but there are some holes in the helmet lock brackets that are covered by the rubber boot . You have very little room to hold a nut up in while a small bolt that holds the "L" Brackets connect too . Not really a hard job to do after you have installed several of them . I had Tim's installed in way less than 1/2 hour and that included soldiering the wires , remove seat and runs wires , etc........ Basically $20.00 and 1/2 hour time to do . BEER30
  11. Don , They still sale them at Advance or Autozone , can't remember which one . They usually do not stock them , but they can be ordered and usually get in store in a day or so wait . I bought 2 this past fall , one to go onto Tim's scoot and have one as a spare . I'll look up the part # later when I get home and post . BEER30
  12. Wife and I ride sometimes with a stuffed Moose on the back and BEER ! Beer30
  13. Brad , My welder specializes in custom hitches . The majority of his work is hitches or fabricating metal work for military vehicles . If I felt his work would be sub-par , I wouldn't be having him do the work . BEER30
  14. I'll check on the progress tomorrow by paying a visit at my welder . BEER30
  15. Wished I could have been there , but with this crud I recouping from , I wanted to keep limited wind out of the face . At least the Muffin's stopped by for a brief visit before they went back to the command center . Looking forward to next weekend in SC . BEER30
  16. Congrats ! Now for 25 years ......hum.........Doesn't that call for a new Silver Scoot for a special Silver anniversary present ? So Margaret , break out that there checkbook ! And don't worry , I do not think that will become Muffinman's get-away vehicle , as he will have to return back for gas money .:rotf: BEER30
  17. I got ya penciled down on my list here at the house , but I will update the thread as soon as I can . BEER30
  18. I'm still here , just draggin the tail end more than I figured . I have some of the Scooter Hooters cut out , just have not had the opportunity to sew them together . This week I have been ill with the flu-like grud . Feeling better now and will be bringing a sewing machine to home from the shop to hopefully get caught up some in the wee hours of the night when I cannot sleep . My apologies for the delays , just so much I can physically do now . BEER30
  19. Back in the day , I made a stand out of 2 x's . Took a 2 x 8 the length of the bike with a small block of wood as a stop for the front wheel , and a 2 x 4 x 5' with eye bolts on the ends to place ratchet straps to hook to . Bolted or screwed the 2 x 4 under the 2 x 8 like a cross , pushed the scoot on top of the 2 x 8 till it hit the small block and placed the ratchet straps on the scoot to secure like if I were tying down on a trailer . This held the scoot upright as I worked on it . Call it poor-boy , but it worked ! BEE30
  20. Just remember if your going to impersonate me , just do a damn good job at it ! Don't let me down .:rotf: BEER30
  21. Don't know if I can make it . First I have a flu like grud , secondly our Rolling Thunder Poker Run . Don't think I will make anyone event right now . :sick: BEER30
  22. I'm several hours+. Jump onto 24 and it will bring you straight to our shop in Swansboro . I'm awaiting word on a concealed carry course in F-Ville , so I might be up there soon myself . Just do not know when the course will be , as it will free for me . BEER30
  23. I only need a headset I can understand what is being said , no matter the quality . Bad enough people have to understand what I say with no teeth and mouth full of chaw .:rotf: If I need something that is sound studio quality , well I might as well stay home and turn up the surround sound . But my age now , I've notice the sense of hearing fading slowly away . Perhaps, just a hand mic for the CB will do for you and listen to the external speakers . BEER30
  24. Seen many of these truck doing oil rig moves . So who was your swamper ? That's the cleanest rig by far I have ever seen . I work all over Tx and Oklahoma for Cinco , San Patricio Corp , Shell , to name a few back during the good ole times as a Floor hand , Derrick man and Motorman . Back when you could wash a salesman Lincoln for a case of Crown Royal . Aw the good ole days . Yeah , the oilfield , where every rig had it's own pusher and dope came in 5 gallon buckets . Out all the years working in the fields , the worms could never find the keys to the V-door or were exhausted filling the water table up on top of the derrick . :rotf: The good ole days !!!! BEER30
  25. I use a handlebar strap , call the Canyon Dancer , http://www.canyondancer.com/ . Loops slip over the grip and cross over to other grip loop and then connects to rachect straps . My front tire is in a home made wheel choke . The rear , I have soft straps connected to either my trailer hitch , crash bars , or trunk support bars . Depending on the trips I take . Long haul trip , roads can get either rough , or unpredictable traffic , so I use sometimes up to 6 straps for security . Maybe overkill , but more safe . One soft strap I made is 36" long . I fold it doubled , pass the folded in between the handle bar clamps , then pass the tails through the loop , pull slack and pass each end to each side to secure to rachet straps . I feel I have more security loctaed in this position as there is no give in the handlebars as they flex during hard bumps . I make my own straps as well . Don't trust them poly-propylene webbing straps or #69 thread sewn connections . Cordura nylon webbing or tubular webbing sewn with either #138 or bigger threads for me . Besides , I have spools of webbing and sewing machines at my disposal . :banana: Also too , where my webbing may cross over trailer side rails or other metals , I made wear guards that I pass the webbing through to break up the contact between the tie down straps and anything that can be abrasive . I may look like a Boy Scout at a Girl Scout Jamboree with all this bondage going down the road , but hey ....Safety First BEER30
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