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Everything posted by BEER30
Then send it to my addie ! :rotf: BEER30
Congrats ! But now your gonna have to change your username to "HOGA-MAMA" ! :rotf: BEER30
Whom else other than Yammer Dan deserves a 2nd Gen anyways ? And with the Warden riding in Luxury on the back with a Big Stick ! :rotf: BEER30
Now look on the preparedness side ......In between cities and towns , off the beaten path , in the heat of summer , no traffic or anyone whom gives a rats azz if your broken down on the side of the road . Are ya going to jump on the cell phone and call Dominoes ? With many of our members are not young Bucks anymore (but still think we are Superman ) , having a backup plan when aid is not just around the corner would be a grand idea . Just keep it "KISS" (Keep It Simple Stupid) and be prepared . BEER30
Pipes went straight out of the box onto the scoot . From what I have heard , the 4-2-4's comes very slightly wrapped . I did not remove the baffles to inspect . At an idle , you can hear the RSV's water pump over the exhaust . Prior to placing the 4-2-4's on , I listened to the radio/CB at 15-18 out the speakers . Sometimes all the way up depending if I'm Jamming on a good song . And now with the 4-2-4's , I actually haven't had to increase the volume up but maybe 1-2 more on the controls . But to say that I have louder pipes now , I self inflicted the higher noise level through the pipes and in return , raising the volume . On a casual day , I still run at previous volume prior to the 4-2-4's. Too add , I run a shorty helmet with homemade helmet speaker pockets only over the ears with a slight gap between them . My main concern was for the wife . She has made no complaint about the louder pipes , even on long trips . Only commented that it appeared that we were in a large group ride by ourselves . BEER30
I would have to take the stand that TT and others have mentioned . Sure your getting off cheaper in the long run with longer lasting tires . I would most likely look into a CT as well , but a little birdie tells me that if the MC industry wanted CT's on a MC , they would have done that a long time ago . And yes they did that a long time ago , but were the scoots built like they are today along with many more maniacs behind the handlebars ? Scoots with Voyager Kits and sidecar , the tires ride more on the flat sides . I just hope and pray that I do not have to see you on your bottom side . BEER30
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You will need the GXM-30 antenna and a SD card . Upload the MP3's or pre -calculated routes from your computer to the SD card and then insert into SD card slot . Oh , don't forget to upload your favorite pictures of your biker babes , as you can use the Zumo as a picture album veiwer too ! The Zumo comes uploaded with some songs on it , but may not be in everyones taste . You use the USB cable and go into the Garmin folder on the Zumo and delete if you wish too . I have a 2 gig SD card , but have only a small # of MP3's . Don't forget the BuddyRich cables for the cell phone . BEER30
Heck , that will entitle 99.9% of all Venture riders here to get HC plates ! :rotf::stirthepot: BEER30
I cannot get handicapped plates for my scoot as my personalized plates takes up the number of characters allowed . I just take my placard in a plexiglass frame and using a pistol cable/padlock and secure it to the handlebars and mirror . I have had only one time a WallyWorld rent-a-cop that questioned me when I came out of the store . He detained me and called the state-trooper . Tropper wanted to cite me , but he could not proove otherwise that I was in violation as the laws here in NC state that the placard can be used on any motor vehicle and does not disclaim a motorcycle . I made his donut kinda soggie ! :rotf: BEER30
Bike Dead Need Help fast!
BEER30 replied to SaltyDawg's topic in Royal Star Venture Tech Talk ('99 - '13)
Just to ask , "You were not under sniper fire when you last changed a battery in fear of your life , were ya ?" BEER30 -
Bike Dead Need Help fast!
BEER30 replied to SaltyDawg's topic in Royal Star Venture Tech Talk ('99 - '13)
Just made it home myself . Glad to see that it was only the battery rather than something else . I'm also glad that I installed a winch on the trailer that I use to load the BEERCART up onto it's upper cradle , as it was now tested to pull the scoots up onto the trailer with little effort . Them bikes are heavy enough alone pushing on flat ground , let alone pulling up an incline to load . It was no problem helping out .Heck I got a hug from Brandi ! You need to break down more often there Salty , them hugs are rewards themselves !!!!:rotf: BEER30 -
She wasn't rubbing it in , as he did not say "How delicious they were"! But I will say that they were above delicious anyways fer ya , "Them darn thar "Duke Bones" were lip smacking gosh darn good !" I need to break out the BEER-Cam on the next event . Great Pic's Mini . BEER30
Viagra !!!!!!! Thought you knew about that "Limpie" ! :rotf::rotf: BEER30
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Spark Plug Question
BEER30 replied to TrainMaster's topic in Royal Star Venture Tech Talk ('99 - '13)
Sure the plug looks good to most as you inspect them . But that's what you see on the outside . There's more to a spark plug than the gap and the electrode . During time , but not all the time , the plug can loose voltage and also become brittle due to engine heat . It's worth nothing that spark plugs do not actually create heat but only remove it. Working as a heat exchanger by pulling unwanted thermal energy away from the combustion chamber, spark plugs transfer the heat to the engine's cooling system. The spark plug's firing end temperature must be kept at optimum levels to prevent pre-ignition and fouling. So spend the few extra bucks in the garage , or pay the Flatbed to come pick you up off the side of the road . BEER30- 18 replies
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Here , let me explain further on the ColorTune . (2nd Gen procedure) 1) Remove seat . 2) Shut off fuel valve and remove fuel tank . Don't for get to disconnect tank vent and fuel gauge . 3) Remove Air/Fuel Mixture adjustment caps . They look like little smaller .22 cal. bullets . It takes a set of long handle 45 degree needle-nose plier or a long small screw driver to cam them off . They will fall down into the V of the engine . You can leave them there if you do not mind a potential rattle , or you may go fishing for them . You do not need to replace them unless you are up for the challenge . Having new plug available to put back into the scoot is optional . But since you have the old ones out , why not ? 4) Jeff and I made a fuel cell . Connect to scoots fuel line and rest on top of the air boxes . Holding the scoots fuel tank is not recommended as it is heavy ! 5) Remove left side rear spark plug . Insert CT plug and start motor . As motor is running 1000 rpm , view into CT plug and look at the color it produces . Depending on the back light , you may have to turn off the lights if you are in a shop , or take a blanket and cover your head and cylinder to get darkness to view color tint better . RSV frame can prevent the use of the mirrored tube for viewing on some cylinders . 6) It's best to make this a 2 person job . As it it awkward to look and adjust mixture screw at the same time . As you are tuning , one looks for a Bunsen Burner Blue , as the other adjusts the A/F mixture screw . Once the BBB color is acquire , shut motor down , remove CT plug and then replace the old or new spark plug and SP wire and next , get set up to do the other 3 cylinders in the same procedure . 7) Once all 4 cylinders are tuned , replace all the items you took off back onto the scoot such as tank and seat , etc.... 8) Now that you have the CT finished , double check that you have all your removed parts back on properly , even to remember to reconnect the fuel line and fuel valve turned on . It's time for the CarbTune . I will not go into the CarbTune as the majority of you know already what to do as it has already been discussed . Once CarbTune is completed , you finished . Estimated time to do is around 1 1/2 hours if you are "NOT" eating Ribs and shoot'n the breeze .That's why this is not a M & E Parking lot event . If your going to have Muffinman do the tune . I strongly advise you to have to the A/F plugs removed and any LED lights under tank or personal items removed to make the job go faster . As a personal favor , I ask that you go to Walmart or Dollar store and purchase the thick foam rubber Koozies . Place these on the ends of the handle bars as bumpers , as Muffinman love to put dents in his noggin bumping into the handlebars :rotf: . Now for the Ride ! Hopefully you notice right off , the difference on the smoothness and the peak response within the throttle/power-band as Tim and I have experienced already . The fuel mileage should hopefully increase as mine jumped from 33 to 43 mpg . Not all scoots will be this good or perhaps even better , as many have difference pipes and have done other mods to their scoots . I can only attest to what my scoot's performance is and again a Colortune may not help every scoot , but I would definately recommend it , regardless . I have only placed Baron 4-2-4's and still have everything else stock . No other mods such as AI or vacuum mods have been done and I still have stock air filters . I hope this will help explain for the time being until Muffinman and Mini do a write up with photos . BEER30
At last minute decision as I got ahead of some of my chore finished , I departed early this A.M. to Tim's . I caught wind from RiderDuke the night before that there was Rib's to be had , so that was the straw that broke the camel's back and made the final decision as well to go . I arrived at Tim's first at 10:00 and he was already getting the BBQ pit cleaned up for Riderduke's arrival with the rib's . The Muffin's showed up 2nd and Mini grabbed her camera . I forgot mine , so we will have to wait for her to return home to post pic's . As we all finally gathered , we started on Tim's scoot to Colortune , then to Carbtune . Again parts went slinging everywhere ! Not only that , strange things were happening under the blanket !!! We used a blanket to shed out the sunlight to see the combustion flame , so I thought . As we were working on Tim's and Riderduke's scoot , Jeff was having the owners of their perspective scoots to see the flame color as he adjusted the mixture screws . If only Tim could look at the proper cylinder , the job would have gone faster , LOL !!! After Tim's scoot was finished , he and I left to the auto parts store to get some things . He himself commented on how much better the scoot performed . Meanwhile , Jeff and Riderduke were working on the other scoot. They finished up on the scoot up to apoint where the rib's need to be eaten . Mini and Renee fixed up all the side dishes to go along with the ribs , as Jeff just drooled as the ribs where on the BBQ pit . Mini and Renee fixed garlic bread , beans , slaw , and tater salad . Carrot cake was dessert ! Yummy , Yummy it was to say the least . I had to depart back to the home front at 3:00 , but left at 3:30 . As for the MPG results . I departed Hubert , NC to Reidsville , NC traveling an average of 70 mph . The scoot consumed 6 gallons . On the return trip . I placed 1/3 can of Seafoam in the tank , traveling the average of 80+ mph facing 12-15 mph headwinds and a belly full of Riderduke's ribs and still consumed only 6 gallons . I took the scenic route once I got off I-40 which was 260 miles one way from my home to Tim's house . That put my mileage back up to 43 mpg after the Colortune . Yahoo !!!!!!!! So saying the Colortune , new plugs , Carbtune , and now 4 adjustment screw caps missing , it was a success . Thank Muffinman for the work on my scoot . Also for Tim , Renee , Mini , and Riderduke for a delicious time and Dinner . Riderduke , Becky said Thanks for the ribs and they were god . Gizzy said Thanks for the bones ! BEER30
etc., etc., etc., etc. , etc., etc.! Let me tell ya the truth ! He has more etc.'s on the Blonde than miles !!!!!!:rotf: Face it Jeff , your butt does not sit right on the Mini-bike ! I bet ya 2-1 odds (Banana-split @ the DQ) there Jeff ,you can't live without the Blonde for 2 weeks ....fixed or not fixed ! BEER30
Well that's something the Muffinman and myself have not performed yet . But the Colortune was a success , so I think we will have no problem replacing your knee . You just say the word Jeff and the Muffin and myself will be right down there ! Shouldn't be any harder than staying at a Holiday Inn . BEER30
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I carry my Gateway laptop now and then without any problems within it's padded case in the trunk . I also carry it in the BEERCART wedged between other items . I am not waisting any $$ on other gadgets for now . I've already lost a cuvy of Homing Pigeons . Not only did they crap in my trunk , but they tend to sufficate when the trunk lid is closed on warm/hot days ! BEER30
At "Duie-Dong" Palace . Or Tim261's in NC for those whom do not know about "Duie-Dong".:rotf: BEER30
I like e-mail , but what URKS me is the "forwards" . Why can't people just forward from the main e-mail form the get go . To constantly click onto the forward attachment 4,5,6,7,8,9,etc.... times to get the the the forwarded e-mail at interest . I will only go past 2 attachments only before I just hit the "delete" button ! Or just simply C & P and make only one e-mail portion . It just takes away from my beer drinking time clicking on all these "forwards" ! :rotf: BEER30
Fingers crossed , I hopped on the scoot this mourning to head to the shop . Double checking the garage floor , not to trip over any spare parts that we might have over looked last night . Didn't want to be a Mini , you know her ......tripping over everything . The scot started up without a hitch . Backed her out of the garage and was asphalt bound . Right off , the purr and rumble of the pipes was so ever pleasant . Kinda sounda like the "AHHHH" that Jeff says after he finished a bowl of chocolate ice cream . With a kick like a good stiff shot of Everclear ! The scoot accerlerated without hesitation and without the vibration it had before . It's a whole new different feel after the colortune and also a carbtune as well . So saying "Jeff broke my scoot" , he did . Just like a cowboy breaks a wild stead . Now it's time to re-top off the tank with fuel (I hope I do not get anymore of that winterized fuel) , take it out on a good run to check out the MFG . I was dropping down from the 40's to now the lower 30's . It wasn't until after we started on the scoot did we think of taking photo's , but I didn't want my camera getting damaged , as Jeff throwing parts everywhere and also putting chips in my chrome handlebar weights , as his knoggin was constantly bumping into them . I wonder if that is why he was a little irritable now and then ! After all the components we removed off , Jeff pulled the first plug . With almost 31 K on these plugs , Jeff mentioned they didn't look bad , but we replaced them anyways . Jeff and I made a temporary fuel cell out of a 1 gallon plastic cas can . Drilled a whole into the filler spout flat cap and placed a metal air valve stem into it to connect to the scoot's fuel line . The gas can had a air vent cap on it , so we could open to allow a free flow of fuel . We strapped it on top of the air cannisters with a rope ratchet strap . It set there flawlessly . Some cylinders we could use the looking glass tube , some could not . As we were in the garage , we went ahead and turned off the shop lights to see the flame color a lot better . Jeff adjusted the carbs as Salty kept a better look at the flame color as his eyesight was better than mine . Besides , that allowed Salty to get closer to Jeff to get a better whiff of that Great Smell of Jeff ! And for me to look for all them spare part Jeff was tossing . As I had stated , we removed the tank and also removed the dog bones to make the job more simpliler . Just to remember to remove the rear brake res. as well to get that side dog bone off . Overall , we spent over a couple of hours performing this as we were taking our time . Knowing what we know now , it would take less time . It's not a M & E parking lot job either ! We discussed if we (Jeff) were going to do these again . It will require the owner of the scoot to go ahead and remove the mixture caps prior too (how-to to come later) , and have a minimum of 1 gal of ice cream , bananas , cherries , chocolate fudge , pineapples , whip cream , and more topping ready prior to doing the job . Terms are non-negotionable !!!!!!! Pic's will be taken when Tim's bike is trashed . On which if I remember will be next weekend . BEER30
This afternoon , I rushed home to remove my leather , seat and tank off in preparation of Muffinman's arrival to colortune my scoot . Only to find out I was the guinea pig ! This was Jeff's first 2nd Gen to castrate with the colortune . He jerked out my plugs , threw them across my garage , and I thought he tried to swipe one of my spark plugs , but it fell into the scoot where it couldn't be seen . I have never heard Jeff swear so darn much , knowing he was working on a 2nd gen to be able to pass a MKII 1st gen . Watch out now Todd ! As Jeff was throttling up my scoot to view the flame front , the exhaust out of my Baron 4-2-4's almost tipped over the blonde on which it was parked behind my scoot . I have never seen Salty run so fast to try to catch it from falling , while he was telling me that "Jeff sure does smell GOOD !". Jeff asked Salty if he wanted to colortune his next , and he replied " I take the fifth " . But the smell of Jeff made him hungrier , so Salty left towards home to go get pizza . After Salty left , Jeff and I started putting the scoot back together , leather and all and to clean up the floor full of tools . "What's this ?" I asked .. "Spare part" replied Jeff . 4 brass bullet like caps as to which he replied , "Less weight , go faster ! " . So now I understand why 1st gens are faster , because they loose parts ! Now the date has been set to colortune Tim261's scoot next ! Make sure you have a catch bucket nearby there , Tim ! The scoot sounds great with the exception that Jeff took over and tuned my XM to the Black Owl radio channel . (old timer's radio) Tomorrow will be the test to see if I can twist off the speedometer . BEER30