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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Here's a clue . We the group could not sneak inside and turn the toilet seat an "About Face" on this one ! :rotf: Hey Mini , where's the picture of the picture of Ice Water awaiting the exit of this individual ? BEER30
  2. Hey Froggie ! More and more each day , something exciting happens around your area . Shop constantly getting broken into , druggies , to now Hi-Speed chase in your back 40 . Question is , when I come to visit , will I need to pack some HEAT ? So to answer your question as for Free Coffee or Ice Cold Tea . How about both and adding also Danishes . I would have said "DONUTS" , but we know how sensitive our LEO friends are ....:rotf::rotf: BEER30
  3. I guess I waited to long to tell you just to give up and go out and get you a 2nd Gen . Oh well , Congrats and Welcome to the forum . BEER30
  4. Must of been that loose screw that fell out when considering putting a cage tire on the scoot . Now give it a few days , you might find that "Missing Link" ! And I am not referring the Charlie either .:rotf: BEER30
  5. Hey Mini , if you cannot find a pink thong , I still have the red thong Mechanic left here at my house as a tip last summer . I'm sure Riderduke can get at least one cheek into it ! And it's has lace on it too !!!!!:rotf: BEER30
  6. So see there , You two let your own skeletons out of the closet ! Got anymore dirt on yourselves you would like to discuss ? :rotf: BEER30
  7. I got the blow up swimming pool and a small air compressor . I think Mini is getting the pink thong wrestling suits . NO room on the thongs to place their names , so we will just have to wing it ! Bringing the BEERCART , so we can haul the gear . I can call the restaurant to get OK and water for the jello and placement of the Banners . And maybe perhaps we can get the local media to come out as well . Great Publicity for Riderduke and Sledge as well as the Restaurant as well . Perhaps this can be an annual event fund raiser too ? We can charge tickets to "NOT to LOOK" ! This can be the next best thing to Harry Potter , so Felicia and Renee can feel proud of their hubbies hugging in Jello ! All we need now is a Ring leader and a couple of Midgets , Lord we have enough clowns already . :rotf: BEER30
  8. Hey Lonna , Would you be willing to throw in some of your cheesecake into the Jello Pool ? BEER30
  9. Yep , just what I thought , Riderduke is in "Denial" ! :rotf: BEER30
  10. I guess the same reason some want the Older GW look, I guess . Now to solve the wrong question delima .......hum.... , just do what I do , give them wrong answer ! BEER30
  11. I know in some cases , many potential customer come in the showroom wanting to test drive a scoot that have no experience or reason to be on a scoot . The day I got my scoot , I witness a buyer almost take out a handful of scoots in the parking lot as he was taking off . He recovered and shot across the 3 lanes of traffic and into the ditch before it went horizontal . I did hear the salesman asked the guy prior to sale if he has any experience and he replies , "Yes " . I think the guy just wanted the bike so bad , he would say anything . I do know my dealer , if he knows you will let you test drive , but anyone caging it in , he will not . BEER30
  12. Hey Renee ! Glad you joined up . If only could I get BEER24/7 to join as well . BEER30
  13. I think Lowell has himself a laptop now ! He can be playing a Don , sitting in any parking lot with WiFi . BEER30
  14. And what pray tell would that question be ,"When will Santa bring me a 2nd Gen ?":rotf: BEER30
  15. Congrats Bobbie !!! Now I think a celebration is in order, so go bake us all some Cherry pies ! BEER30
  16. By the time I say "1st Gens are Better" is the day they "ALL" turn into parts bikes . Like a million little pieces being smeltered and molded into Brand New 2nd Gens ! :rotf::stirthepot: BEER30
  17. Good deal ! I cannot even get them near that cost from my wholesaler . Only ones I can get are from US and they are of premium grade . BEER30
  18. Where ever there is a stripped section and doesn't interfere with fire hydrants , handicapped parking or pedestrian crossings , my scoots going there . Once I was told not to park there at a movie theater , but to park up on the sidewalk . As several scoots have already been ran over in the cage spots . Manager we quite nice about it too as well as parking lot security as it share the parking spots at the Mall . Near the handicapped spaces , I hang my placard off the handlebars with a cable lock , but I leave the cage spots open for the other HC people . My scoot has already been hit by a shopping cart , bending the turn signal visor . It was a easy fix and cannot tell if it had been hit , but I don't take anymore chances . At my job , I own the parking lot ! :rotf: BEER30
  19. Not such a good idea there Mini , hate to see them two get into a cat fight ! Again , another reason for another cat fight , arguing over whom get's to wear them . Hummm , who's going to win , Riderdueschbag or Sister Sledge ? Maybe we ought to just have them both have a Jello/Puddin' wrestling match in tights to see whom wins !!! :rotf: :stirthepot: Can we plan this event at the VA M & E ? :stirthepot: BEER30
  20. You mean you ain't ? :rotf: Once a 2-Timer , Always a 2-Timer ! Beer30
  21. Assuming they are riding a 250 in the class , her long legs must be really dragging , or up around her ears at the least . But anyways , GOOD for Her ! I can see another scoot in the Dungeon here real soon . BEER30
  22. BEER30

    What if ?

    Geez there George , I thought you would have a home built "Dungeonator 3000" . As it will match the collections of leather , chains and shiny chrome things that the Mechanic has in the Dungeon ! :rotf: BEER30
  23. BEER30

    What if ?

    Let's say , "What If" there were no Ventures ever made , 1st Gen's nor 2nd Gen's . What would you be riding ? Myself , I would be on a custom "built" from scratch scoot . Old school scooter made from any possible parts and pieces . And You ? BEER30
  24. Tim , I don't care what your called now , Your still a "2 Timer" or "Dewie-Dong"! Ain't that right RiderDuke ? :rotf: Now I cannot get that darn Peter Gabriel song out of my head now ! BEER30
  25. Hey Don , DON'T DESPAIR ! My son is a professional Body Peircer and just acquired his TATTOOING tools . I bet I can con him out of the tools for a weekend on Maintenance day. Then you and I can Peirce and Ink Yama Mama to our expectations !!!!!!!!! Then we can whip her with her own whips ! Zap , Crack , Whippie -Kie-Yeah that , Yama Mama !!!!! :rotf::stirthepot: BEER30
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