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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Get the Wagner and also there will be some more protection with the Scooter Hooters you ordered , as 13 oz. mesh will protect the radiator it as well from road debris . BEER30
  2. Do I need to bring my MC lift again , or will we have enough of them there ? BEER30
  3. Bounced back at ya ! And by the way , what your poison ? BEER30
  4. Hey Steve , if ya aint got nobody to bunk with ya . I'll be interest . BEER30
  5. Remember there Muffy ! Mini put Brandy in there pies . You weave from side to side bad enough , let alone being intoxicated on the scoot ! :cool10: BEER30
  6. If I do not play a Mini and trip over anything by this afternoon , I should have another 6 sets of Scooter Hooters completed and ready to ship . For those whom were on the list : Kozman01 Monsta MidnightRider Wizard50US Amnchode Madsash Wuzzfuzz BigShell For those whom I forgot to include or do not know here's the link on details . http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15636&highlight=scooter+hooters My apologies for the delays , but I have so much stuff going on at this time which limits me to how much time I can put to these projects . If I have left you off the list , it is because I forgot all those whom wanted and lost track . If you still wish to get a set , please add your name to this thread and PM me . I do ship to Canada and abroad . The cost for member is as stated in the first thread plus postage . Please note : I will have to order more materials to make more . Cost have gone up since I last bought the raw goods . There might be a slight increase in cost of the raw good since I started this project , but I will not know until I order some more and it should be much more . Another reason I need to know how many still wish to get a set is to determine how much material to order . Normally this comes on 50 yard rolls . Cut goods cost more as they have to get off their lazy butts to cut it , so I prefer to buy the entire roll . But if not needing 50 yards , I will only buy what I need to do the projects . BEER30
  7. I thought so too , But having to pay to get these made , makes it more labor/cost intense . Waiting on the pipe bender people can duplicate the bends exactly every time and data be stored in the puter for more later on will be a benny for the future . I'm waiting on Tommy to call me back , which should be soon as I have his Harley Hummer seat that I am recovering as ransom ! :rotf: BEER30
  8. Well ya might as well hold onto that BEER , them lizards multiple like roaches . I must have gotten his cuzin' instead . But I will keep trying ! :rotf: BEER30
  9. Sorry guys for not posting sooner about this subject . My welder has received the dies to do the bending , but the tubing is not wanting to co-operate . The tubing is pinching on him and he's not satisfied with it . He even went to another welder friend of his to bend the tubing with his machine ,and still a no go . Now the problem lies within the bending of the tubing . We know where to get the tubing bent on a computerized bender and we are checking on the pricing and minimum pieces to bend . Once it is bent , my welder will do his thing . Once again , my apologies for not responding sooner on the news . I just have too many irons in the fire to keep up with everything . BEER30
  10. Ceico wouldn't cover me unless I included one of my cages on the policy . On my cages , home , boat and life , business....I have some good rates with Nation Wide , but their MC Ins. sucks . Currently my MC ins. is through GMAC . NC Ins. regs suck too ! BEER30
  11. Hey everyone whom has Geico MC insurance , please check your policy NOW , to see if your still covered !!!!!!! Today I just ran over that little green lizard ......splat , roadkill , toast , gone , road pizza , buzzard's delight , etc......! :rotf::rotf: BEER30
  12. BEER30


    And what Skid said ! My son did work for Hatteras Yaught , you know the several million dollar boats ! And he could have gotten you one of his 10% employee discounts ! BEER30
  13. Forgot to look at the mileage was on Jan 1. So for now I'll say that my bike is shy 1 month of having for 2 yrs. now and I have just turned 33K . My new truck has 1,748 (had to rub some new off quickly) , but my past truck ,I only put 5 k on it in 9 months . Tires got flat spots on it for sitting to much and battery went dead ! :rotf: BEER30
  14. BEER30


    Hey AZ1103 , what year is that boat of your pictured ? I have the Trophy Pro , late '04 (actually '05 model) . Mine has the Mercrusuier Alpha 1, Chev V-6 . I chose the carbed over the FI because carbed got better fuel economy . All my buddies bass me because I got an I/O , but I ask them how much you spend in fuel . Their reply was almost $200.00 a day .That's a full day of offshore fishing . Ha! , I spend about $50-60.00 per day going 20 miles offshore all day . So I have them beat on fuel cost . Engine repair ....they said it would cost more for repair . So far I still have them beat !!!:rotf: True , boats are a money pit , but no more than a scoot if you really dig deep inside to compare . Only difference is that you see more scenery on a scoot . Discipline is the key when owning a tub . Stay on top of the upkeep and maintenance and it's smooth sailing . BEER30
  15. Haven't you learned to "Bunny Hop" yet ? :rotf: BEER30
  16. BEER30


    I guess this conversation is out of my league as my $44,000.00 boat has no plywood , nor soft spots (only in my head ) . I would try to look for a 18 ft. , center console , wide beam aluminum Johnboat with a Honda or Yamaha 4 stroke . Great for what all you mentioned you would like to do with it and get into shallow water and duck hunting too . Trying to find a boat in any decent shape for 2-3 K is going to be hard to find . There's older boats hulls out there , but hard to find all the defect that are hidden . Then the motor , on which they are not cheap and can cost just as much or more than the boat itself . Then there is the trailer ! Just a thought , check out the local water parks for the used motorized inner-tubes , cruz'n , tub'n and snooz'n , all-n-one ! I wonder what worms cost these days ? BEER30
  17. Glad you got it straight , but I think I would still push the issue with your Congressman . When will next time come ? There needs to be a solution put in place for future occurrences . To resolve the confusion and headaches . The Wisconsin politicians must use that corn you all grow more for other things that ethanol , Or are they that big of a Cheese Head ? :rotf: BEER30
  18. Hey , I pull a BEERCART and scoot equipped with a cow suit , I don't need a V-Max rearend ! So MOOOOOOve over 1st Gen's !!!!!!:rotf: BEER30
  19. Writing .....IN Writing ! Speaking is BS in most cases when they want to sway it into their direction . Request them to send to you documentation that states that MC or Moped are exempt from using placards . It's their job to educate the public of the laws upon request . I asked our state DMC here where is states that is is or is not permitable . It only states Licensed Motor Vehicle . Does not specify whether 2 wheels , 3 wheels , 18 wheeler or a cage ! Therefore it is legal . Last word they said it was up to the digression of the ticketing officer , but off the record said I would beat it in court because of the language the law was written . Ok now , no HC parking near the building . So park at the end and demand a HC shuttle bus ! Now see which is cheaper , a tin sign or $3.50 + a gallon for the bus ! :rotf: BEER30
  20. Better yet , Just bounce all over the lane from side to side ! Them there following must think you under the influence or just plain darn CRAZY . Then they hopefully themselves start to think more of what's going on and be more observant of you and give you your space . Besides for us flat landers , it gives us an opportunity to get even tire wear on the side walls . :rotf: BEER30
  21. The fact that a motorcycle is defined as a Motor Vehicle . That's about covered in every state and that this MC (Motor Vehicle) is licensed by that state . Being either a plate or a placard which states that this can be used on "ANY LICENSED MOTOR VEHICLE" and the bearer of that plate or placard can legally park in any disabled parking spot , unless posted "NO MC" . Now I ask , was that HC parking spot clearly without obstruction view , a sign that says "NO MOTORCYCLES" ? Whether the Dr, issues you a document , that you in turn take to the DMV and therefore issued a plate or placard , whether it is permanent or temporary constitutes you have the right to park in that designated area . "PERIOD" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In this situation , I believe you are being wrongfully discriminated and if this on a local level cannot be resolved , I suggest that you contact your congressman/woman and clearly explain your case and that your being discriminated according to the disability act . BEER30
  22. OK , I admit it ! I do know where the beer is . And no , my GPS isn't failing . Truthfully , I just do not want to cause an accident or have someone complain about my chewing tobacco habits ! And to add . I like the inside track at night to give me better response time fer them 4 legged critters and a smoother road surface . Daytime ....so them ignorant cagers thing I'm a copper with my modulating headlight shining in both driver's side and rear view mirror , so they will get out of my way ! They tend to ignore the passenger side mirror . Also I can't afford fer my beer to get warm .:rotf: BEER30
  23. Most of the time I pull the BEERCART , I like to ride in the rear and in the center . If guys push me up into the group , well they better watch out fer me as I ride on any side that I feel safer on . That's is what anyone will have to put up with me . If I do not pull the BEERCART , I ride the opposite side from the scoot in front of me . I hate leading as I don't know where I am going ! :rotf: BEER30
  24. You buying ? :rotf: Poledar lives in MB ! BEER30
  25. If ya weren't rolling around in the grass with Charlie , it wouldn't have been so darn hot !:rotf: BEER30
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