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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Well said there Redneck . Lowell the man that sold a "Dead Horse" to a poor ole unsuspecting older codger ! In Texas ........only in Texas ....!!!!!!:rotf::rotfl: BEER30
  2. I'll ignore that comment , cause "FAST" isn't everything ! I like to see where I've been , not a blur to where I'm heading . BEER30
  3. Yep , a Wing and a Prayer (1st gen):rotf: !
  4. Steve , Cooler is front of , as it is built into the trailer . I carry a collapsible cooler to take into the hotel rooms . You can see the part of it on the second picture from the inside view towards the bottom of . It is insulated with that foam spray can stuff . I'll check my PM's . BEER30
  5. Hey Eck , first off "Thanks" on informing me of the linear actuators . I finally finished the mods to the "BEERCART" , other than securing down the aux battery inside , installing one limit switch and paint . I can now manually control down pressure with push button control until I get the limit switch installed . Now I need a robotic arm , that will fetch me a beer from the cooler and hand it to me on the scoot ! Got an extra one laying around at work ? Now I can raise/lower the lid and lock the lid to the "BEERCART" remotely . Call me lazy , but having to lock and unlock 2 locking mechanisms located directly under the spoiler was getting difficult at times . Project cost me around $165.00 . Linear actuator is rated 200lbs. with key-fob remote control . I made the "Bell-crank" out of steel , 3/4" axle and 1 1/2"x 1/4" flat stock . Total weight less than 8 lbs. . I place a lawn mower battery inside the "BEERCART" as it's sole power source with parallel wiring from the scoots battery via a 2 prong connection plug to recharge the battery while "on the go" or with use of a battery tender in storage . The linear actuator draws less than 2 amps under load . Circuit is protected by fuse link . I will also install a pin puller to release the actuator , just in case a malfunction occurs . Here's some pic's . BEER30
  6. Skid , take a look at the Scorpion EXO-200 . I have the EXO-100 and love it . Showed it to at least a dozen or more friends and they went out and bought one . I wonder if I should get a commission ? :cool10: BEER30
  7. #2 lawsuit .......Obstructing Justice ! BEER30
  8. My tops are done in leather matching the rest of my leather , but not around the sides like those are . BEER30
  9. Not , That would be a falling star .....Take 86er for example ! :rotf:
  10. 2nd Gen , H@LL NO ! Get that kid a HD . They are used to being in parts ! Better yet , put 86er (certified asphalt surfer) on a moped :rotf: and remove the brakes for his own sake ! Hey Todd , just asking , you've been eating Dominoes Pizza , cut into squares again ? :stirthepot: BEER30
  11. Is there a "REWARD" ? :whistling: BEER30
  12. Study , Test , Reports , Opinions , so what ! I've noticed that loud pipes has helped me . Being along sides of cages in blind spots to critters up ahead with better hearing than most here . They hear ya whether you think so or not . I've noticed them when in my cage and I am not that crazy or senile just yet . At least the critters look up or make a movement for me to see them up ahead for me to take precautions . If it makes a cager mad because of loud pipes , well at least I'm here to tell you about it . I respect the fact that most do not like loud pipes . If you like for me to ride in the rear , that's ok with me . Just give me the respect of asking whether than complaining after the fact . There's a difference in just running louder pipes and just racking the pipes for attention . Heck , I see cages with loud pipes and squalling tires everyday . I guess I better join a cage forum to start some beef with that ! To each there own and at least respect one another . BEER30
  13. Hey Charlie , is that the best you can do ? I would have thrown him back and let him grow up some . I guess I need to send you up a bigger fishing pole , but then again you will most likely loose it again . . Better yet , take Hope fishing with ya . I bet she would out-fish you and post a bigger fish ! Keep trying !!!!!! BEER30
  14. What happened to channel 29 on the CB ? Breaker , Breaker 29 .....Meet me at the DQ ! BEER30
  15. It's a shame since first cager claimed they didn't see ya , when they forced ya off the road or into other hazards . Now they cannot hear you . Oh what a shame , what a shame . What's next , cager cause MC accident cause they cannot smell them coming ? BEER30
  16. Yeah , wouldn't Mini , Mama , and Cindy look cool with Pointy ears ? :rotf: BEER30
  17. I have the HF 135+ decibel air horns as well . Mounted one trumpet under each drivers running boards . Mounted the compressor under the scoot on the 45* tab on the cross-bar where the center stand would be located . Only had to re-drill one of the 2 holes the next size up on it to bolt on the compressor . It's relay tied into the stock horn , so I have air horns and stock . BEER30
  18. You must be a TREKKIE , Live long and prosper , Mr. Spock . Next , the Vulcan Mind meld . BEER30
  19. I usually stick my finger in my nose at HD riders , but that's only if they do not wave back . I find more crotch rockets wave more that HD's as well . GW guys are swell as they want me to notice their purdy scooters . How about an upside down V with the fingers with thumb extended . Then you have a /\r . You know , like the hand gesture the boys in the hood make , but without the pistol in their hand :rotf: BEER30
  20. Have you seen Salty's little finger ? :rotf::rotf: BEER30
  21. Hey Salty , Homeowners Insurance . Few years ago , hurricane set a tree limb into my neighbors A/C . Being his older unit was outdated , I think a 11 tier , not he has newer 15 tier unit and cools much better and more efficient . Just a thought . BEER30
  22. Ever heard of a knife ? Or just place it in front of Squidley as he's eating ....... . A perfect notch shall transform to place around that hitch receiver . To jump on the bandwagon , it wasn't mine either as I was the VR Limo service for the Muffin's . But my flap I made , I used kydex plastic , molded it around the draw-bar and bolted it to the mud flap . Cut around my Cheyenne hitch I got from Diamond R . BEER30
  23. I too agree we need to drill our own oil and quit supporting other countries that take advantage of the US . But drilling for more oil will fill up the crude barrels/tanks , but we need more refineries to process the crude . Wheres the petition to build more refineries ? BEER30
  24. I'm surprised it didn't get any worse , but then again ! BEER30
  25. The Muffin's and myself arrived after 10:00 safely here at my house . It was a pleasure as well to ride again with the gang . I'll report more later after I take care of things . BEER30
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