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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Rooms are at a premium. Were we stay, rooms are regularly $400.00+/- a night. Rolling Thunder members rates are $110.00 +/- in Crystal City. I run into other bikers whom camp out or room outside the beltway for cheaper rates. Though I have a friend whom lives less than a mile away from the Hotel we stay at, he says it may take a hour to get from his place to the bunk-house. I'd rather pay the rate that wait. Plus I split the rates with a roomy when Becky does not go. BEER30
  2. I and BluesTD08 will be there as a Rolling Thunder member NC-5, doing security in the parking lot of the mourning of the "Demonstration Ride". You all be good now! You can spot the BEERCART w/flags close to the front, parallel of the highway. This will be my 4th year participating and it's more exciting every time I go. For those whom it their first time. Bring plenty of patience! Bring all that you may need for hydration and eats (if your on a budget), food and drinks are sold there. CMA/PG and other organizations are there for thirst and aid if needed. Take precautions for heat and sun, as the parking lot gets HOT or possible rain. Umbrellas and small chairs that you can take on bike are helpful. Fly Flags if you have them Old GLORY and MIA-POW. Any alcohol is prohibited, I get to confiscate it if I find it ! LOL!!!!!!! Bikes are packed in like sardines, so open fires are discouraged. If anyone does use flame for cooking, there will be a fire extinguisher for each bottle of fuel. It is suggested if you use a flame to cook, take it away from the bikes to a more open area. There are a lot of HD's and 1st Gens that leak oil!, get my drift? Around noon, be prepared for the Fly Over (if scheduled) and then the ROAR of all the bikes starting up. Though you may have a wait before you start, a solemn feeling of what this event was meant for will overwhelm you. Be prepared for on-lookers and excited supporters along the route stepping into the road and wanting to slap/shake your hand along the way. That is dangerous to say the least. You will cross the bridge into DC and see Tim the Marine in Dress Blues at attention. He remains at attention until the last bike. He's a TRUE Professional and even after the Demonstration ride. I will not spoil you with the rest of what you will encounter, but you will enjoy it! See Ya There!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEER30
  3. Uh.........Aren't you a Male or just an old stick in the mud ? BEER30
  4. What stumps me is that customs has done Annie really rotten. She wants to leave on time to make it to the USA for everybody to see her blossoms. Her roots are still belong to Australia, however she's willing to branch out. Everybody wood love to see her and shady ole' man. Someone in the Australian Branch of Government is a real sap! I bet you if you Bark enough and place a few knots on top of their heads, then make them walk the plank, they will wavier. Remember to kick them from behind and tell them Twiggy did it ! BEER30
  5. So your saying you wood like to tie them down and stump-break them? I bet you almost ready to Leave too? BEER30
  6. Wood it really make a difference on what type of timber they used ! Glad you thought ahead. BEER30
  7. Last week I called J&M about a headset that was way out of warranty (bought in '07) and that the upper portion of the cable's wire had broken internally. They told me to ship it to them and they would look at it and give me a repair cost. I sent it out Priority mail and in 2 days received an e-mail in the a.m. that they received. Another e-mail later that afternoon that they shipped back a NEW headset !!!! Received it today and I can tell you that their customer service was great. I was looking at a replacement cost of $170-ish. Thanks J&M !! BEER30
  8. There will Not be any Virgins for him, I've done made sure of that ! :whistling: BEER30
  9. U.S. missle got him last week. DNA just confirmed. On Fox News right now. BEER30
  10. Good job U.S. Military !!!!!!!!!!!! Beer30
  11. It's a 2 part event, Saturday and Sunday. BEER30
  12. Look HERE BEER30
  13. Our Rolling Thunder Chapter NC5 will be there on Sunday's final escort. Due to prior "Vietnam Recognition Ceremony" commitment. We will depart immediately after the ceremony to Statesville to join everybody. BEER30
  14. I see they came down in price since I last purchased. Regardless, it has already paid for itself. Only issue I worried about was the state law. Having a device that could be distract the driver that plays media. I had one of them mounts like the Police have to support the laptop. If I saw the law-man. I simply closed the laptop or adjust the brightness of the screen. BEER30
  15. Has the rear suspension been altered. How much air in the rear shock? I just replaced the rear tire, plus I adjusted the air in both front and rear shocks this evening and noticed a much smoother ride home. Is your wife petite? The empty space under the back rest caused my wife to be a little bit uncomfortable on long rides. She will sometimes place a small jacket/sweater in the empty spot for lower lumbar support as well as added seat pad to raise her up some. BEER30
  16. I have two programs loaded on my laptop. One program is DeLorme Street Atlas with GPS antenna which i paid around $100.00 4 years ago (I have since updated the program to newer version). I connect the GPS antenna to the laptop to follow my route while in a cage like a GPS. Prior to my trip, I enter my estimated gas mileage to scheduled fuel stops and lodging. At each check point, I can search for numerous POI's. This program is voice activated. I can ask simple questions and get a reasonable response or tell it to SHUT UP! For the most part, it listens to me better than the wife. The other program is Map Source which came with my Zumo. Either program I can plan my trips and look ahead for possible stops/gas/lodging locations at predetermine mileage intervals and load them into my Zumo. I'm not familiar what you can get loaded onto a Nuvi as I do not have one. BEER30
  17. Prayers be with you. Sounds just what I went through. L5-SI ...disc completely gone. Then later, both hips collapsed. Neurosurgeon fixed my back and did a darn good job with it. I was partially paralyzed before the fusion. On my hips, I saw one of the best in the US Orthopedic surgeon up in AK who diagnosed that both hips collapsed. Had bone drilling to releave the pain. I was diagnosed with Vascular Necrosis (dead bone due to no blood supply). I'm supposed to be using crutches since the surgery, but they make my back hurt (not the fused section). They could have replaced the hips, but they want me to hold off as long as I can. I've been to bone breakers/benders to acupuncture. I've been tossed all herbs and spices (natural and man made narcotics) and which none have helped. I know what your going through Bro, and hope that you recover soon. BEER30
  18. That's why he has the Pygmies.....to old to.........but watch! BEER30
  19. Becky and I will leave on Thursday from Camp Lejuene area. We normally stay over in Princeton WV. off 77. Depart early on Friday to MD. BEER30
  20. BEER30


    Thanks Jonesy, Becky and I will be at MD. Will be going to Worcester to see the grand kids afterwords. I too also try to avoid the Toll Monsters as well, but sometimes the time and miles savings, the toll is a small price to pay, with exception to NY and NJ. I can also set the GPS to avoid Tolls and Trolls. Annie, You will not need a Ez-Pass as stated above. It's a matter of convenience thing. Mini, It will not matter what or where you go. You always and will remain a Trouble Maker ! BEER30
  21. BEER30


    I live in NC, no tolls yet. I got the EZ-PASS while in NY last year. I called NY EZ-PASS and that's what they told me. He told me that there was a transponder for MC and one for cages. I guess I will find out when at MD to Mass. and back home if there is any lower rates for MC as they are sending me a transponder for MC specific. BEER30
  22. BEER30


    It's been almost a year since I last used my EZ-PASS online. All my info. to log into my account was lost on my laptop when I had to reformat it. So I called today to get support as any attempt to retrieve lost password came back to an error. I spoke to a support person and retrieved my log in info. and then asked him about the topic of MC's. He replied back that I had the wrong transponder and he would send me the correct one for a MC out today. I also asked him about pulling a trailer and he replied to me that MC tolls are cheaper and to NOT pass through the Express Lane, but go through the normal coin slinging lane. The EZ-PASS would detect the MC and the poll person will nuke the trailer toll. Any truth to this or did I get the BS side of the story? BEER30
  23. Take the left side battery cover off. There you will see the fuel pump. Take a screw driver handle and tap on it on the side with the key on. Your fuel pump may have gotten stuck. Mine failed and I tapped the side of the pump and it started pumping. Had it replaced under warranty. BEER30
  24. There you go Don, Hire Josh and Arthur as your very own personal body guards at MD. I bet the both of them can kick the bucket right out of Mini's hands before she even gets close to you! BEER30
  25. It will be FourPaws driving. It will be safer that way! Charlie can ride in the cooler on wheels. BEER30
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