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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. He can get out of it , if he uses the correct language. Meaning if you contest the ticket on how it was written and not mention anything else other than the facts . For example , I left the house one day to go get a gallon of milk . I just moved here from Alaska and still had AK drivers license . Well I forgot my wallet when I left . I returned home , only to have a driver's license check check point 50 feet from my driveway . Well I got cited for "Not having a valid NC driver's license" . Well I went to court and told them I did not have a NC DL , but an AK DL . Showed them my driver's license , they tossed it out of court ! All you would have to do is have a witness testify that you were wearing a helmet and leave it at that . The officer made the mistake on not making note that it was not a DOT approved helmet . So nail him on improper paperwork ! BEER30
  2. I've been PM'd almost to death here lately in regards to Saddle Bag liners . Because of my heavy schedule , I have not been able to get to make any here lately . Well the Boss said "OK" to make them here at work . I have the patterns for the 2nd Gens and they will work for the late model 1st Gens . I also have the pattern for the earlier 1st Gens , but yet made any yet other than for a few here . So here's the deal . All 3 bags (2/saddle bag liners and 1/ trunk bag liner) for &75.00 per set . Made either from 1000 denier cordura or 1050 Ballistic nylon (black only). I have other colors , but they are more military patterns . You can call the shop here to place your order @ 910-325-1000 (High Speed Gear Inc.) M-T , 8:00-6:00 , Friday ,8:00-4:30 . I'm going to get several sets made up ASAP and will continue to make them as they are ordered . We have a small break in work and estimate a 2 week slow down in other production (end of physical year government spending), so it would be best to place your order as soon as possible , because as soon as this slow break ends , no telling when I will be able to get back to these liners . BEER30 P.S. I have patterns for the Vulcan Nomad as well .
  3. For those wanting bag liners . I'm starting a new thread on them on ordering them . BEER30
  4. Like *HELL* it isn't Photo-shoped . The fish looks OK , but it's that other creature looks a little bit better than the last time I saw him . Now what did you do to the Charlie we know ? BEER30
  5. "Work" is such a 4 letter dirty word . I'm offended that you said that ! BEER30
  6. How can you be impressed ? Lip-sinking at it's best along with typical delayed audio out of sync with lip movement on the final Opera segment ! Typical Asian film protocol . Makes ya want to become a Mall Ninja BEER30
  7. I fly larger 12" x 16" US and POW-MIA Flags off my trunk rack . Recently after I lost a mast (with smaller flag) due to my own fault by not checking the tightness , it unscrewed itself . Sledgehammer got this flag set for me about a year ago . So I went to look for a replacement , Tim forwarded the link to where he ordered them . Knowing that this retailer would not have just the mask , I called the distributor . Doing a search , I found http://www.cycleline.us/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=C&Product_Code=POLE&Category_Code=C4 Cheapest priced flip up flag set I have run across on the internet , $29.95 . They said they did not sale the mast itself , but offered to send me a whole new sealed package and just pay shipping . Well , I told them it was my own fault that I lost the flag and mast and would graciously pay for a new one . They insisted me not too , so I took them up on their offer and bought another one . Well since I wanted to fly larger flags than what was with the set (I get 12" x 16" flags wholesale) , I took the mounts of the 2 new flag sets , fabricated a bridge linking the 2 together . Drilled 3 holes for flag mast along with allen set screws for the post . So now I fly 2 flags and have another position to fly 3 if I want too later on . My camera is at the shop , so I cannot post photo right now . I would not fly the flags off the antennas as many will suggest . The antenna for the RSV are over $100.00 each to replace . BEER30
  8. Simple ......DNA ! Only need a stand of hair , a drop of sweat , or skin partials from the owner . BEER30
  9. Sale the spare wood , collect the money and buy another 2nd Gen ! Ride down south where it is warmer during the cold months . BEER30
  10. Customs and Homeland Security are the rudest bunch out there . After getting kicked out of the Library of Congress , and talking to a couple of Capital Police MC cops , they too called them a couple of names that described them exceptionally well . Another time I was crossing the US/Can border back in the 90's , an elderly couple was detained , humiliated , car stripped down , bags un-packed and scattered all over the parking lot from the Canadian side . Then left all the debris for the elderly to deal with . I crossed over to the US side and told the US customs . They just looked pitiful dumb faced and just sat there . Well a couple of 3 letter agency officers (and it weren't no US Customs guys either) were there to here me complain about it and they marched right across the border and made the Canadian customers officers put everything right back where it came from , all nice and tidy. Sometimes these guys (both sides) think they are "God all Mighty". BEER30
  11. Brad , Which side (US or Can) called here "stupid" ? No matter what the situation was , that customs officer had no right to call her "stupid". If it was me , I would file a complaint . BEER30
  12. Well I'll start thinking of the location and art design ! I know I will be pleased ! You know me , I have a crazy imagination,. Do I hear a $301.00 Pledge ? Seriously , donate what you can , no matter how small , it all adds up. BEER30
  13. Glad to see this start off and to say Becky and I pledge $300.00 . That's $100.00 personally and $200.00 coming from our company (HSGI). It would be with a warm heart to see this contribution go towards these kids and an honor to be presented in "Memory of MeanDog" . Even more so to see the cringe on Bobbie and Squids faces as them tiny needles piercing 1,000's upon 1,000's of times , laying down that ink . So just think , your donation will (strictly voluntary) will also be considered "More Pain , More Gain '! BEER30
  14. Yeah Bobbie , don't worry about what others think of it . If ya did , what would your grandkids think of an elderly sexy Biker MaMa tootling down the pavement on a scoot ? It's what it means to you , not others ! Besides , it might turn SleeperHawk on !!!!!!!!! Never enough excitement in the dungeon , BEER30
  15. Bobbie and Squid , I have the tattoo's covered if you allow my son to do them , so there will be no out of cost coming from the donations . Just your time and gas to get to my son's shop . This is just my opinion , it would be up to the bearer to decide on what tattoo and location of such tattoo . After all , it is something you will have to wear for the rest of your life . BUTT , there will be pictures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as all would like to see a portion of what they are contributing towards and evenly more importantly so to St. Judes . Now for Squid , being he so courageously shaved his head last year , shave it again and then tattoo an EIGHTBALL on top ! Bobbie , I'll have to whisper my idea only in your ears ! BEER30
  16. That's what you think, I'll bring my own HOOTER's and POLE !!!!!!!! Beer too BEER30
  17. You may fly the Canadian Flag all by itself with nothing to worry about . It would courteous if you flew both flag , USA on the right and at same height , but not mandatory . Honestly I would not worry about it , as US and Canadian see a no border policy . There is only political borders and they are not worth discussing . BEER30
  18. I'm sorry Don , but this new option only points out that some members are just too darn lazy to "Not" Look ! I'm still awaiting my beer fetching feature ......how's it coming along ?:whistling: BEER30
  19. Dang Bobbie . Are you on vacation now ? Never saw you post so many times in one day ! :rotf: BEER30
  20. Bump , means bringing the thread back on top , similar to revise the issue . We like photos ! Period !!!!!!! BEER30
  21. Bobbie , If ya take the Grand Canyon tour , your more than likely ride the Original 1st Gen . More power and a heck of a lot faster of what they call them 1st gens today ! Watch out for them tourist traps with the fake turquoise jewelry . Call me and I'll tell you how you can tell real from fake . Just remember , Be Happy , Ride Happy ! Short amount of time and a lot to do and see . Just make sure George drinks a lot of water and keeps cool as possible . Keep the cell phone charged and keep someone posted on your schedule for safety sake . By the way , whom is going to take care of the dungeon while you two are gone ? BEER30
  22. Rubbing alcohol or denatured alcohol in a squirt bottle ! Like gas , it's not really the content , but the shock it does to them critters when it hits them . Instant cold sets shock into them , like a Smoothie does to your head on an extremely hot day , Brain Freeze ! BEER30
  23. Well I hope he picks out a better spot to take that nap other than an ant bed ,again !
  24. Yeah Tim .....Nap.......Tattoo's ? I'll be up towards Tim's area on Sept 6th , RV show in Greensboro. BEER30
  25. Hey , Just to give Tim a little insight , I threw this together for an example of visualization . Still no pressure Tim ! Becky thought of it . BEER30
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