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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. No body mentioned " Is the bike OK ?" Now Cindy , if that foot swells up, that glass slipper isn't going to fit no more ! And only 15 stitches .......well you got bragging scars now . Now , all kidding aside , you take care of yourself and get healed . BEER30
  2. As far as the helmet , try the Scorpion EXO-100 . It's a shorty and has a built in 1/2 visor that flips up into the helmet , great padding and it usually wider than other helmets to absorb any impact if it should occur . It has great visibility to not cause you much claustrophobia in my opinion . As many has mention , watch your posture . My wife felt much better after I put armrest on the scoot . Gave her a little bit more sense of security ! She made the comment it made her feel more lazy sitting up there on the throne . Hey , if it gets her on the back of the scoot more , It was worth the money getting them . The armrest also gave her something to balance her more upright , not leaning as we made our turns . In time , you will get right back into it . Just take it slow and easy . Enjoy the ride ! BEER30
  3. Glad you got them in time and hope they serve you well ! Thanks , BEER30
  4. MasterGuns and Pick , out on the Big Brown Truck today . RoadKill , out tomorrow via USPS . Binding machine went south and I finally got it fixed today to finish up these bag liners . BEER30
  5. Hey I tried , but there was this little short red head with an attitude standing between us ! BEER30
  6. Hey Buddy , You do not need Redneck to comment on what a vacuum hose and a 1st get have in common ! Answer is they both suck !!!!:stirthepot: Hoo-Ya .....2nd Gen's Rule !!!!!!! BEER30
  7. My wife has corpal-tunnel in both wrist and when riding long distance , the pain goes up her arm and into here neck and shoulder . She did accu-puncture and it helped relieve most of the pain . At night and when not doing other things she sometimes wears wrist braces and they help too. Have you considered wearing wrist bands like the atheletes do when riding ? BEER30
  8. Are you saying that my mixture of Bat toes , Lizard eggs and root of Poison Ivy in my BEER is not going to do me any good ? BEER30
  9. Naked too !
  10. No Guts ......No Glory ! BEER30
  11. Congrats ! Now Poledar will have a lifetime Pole Dancer ! Woo-Hoo ! BEER30
  12. Yes , But I am not telling you where it is ! Place it in your wallet , sew it into your vest/jacket/helmet . Place it where it will be a small job to get too . Buddy of mine has his in his boot laces , like the military guys do with their spare dog-tag . BEER30
  13. Our website hosting in located 1.5 hours away . I wished I had thought of what you just mentioned when I went to see my Congressman office last week as he was in the same town . But even though , I had a tight schedule . From what he explained to me was to make a backup of that page , and rename that file for just in case . Then open up FrontPage with my username and password , open the page I need to make changes , make changes and then save . He told me I would be making change "Live" . If I screw up , replace it with the backup file . BEER30
  14. Wonder what it does to the air/fuel mixture from dull roar to bad-AZZ ? Does it come with butterfly carb jets ? BEER30
  15. I merely wish to change some text on our main page of our shop's website . A buddy of mine built our site , but failed to instruct me on how to make text changes . Our web hosting guy was going to show me how , but he passed away last month . I now have a new guy I speak too to make these changes and he makes them for me without having to charge me $65.00 minimum , but I feel like I asking to much of him . He has given me my FrontPage username and password and a quick tutorial over the phone . Other than the main page , the rest of our site is E-Commerce and I can manage that without any issues . It just the main page is what I'm going to screw up on ! I was just merely asking towards if there was an easier way by using another program . BEER30
  16. I grab the inside lane , go my own pace . Being outside lanes always have cagers switching lanes in and out exits like maniacs . At least I only have to deal with watching my one right side . Cagers see me well and pass on the right if they need be or if traffic is lite , I move over and let them by , then get back into inside lane . To much to watch for in safety , so I limit it by taking the inside lane . Grooved pavement , I just relax and let the scoot float , try not to push it or over steer , like riding over steel grate bridges . BEER30
  17. Hey Squid , It might be true , but will need someone to go over and do some tire kicking to make sure . To be said , we have dealers pimping the shop's products on e-bay . I know they are good , as we make them . Sometimes dealers use e-bay to move overstock or to lure more customers in to the see the basic models , then mozzy over to a better looking , higher priced model . You know trailers with chrome (biker entrapment !) As I did and most do/will see the e-bay add , search the net to find out what their web site is and window shop from there on . From what I can see , I can get a 2 foot longer trailer and still save 1K if I make the trip to the Georgia plant . Might just be worth taking a road trip when the time comes . Another factor is the economy , they may need to unload a few to make ends meet or hold over till times get better before they start layoffs . BEEER30
  18. Does it have a feature similar to Microsoft FrontPage ? BEER30
  19. I guess your getting them in time . Being shipped out today via UPS . Thanks , BEER30
  20. A 1st Gen ....Burnout ? .........More like "Smoke" coming out the tail pipes is more like it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hihi::rotfl: BEER30
  21. All I can say is the longer you wait to place the order , the tougher it will be to get them made and too you . If you call , fill me on the need to have them faster , we can see what we can do . It may require a faster shipping method . We are cutting them out as we speak and soon to be sewn together . Making some in black color to have on hand . BEER30
  22. Saddle Bag liners should fit the RSTD . As of now I do not have a pattern for the HD tour pak , but I have some friends (cough-cough, ) that I can get a pattern from . BEER30
  23. First off RoadKill , my apologies to you for not getting back with you . What I thought I had available , I didn't have . A lot of typical everyday BS here at work was happening to cloud the situation as well . If you only need a trunk liner or a set of saddle bag liners . You can order them separately as well . But there is a $5.00 surcharge . So price for trunk liner only will be $30.00 and Saddlebag liners will be $55.00 . Also to add , I can get them embroidered . I do have a means of getting them done , and price for that will be what is charged me . I have no pricing as it's not my work that I am doing , Just saying I can get it done if you want . I know it will be possible a 1-2 week lead time added , depending on my contacts schedule. BEER30
  24. I think Charlie is parting out Lowell's scoot for beer money ! BEER30
  25. Question is , " Did you slow down some when he Hopped on ?" BEER30
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