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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. My mom just called me to let me know that the Muffinman and myself hit the front page here in Jacksonville Daily News . http://www.jdnews.com/news/memorial_59716___article.html/vietnam_onslow.html What a relief it was to see it wasn't photos to go up in the Post Office ! Yesterday was the 2nd Annual Vietnam Memorial Motorcycle run . As I road with Rolling Thunder , Muffinman , Mini , Poledar , Pole Dancer , SaltyDawg , Chrome Rose , and other VR riders attended as well . BEER30
  2. Get some insurance on that rod before you send it to that fish-boy . He claims to loose them rod and reels on some fish-tail stories on how that a big fish snatches them up ! My change goes into a 5 gallon water bottle , saving up for the grand-children . BEER30
  3. Most of the time , I speed up some if it can be done safely . Sometimes if I cannot speed up, I lean the bike , still maintaining a straight forward line . Basically riding the edge of the tire . Making a turn , applies a more solid force , bracing the scoot to take control of the trailers tongue . As if the bike was still straight upright , the force can rock the scoot to either side , causing the bikes rear to wobble somewhat . I've seen this happen to a bike with a Voyager kit without a trailer . Scares the crap out of ya when you are right behind them doing 70 mph. . I have also down shifted and accelerate at the same time , causing the rear end of the scoot to squat , creating more force in an up and down motion that is greater than side to side motion and neither slow down , nor speed up. So in reference to having to stop after a truck passes , I have not yet had to do this . I've been very fortunate that I had not had to do so. Now I have had the BEERCART jump from side to side vigorously . Traffic behind me , let's say they just back off ! BEER30
  4. As some of you would know, Sept. 19 was POW-MIA Recognition Day. On Sept. 19-20 , the event I participated in was designated, ”The Ride Home” . Ceremonies were held at the National Prisoner of War Museum and it’s Cemetery in Andersonville, Ga. I just returned home from Andersonville, Ga., where we Honored those 96 Ex-POW’s who attended, with their Widows, and their Spouses whom attended as guest of Rolling Thunder, various supporters, and numerous sponsors. Also survivors of Gen. MacArthur's “Rainbow" Division were honored. I had the honor to escort the Widow of, and the Wife of our Nations Hero’s in this occasions on which they rode as a distinguish navigator on the back of my RSV within these 2 day event. (also they were served Ice Cold Beverage out of the cooler of the BEERCART.) My scoot and trailer was truly Blessed! In fact, the wife of the ex-POW is most likely going to go out and buy here hubby and herself a new scoot here real soon after I took her out on a sunset ride out in the countryside. One nights occasion, we broke bread with the ex-POW’s and spouses at a dinner event that we were seated with. I and another fellow RT member sat at the table with our guests. These guys are a RIOT! Four of the five ex-POW’s were held at the same German POW camp that we sat with. The tales they share was us at dinner were more than anyone could imagine. There were tears shed, embracing, smiles and laughter. It was an earth moving experience for all of us. As some were departing back home on the last day, I helped assist a very lovely young at heart lady from her wheelchair onto the charter bus, to find myself a POW now ! They would not let me off the bus and told me I had to go home with them. I said, “OK then, If I cannot leave, I have demands !” . They replied,”What demands”? ….. I replied, “If you keep me, I demand an ALLOWANCE” …….. They door was quickly opened and I was out on my “keester” before I knew what happened ! I must say, this event was one the most rememberable occasions I will never forget. BEER30
  5. Dah ! Don't we have CB radio's on our scoots ? Ever thought about saying "Breaker 1-9 , Breaker 1-9 , it's little ole me on 2 wheels requesting a slide by . If you would be so kind to let me sling-shot past you , I'll be your Bird-Dog and let you know if the Bubble Gum machine in operation up ahead ! Then meet up with you at the Pewk & Choke and buy you a Cup of Mud and an Day old O-Ring. Whach ya say there Good-Buddy ?" I find it that most truckers are biker freindly as many own/ride bikes themselves . Just a freindly alert to them , they appreciate dearly , as they are big rigs and it's hard for them to fight the cagers and look out for us 2 wheelers at the same time. A little curtiosy will go both ways ans a long way . Some will move over enough to ride on the high side of the ruts to lesson some of the spray that is being slung about . Judge each situation at it's proper time and place , and make no unnecessary risk . BEER30
  6. Sledgehammer PM'd me and said he could not make due to prior engagement. His engagement is just as important as this event. So I will excuse him myself unless he says different . What New I-HOP , is there another one-legged waitress I haven't heard about ? The one I-HOP here in J-Ville is several years old and mostly crowded . The food is good , though there is a wait the biggest part of the time to get into . Indications show the ride will be much bigger this year. Being a Rolling Thunder member , I most likely will not be able to attend the breakfast , as RT has some duties to help out with the event. There is suppose to be 2 events for RT that weekend. However I will most likely pass on the second event to play part of a host to all the VR members coming to J-Ville . Plans are not clear to me what the second event will be , but indications say it has to do with the NC governor and Raleigh . I could be mistaken , but will find out as soon as I can . RT assisted in a Poker Run yesterday to help out the DAV and the Navy Corpsman Foundation . It went real well for the first annual event and that there was 2 other Poker runs be ran at the same time . I'll keep ya posted as soon as I find out more details . BEER30
  7. My very first "Owned" cage was a micro-car , Fiat S.E.A.T 600 http://www.microcarmuseum.com/tour/seat600.html . It was smaller than a VW Beatle . Cost my brother and I $45.00 each , when we bought 2 of them . My brother and I were 11 and 12 years old (I was the oldest) and the both of us could lift the micro's off the ground by ourselves . At the time , we got 60 mpg. BEER30
  8. Shame on you for making me home sick . But I am glad you went and enjoy it ! Loved living in AK and still wonder why I left there . My son was born in Anchorage and I still have family there as well. I shall return there one of these days . BEER30
  9. Last time I checked , my tank takes almost 6 gallons to fill ! :smile5: Gas has just $0.20+ since this mourning here . Hope it goes down when I go to Andersonville Ga. on the 18th . BEER30
  10. I will not take chances either . Almost had my head taken off just on a split rim tire .But them Car-Haulers cast a lot of turbulence . This summer going through SC , I patiently waited far enough behind one going slower than myself . Waited till it was safe enough to pass . I was at least 3 semi lengths behind then gunned it to get by . Doing a little under 70 mph at the time and by the time I passed his front bumper , I was doing a hair over 90 mph . That's what the SC State Trooper said he clocked me at ! He asked me what was my story and I told him "I ain't going to caught beside one of them semi's , especially with the turbulence and a possible tire blow-out " . Well he said he would buy that story as he was a biker also . :banana: . We talked a bit about the scoots and I was on back on my way , right behind the car-hauler again . BEER30
  11. I'll give it a month before the "Pond Monster" will be riding it ! BEER30
  12. Cassette tape is HD bailing wire . Treat it like gold ! BEER30
  13. Hey , your forgetting that the '09's have 365 days more warranty than the '08's have left ! BEER30
  14. All I can say is that I am not holding my breath ! BEER30
  15. Thanks for the offer there Salty , but I decided to say screw it . I'm chasing the storm out of the state . Made it as far as Greensboro . Sledgehammer will not answer his phone . He must be out riding his . Oh well , here in a Hotel room right next to Hooters . I'll see if BEER24/7 will get one of the skimpy tank-tops and a pair of the shorty-shorts ! She'd look good in an Orange and white outfit . BEER30
  16. Ok , here's the scoop . I'm T'd OFF ! . Now don't get me wrong , everyone is safe and dry and I am grateful , but we still have electricity and cable ! The yard is not much of a mess other than some blown leaves and trigs . No blown down trees over the power lines . Hardly any rain to even wash down the cages . So just about every justifiable requirement to have a full-pledge Official Hurricane Party has not been met . Therefore if I have a Hurricane Party now when the requirements have not been met , I would feel cheap , dishonest , and not playing fair and all that other good feeling crap , etc..... So either Mother Nature either stop this little stunt as a storm, or back it up right back here and give me a Party ! An another little knife in the back , J-Ville put a curfew up and it makes it even harder to go out riding the scoot . I just don't get it , you need the city to do something went it really needs it , they will not do it . But when you really need it , they will not do it ! Grumble , Grumble , Grumble ! I should have taken up SleeperHawk and Mechanics offer to come down , at lesat there would have been some Cherry Pie . BEER30
  17. Will there be Cherry Pie ? Can I sleep in the Dungeon ? Can I ? Can I ? Can I ? BEER30
  18. Doors are always open . Been getting rain here this mourning . Not bad , but much like to see the sunshine too . BEER30
  19. Anything and Everything is Possible ..... That's if I can collect all my minds together at once !!!! BEER30
  20. RoadKill , your liner went out yesterday . PM sent . GeorgeC , yours will be out as soon as the Big Brown Truck shows up . Thanks , BEER30
  21. Glad to see you get yours there Cliff . Just watch out for them Gear-Queers on base . Next , one of them will be using your liners as gear bags out in the field or out on the range . Quickly stencil in your ID in them !!!!! BEER30
  22. Yeah , the Partys can be quite fun . One hurricane we were out of electricity for over a week with no generator . Hard to find ice unless you went to the next county over and got a truck load full . All the neighbors reefers needed to be emptied as all the meats were going to spoil , so we cranked up the BBQ pits and had one heck of a feast . We finally got a hold of a generator and shared it among all the 5 neighbors to at least get the reefers cold ....beer too ! Then there's the atv and the surf-boards . Rest asure , there is no boardom here during a storm. BEER30
  23. I'ze is still here . Getting prepared for the Hurricane Party more than anything ! Got the Beer stocked up , aux refrigerator ready to plug into the generator to keep the beer cold . On which I had to rebuild the generator carb this evening as it had a sticky float (needle and seat) . Got all the loose yard stuff put away , garage all organized with scoot and BEERCART safely tucked within with enough room for BEER24/7's Nissan Murano to squeeze in too . Guns and ammo ready for looters or to at least blast the empty beer cans across the yard while celebrating during Hurricane Party , yippee !!!!!!! The Bouncing Bobbers (our 22' boat) is on stand-by if the dike's break . Like Mini said , we are looking more towards Ike . Lived here 14 years and have had the majority of the hurricanes come right by or thru my front door . Our home is pretty well protected from the harsh winds by the trees and foliage around us . But we have entertained ourselves by watching tall pine trees fall to the ground across the street , as there is a TLZ (tactical landing zone) on Camp Lejuene USMC base where the winds rule the roost there . Thanks for the thoughts and if we loose cable, I'll try to contact the Muffins to let ya know how we fared . BEER30
  24. XANAX ! BEER30
  25. It should make it , but I'll ship it out UPS tomorrow as you ask . . BEER30
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