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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Rental Huh ........... Can I rent it , and declare myself dead ? No more taxes , nor annoyances ! BEER30
  2. Now if I had to build a coffin trailer , I would hook up a linear actuator to the coffin lid , with remote control. And as the lid opened , a skeleton would raise up and start waiving to all the blind lifeless cagers ! You think they would see ya now ? :yikes: BEER30
  3. Mike , Would have loved to be there as well . But had other obligations with Rolling Thunder and a huge-huge Honey-Doo list to get caught up with , as Christmas is just around the corner . Got most of the Honey-Doo list done , but also have to help out with the Santa stuff as well these next few weekends we have left . BEER30
  4. Here , I'll help out HDHTR on the any future "LOST" problems . So I will be sending to him an early Christmas gift . All all new 3-D GPS to mount either on the scoot or in his cage . It's the most advanced GPS on the market , as it has simple instructions and no wiring , nor batteries to keep recharged . Also allows you to plot other course destination in a spin . http://www.meangene.us/pictures/gps.jpg I'll see if I can dig up a few homing pigeons for communications . BEER30
  5. Any good cleaner will work , or just a lightly damp soapy rag . Never hurts to try some Son of a Gun or ArmorAll on it . Question is , did it scare the outer surface ? If so , not much one can do . There are paints in a rattle can made that will cover up , but you would have to use acetone rag to wipe any foreign stuff off such as waxes and conditioners . Then spray appropriate coats over the entire seat until the scars are leveled out . Also hard to do on a pleated cushioned seat . Either one will have to recover the seat or place a cover over it , such as sheep skin , or other material . Or just wait until Noga hunting season comes around . Some states it's hard to obtain permits to hunt them . I've got a few marks on mine , as my hips sometimes not allow me to toss the leg over enough , but have not scared the noga enough to make much concern . BEER30
  6. Here we go again about Gun Control ! BEER30
  7. Why are we cleaning nogahide with leather supplies ? There's a lot of good UV protectant cleaner/conditioners that will clean and protect the saddle material . Now if you do have true leather on your saddle , then lukewarm water and small amount of dish washing liquid (not Dawn) . Soft to medium bristle brush and with a light to medium hand , wash it down . Let it dry and then condition it with a conditioner . I prefer Saddle Butter . Mink Oil is Great , but evaporates to quickly and you find yourself conditioning more often . Just don't use that "Slick'em" stuff or you will be bumping your butt on the pavement , and defenantly do not use "LEXOL" ! BEER30
  8. Wasn't there Venture-Riders .Org up in the left hand corner , where I see VB Portal ? BEER30
  9. At our last Rolling Thunder meeting , we were asked the same question on how toraise funds and I proposed this idea . There are walk-a-thons , ride-a-thons , run-a-thons , etc..... How about a Venture-Riders Bike-a-thon for St. Judes ? We can select a rider/s - scoot/s , this will be the scoot/s that will be the official mileage counter/s . Member go out and solicit pledges for $0.01 to $0.05 (for example) per mile or even just a flat donation . Establish a starting point , perhaps Vogal and ending destination . It could be coast to coast , or what ever and also maybe set a time frame of this ride . People make pledges at their discretion of what they can afford , with or with out a maximum limt . Other VR members or non-members can ride along at their own expense if they wish therefore there is little overhead to be deducted from the main fund . The total mileage will be tallied up from the official bike/s designated . You also look for sponsors to help in gas , lodging , tires , etc..... Also look towards the media , newspapers or local/national affiliate TV stations to get publicity to help promote the cause . This could be the 1st Annual Venture-Rider for St. Judes . Members can fly flags off their scoots with both VR.Org and St. Judes flags to draw attention . I know in our area and I hate to say , we have too , too many Poker-Runs and in some states they are not permitted . Not only would this Ride generate funds for St. Judes , but give all the members whom can ride , whether it be for a few miles or the entire road trip to spend time together enjoying what we love the most . We could make it a relay , as many cannot ride from coast to coast or to long of a distance . But more miles we put on the road , is more money for the Kids ! Just a thought . BEER30
  10. Me too am sorry to hear the news . A man without a scoot is as bad as being nekkid in public . Maybe we can get Lona to make a bunch of Cheesecakes and sale them to raise scoot payments . I know that there would be many here to buy one or two , maybe three . BEER30
  11. I wear the Walls' bib overalls . I've rode in 14 degree weather with only bluejeans and thermals underneath . Kept me very warm as far as the bottom half of me . Here's where I got mine . http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=3766771&sourceid=1500000000000003260430&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=3766771 BEER30
  12. So .....you 1st gen'rs are saying it's all talk , or the alcohol ? Humm , still cannot make up your minds ? :think: BEER30
  13. Busier than a one legged , flea infested dog . I'm not as dumb as you look . I hate to tell ya , your parents are guilty of the most serious sin...... having you . If frogs had wings , they wouldn't bump their azz when they hop . Balls , cried the Queen ! If I had 2 , I would be King ! Pardon him , he rides a 1st gen . BEEER30
  14. Here's a sound clip Stratcat posted . http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=21770 BEER30
  15. Relaxin has/had a set of V & H on his RSV . I admit they sound nice as well . I have the Baron 4-2-4 Nasty Boys on mine . Haven't heard or seen Jerry in a while. Maybe he will chime in and get a sound-bite posted . BEER30
  16. Kreg , Is that upholstery , work chap , garment , etc... leather ? What .oz (weight/thickness) is it ? BEER30
  17. I usually go with the flow of the traffic , that's if it's over the posted speed limit . But in School Zones , I'm on or slightly below the schools zone limit . I give Kids a Brake . I also got pulled today as well , but not like the last 6 times in the past where the LEO's just wanted to check out my leather . In our County , the deputies don't stop speeders . They only serve warrants or domestic disputes , but not today . I got pulled doing 66 in a 55 . When the officer pulled me over and approached the scoot , I still had my helmet on . I knew the deputy personally . He did not recognize and he said , " Son , I followed you fro 1.5 miles and were doing a steady 70 mph" . I said with my helmet and sun shades on , "Like Hell I was ...... , I was doing 66 mph" . Then I said , "Is this pick on MC rider day" ? And he replied ,"No". Then asked why I made that statement . . I replied , "then how fast was that car that passed me right before you pulled me ?" . It seems to me that you think that MC riders are easy prey and have more $$$. Still with my helmet on , he persisted I was doing 70 and that he just had his speedo calibrated . I then told him , I did give a sh*t what his speedo said , as I have a GPS , and it was more accurate that a mechanical speedo . So I asked him , "then how fast does a donut roll downhill" ! The look on his face !!!! Then I removed my helmet , and he said ," %@+*&! you Gene , If I knew it was you , I wouldn't have pulled you ". Well , I said back to him , "Well , you did " . He told me that he already radio'd me in , but he would have to give me a warning ticket . I said that was cool , and he said he needed my registration . It was in my trunk of the scoot , along with several pistols . I told the deputy that I had loaded pistols in my trunk , and he replied , " I already knew that I was packing " . But never the less , Thanked me for letting him know . He wrote me the warning ticket , then proceeded tocheck out my scoot . Funny , after knowing him for 14 years now , he didn't know that I had a scoot ! But yet he frequents our shop at least once a month , with the scoot parked out in front . How observant ? By the way , since NC is low on highway funds , the LEO's have been instructed into writing more speeding citations . Just this mourning , over 150 tickets were written in 1/2 hour on Hwy 24 in Jacksonville , NC . So not only is Big Brother wanting your hard earned money , so is the Little brother wanting it too . Watch your back and observe the speed limit . And Autopilot , sure the officer will help you out in court . Help you pay that fine that is ! Had too many freinds that were told the same story , only to have that officer turn on them when they took the stand . And before I get trampled on by any LEO's here on the board , too say , I have a brother in law whom is a County sheriff , another whom is a deputy , father was a reserve officer , and ex-step dad whom was a Missouri MC trooper until he died of luekemia . Everyone of them told me , "Trust the law as much as you trust a crook" ! BEER30
  18. Mini , quiet ? That will be the day !!!!! :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: BEER30
  19. It's not a question on where this is going . It's already done gone and some have lost it already ! Take it from an expert here !!!!!!:doh: BEER30
  20. Don't forget about the "Chrome Thong" ! BEER30
  21. If it has anything to do with the Pond Monster , you will not need a swimsuit to keep the "END" up ! :rotf: BEER30
  22. So your saying that there is no "BAIL OUT" plan either ? BEER30
  23. Is that a 1 or 2 year contract ......Any benefits , ie vacation /sick pay , medical/dental , vacation , company RSV ? BEER30
  24. What's the Pay ? BEER30
  25. Tom (Icing on the cake) , you would also add that Tony Stewart is the greatest NASCAR driver ! That should smoooooooth things over for awhile . :crackup::crackup: BEER30
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