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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. OK ...........That's how I do post an URL , but how do you give it a title other than the URL ? I normally copy the URL , click onto the globe/chain-link and then paste the copied URL into the prompt. Still confused on how to give it a title . BEER30
  2. How do you post a link where you can change it to a name whether than displaying URL ? Example : http://www.walmart.com (not that , but this) WallyWorld BEER30
  3. You 1st Gen'rs cannot have sheds ! They will only turn out to be a building storing old relics spare parts and your scoot will still be out in the cold ! :rotfl: BEER30
  4. Years ago , many years ago , I was in same situation with no garage and dirt floor . When the snow melted or rained in Alaska , the water was up to my chain sprocket , either wet water or frozen ice . I built a re-enforced wooden box to drive my scoot up on . If not get some pallets and put several layers of plywood on top of them with a small ramp to get the scoot up on . BEER30
  5. Most likely not the most , but my '06 (2 1/2 years owned) has over 45K on her . BEER30
  6. Clamps come with the pipes , as well as the mounts. Mine was shipped without the clamps . I call Baron , though I bought through one of their dealers and told them the clamps were missing . They shipped the clamps and gave one heck of a discount on the tips . BEER30
  7. Good for you , Don . On the phone ,it may not be your gig . But look as I see it . Use it only for emergency calls or if the wife needs you (both are important) . You can ignore the call by pressing the ignore button when a call comes in if you do not want to talk . Also it helps when trying to get together with another member while on the road . It's by luck that either of you will stop and look at missed calls at the same time . If a call comes in that I need to answer , I simply answer , tell them to hold for a moment until I pull over in a safe zone . Just because you have the ability to talk on the phone , doesn't mean you have too cackle like 2 hens while driving . But it does give you piece of mind knowing you can . Get the BuddyRich cable , as it help pipe in the tunes , prompts , and phone though the headset or speakers . Some phones allow you to voice dial as well . BEER30
  8. Get the Zumo 550 , Don ! Even though it's more expensive . Just think back last July .If you had a GPS and phone capability , you would have not had to pay double tolls ! :rotfl: So look at it this way ,pay up now , or pay up more later !!! You have the option also to mout the GPS on your lawnmover to mow day or nite . GPS navigation to avoid the pond . Or if you do go over the deep end , you can instantly call for a wrecker to pull you out without dismounting the mover ! :stickpoke: BEER30
  9. Jim , A coiled cable will work . E-mails/PM's sent . Looking forward to getting the cable . I prefer getting a cable from another member rather than from someone I do not know . And for the effort of helping someone out to afford the Safety Chrome ! BEER30
  10. Well it is a known fact that 1st gen'rs are early risers . They leave earlier to get ahead start ! Us 2nd gen'rs have a little bit more time to . BEER30
  11. Them 1st Gen's are still trying to catch up with Santa () ! As you know they will not admit that they honestly wanted Santa to bring them a 2nd Gen for Christmas ! BEER30
  12. BEER30


    Hey Brandi , You forgot to have your super hero put on his pajamas on before you took his photo ! BEER30
  13. That proof that Santa loves 2nd Gens more than 1st Gens ! :crackup: BEER30
  14. BEER30


    What does "Bashfull" mean ? :crackup: Anyways , SDPP stands for "SaltyDawg Porn Productions©". Now that he has a new helmet cam ! BEER30
  15. Yum , Yum Chow Chum . Sounds delicious and cheaper than human food . I might order some for myself , as it states I can take less baths ! ( These benefits for your pet bring with them the advantages of fewer smelly messes to clean up, less or no need for weekly shampoos,) When can I order some ? Honestly the site looks great . I had no problem learning about or understanding the the product . How are you going to set up the ordering page ? Our company uses E-Commerce for our online shopping cart . BEER30
  16. You mean that they don't talk in "Ebonics" either ? BEER30
  17. Remember , "Only 3 chances for a $1.00" ! :rotf::rotf: BEER30
  18. Hey Pilot ! I'm looking for a extension cable to reroute the passenger cable under the passenger seat and up the driver backrest to make it easier for the wife . Doesn't have to be a coiled cable , can that be had ? BEER30
  19. Boaters insurance ! My Ins co. covers just about every obstacle you could hit and only cost $275.00 a year on a $44,000.00 bath tub . After a hurricane some years ago , the storm moved the boo-ees (sp?) I hit the getty and broke the skeg off the lower unit and prop . Insurance replaced the lower unit housing , new stainless steel prop (had aluminum) and waived my $100.00 deductible as I save $$ myself getting back to port . They even paid for overnite service getting the parts back to the repair shop , as we needed the boat for a company function the following weekend . Sometimes Insurance co. amaze me , but it's not that often ! BEER30
  20. What I think is worse , new (and older) members not listing what type of ride they have in their profile under their username . Though a lot of of us are more than happy and willing to answer any tech questions they may have , we don't know what they ride ! If a member is worried about being private , there are among other ways one can get information from them such as their IP address , Google , etc...... I just got a Christmas card from a friend whom I have not heard of in quite some years now . Though I have his return address , for a small some , I can retrieve a wealth on info. about him off the net. At least I know some others off on other forums , use a town nearby within rock throwing distance . It gives at least a general idea as to when the potential get together info. needed to make some judgment calls . Come on guys and post your wear abouts or nearby location , it's not like we are trying to find out where the "missing link" is , We all know it's Charlie ! BEER30
  22. What are you all whining about ? I prayed for snow when I lived in Alaska , making $35.00 an hour plowing snow. I remembered it once snowing over 4' in two days . Crying over 4-6" , geez guys , give me a break ! :stirthepot: BEER30
  23. Yes they do , specially made "Toilet Paper" ! :stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot: BEER30
  24. I have had BEER FLOATS ! Ice Cream and Beer , made just like a Root Beer Float . BEER30
  25. Hey Little Willie..................I mean Charlie ! Those hot tubs on a cold winter day/night are the shizzzzzzs . Especially after a long day of skiing , sledding , or snowmobiling . We has an icebox with a low wattage light bulb in it to keep the beverages from freezing during the cold months . If we wanted to warm up our TV dinners or lunch , we put a heat lamp bulb in it . BEER30
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