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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Why we do burnouts ? Hum .....is it the same reason why women open their mouths ? Because we can , that could be the answer ! BEER30
  2. BEER30

    RV ?

    Thanks Thom , Gary for the info. . We are going into our 2nd year at looking at RV's . This is why we are studying them before we buy . Just like computers , as soon as you set your mind on one , a better bigger , faster one rolls of the line . I've been around motorhomes off and on . They are not actually a new thing to me as they are all somewhat basic in design , just that there are newer gadgets and mechanicals . Being somewhat mechanical , carpenter , electrical , plumbing inclined and have done constructional maintenance on homes and mobile homes in the past . I see my days not so much a leisure . A mans point of veiw........the driviers seat and acc. and motor , outdoor storage , everything on the outside and the Sat/TV's . The ladies point of veiw .......bedroom , bathroom , galley , inside storage , W/D , refer , decour , counter space , closet space , cabinet space , all that other sense of home . They want to make it like home and us guys are trying to get away from home ! I don't mind pulling a trailer to be able to have room for comfort . I also have a boat for them lakeside trips as well . So either pulling a toad , trailer/scoot , or the boat , I just want to make sure we have the room for the youngsters . BEER30
  3. BEER30

    RV ?

    Becky and I ruled out the toy-haulers. We decided if we are going to spend this amount of $$ , we're going more for luxury. Also remember we have 1 grandchild and another on the way ! Thom , I will have to check into the A/C more on this , but just think roof repairs or damage will cost more an issue of leaks came about . I plan to have a shelter over the RV during non-use periods of time . 5th-wheels .......not interested , as we do not want a toy-hauler and have no other way of hauling the scoot . BEER30
  4. Oh , there will be plenty of puddin and jello ! I'll even bring my pink thong ! Mini doesn't scare me . She my ONERY buddy ! And yes , I said Tater-Tots ! BEER30
  5. BEER30

    RV ?

    Other than warranties , my uncle is a diesel mechanic . I was looking into the Maxium chassis for the storage . Most have the Cummins turbo-charged engine . It appears that Winnie and Itasca are made by the same maker , that's why I asked the question . I like the fact that they have the heat-pump under the coach as apposed to the extra holes in the roof . The Winnie has a curved roof rather that a flat roof , so water will shed off faster . I like the factor that the generator is up front away from the sleeping quarters . Becky and I plan on using the RV for extended travel . Making it a home base and use the scoot to tour the surrounding areas . We will be getting the extended warranties and joining any beneficial clubs and such . Of all of our travels , we went from point A to point B , not being able to enjoy what was in between . Some say like with boats , 2 best days is the day you buy and the day you see it leave . If anything , it will become our guest house , emergency shelter , as we live in hurricane alley . Most important , my dog house ! . Becky and I have been also weighing in the cost of this investment , time of use , cost versus motel/restaurant expenses. Fellow VR members can also benefit as we can team up if they wish to share cost . I'm tired of getting dirty rooms , not knowing if the sheets or towels are clean . The piece of mind I can sleep in my own bed , cook my own meals/cost , BBQ most nights and sleeping under the stars the not so ruff ways in my growing older years . BEER30
  6. We can be friends . But come to think about it , BIG TOM , DON , and Squidley are my friends too ! BEER30
  7. You no likie Chocolate puddin ? How bout Jello ? BEER30
  8. Here that guys , we have our first chocolate pudding wrestling match at M-DAY !! OOOORAH ! BEER30
  9. BEER30

    RV ?

    I've only lurked at some general RV forums . Learned a lot so far . But some of them forum out there talk in the manner as they are "Professional RVer's" . Many of them make me want to drive that cracker-jack box on wheels up there horizontal biological garage , if ya know what I mean . So I must say , I hit the wrong forum ! BEER30
  10. Now this is starting to look like the "Tater and the Tater-Tots Lonely Heart Club" ! :rasberry: BEER30.
  11. I have the table lift . BEER30
  12. BEER30

    RV ?

    Beer24/7 and I have looking at RV's for the past year or so. Studying them to make sure when we do take the big plunge . As it looks for now , we are leaning towards the Winnebago Tour or Journey . The Tour is top of the list for now as being a diesel-pusher and the Maxium chasis . But as we are still studying them until we comment as we only want to buy the right one the first time . I have a question as to the Winnebago and Itasco . To me it's like GM and GMC , does anyone know what the main difference in the two ? Is it the quality of the construction , appliances , material used ? Only thing I see so far is the decal name . BEER30
  13. Yes , raising the scoot does make ya nervous . I have the Harbor Freight lift table to lift my 2nd Gen . The first couple of inches , the scoot leans one way or another and hops s each pump of the foot stroke . Now I have removed my rear tire , tugged and pulled with caution as I am not used to it , still nervously . I do however would like to place some removable stabilization legs on it after it is raised to secure the load for safety and comfort . BEER30
  14. Well first off , what does it pay ? I need more Beer and safety chrome ! Even if it doesn't pay , I become your friend regardless . BEER30
  15. Hey Chuckles , Didn't work today , but went on the Polar Bear Run . Started out 22 degrees to 42 degrees at end of ride . I see by your avatar , your a RT member . I myself is a RT member NC-5 . BEER30
  16. Gold Rush , What size enclosed trailer do you have ? In the future , I will be looking for one to place the RSV and the BEERCART into . The BEERCART is 45" wide . BEER30
  17. If you are referring to Haul-Master item# 96349-2VGA , I have one and it works pretty good .You have to lower the rocking arm to the lowest position . I still have stock sized front tire on my scoot to mention . At first I thought the front tire would not fit , but it does with no issue . I wouldn't hesitate to buy another if needed . Mine is mounted on my 5'x10' trailer . BEER30
  18. OOH , I bet that raises the prices of eggs in your Hen House ! :cool17: BEER30
  19. What ! Did your Garmin get lost for 2 hours ? Happy New Years to you too , Boss ! BEER30
  20. I think this is pretty slick ! BEER30
  21. Thanks everyone for trying to explain . Don , yours sounds the easiest . Remind me to buy ya a beer at M-Day . BEER30
  22. So your saying you have "Class" now , or you have "OUT-CLASSED" yourself again ? BEER30
  23. And I said it with a mouthful of chaw too ! BEER30
  24. OK , I got it . Copy/Paste into globe/chain-link prompt . After you click OK , backspace the URL removing it and then re-type in your new title into where you had backspaced ! BEER30
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