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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. I use the GMX-30 in truck and scoot . It's sometimes a PITA to have to switch over to one set of wheels to another , but hey , I can do it ! I have no problem listening to XM in the garage with door shut , sometimes have some issues under the awning at the gas pumps if it is congested . I throw the ole hockey puck on the dash in my truck with hardly any issues unless I am heading NE and in congested areas . I did get an ext. cable for the cage , wire it up so the puck will be on top of the cab , not on the dash . Just haven't gotten off my lazy AZZ to do it yet . My truck has Sinus and I let my so-called free trial subscription expire . I called both Sinus and XM , being one company to see if I could piggyback one subscription off another .They said later on in the year , it may be so , but not now and no further info. has been released to the index card readers in customer support ! I'm not going to pay for another full subscription for Sinus , so I will wait . However I did get the Best of Sinus and it has NASCAR . If I can only control myself while listening to the PlayBoy channels .......Whoa Nelly ......Whoa ! Coming back from last weekend M & E , Salty and I sat side by side at a red light , both Sinus and XM playing same tunes on same Channel 7 . Only the commercials breaks , channel identifiacations are different . Don , Just DO IT ! BEER30
  2. Cincinnati-Kid Too Cool Blue OFFTRACK Military-Misfit Dog off Leash DeRailed Faster than a 1st Gen Loco Blue Just a few that came to mind ! BEER30
  3. Well give us a little info about yourself ! Something to go on . BEER30
  4. I will wear a wet T-Shirt fer ya , at no charge ! BEER30
  5. Me thinks Mini is turned on when Squidley wiggles like a bowlful of Jello ! BEER30
  6. And again , women always holding something over a man's head or is it his stomach . Regardless us easy going men , trying to live a pleasurable life and women try to muscle us around . Where's Alfalfa's "He-Man Woman Hater's" Club house when ya need it ? :crackup: BEER30
  7. Tom don't despair . It's not the amount of friends one has , it's the QUALITY of friend you have ! So don't worry , you have me and others as those friends ! :thumbsup::thumbsup: BEER30
  8. Sure , Kick a guy when he's down . So us men get sick once in awhile . Less we forget , you women PMS every month ! Or daily as some women I personally know ! BEER30
  9. I'd rather see a wet T-Shirt contest , all proceeds go to St. Judes . Us guys would pry more $$ out of our wallet to see the Tater-Tote Lonely Hearts Club gals in wet T-shirts rather than covered with puddin or Jello . Now will it be Canadian or Domestic Beer we wet them down with ? BEER30
  10. I'd say , get rid of that Caravan and get a decent cage with a good sound system ! From what you have told me Don about your Co., they can afford it ! And if they say NO , I think over 6,000 e-mails from the members can persuade them ! BEER30
  11. BEER30

    RV ?

    Gary , these lifts bolt/weld directly onto the frame , not into the receiver hitch . Therefore the 500 lb. tongue weight limit does not play into effect . What make and model is your MH ? BEER30
  12. BEER30

    RV ?

    I guess the best aspect about this is that the wife and I are really excited about when the day comes that we are free to travel unrestricted , knowing that we do not have to be back a particular time . Using the MH as a base camp , with the scoot to tour and scout out the POI's . Right now I woke up a few minutes early before the routine 4:30 am alarm clocks brigade ! 4 of them damn thing in the bedroom blaring out every mourning . That's an item that will not be in the MH if I can help it ! We are also having fun having another excuse to hop on the scoot exploring new RV dealerships , hob-knobbing and tire kicking , and learning more about each make and model . On the way the Andersonville last year , I passed by the Blue-Bird Motor Coach facility . I would love to tour their plant , but I know it's too high $$ for our budget . Come on Lottery ! The MH will be our second home and will most likely spend as much time in it as our current home . So I'm going to push it to learn as much as I can about them before we buy . We looked at some Tiffen's. And we would love to tour some of the plants . The wife and I just mentioned the other day where the plants were , so maybe we can log in some scoot time to travel to some . I was going to look up where their locations were and found that on GoRVing.com has the addresses listed . BEER30
  13. Sometimes the pause works like the "Mute" . If you do not want to hear the MP3 , change the "source" . It will either tell you that you don't have a story book or XM not available , but the prompts will still work. BEER30
  14. Just for kickers , make sure that the bluetooth is set for cell phone only , not all MP3 and Nav together . But I bet most if not all the problem is your "DODGE" ! Try a FM modulator . My '08 F-150 has "line in" . I use the 1/8" cable and set for "line in" . I have no problems what so ever. What I think is your radio to set for aux , senses the power out-put in the audio coming in . When there is a delay when the Zumo converts from prompt to MP3 , there's a hesitation causing your radio audio sensor to go screwy . Now if you had a solid contact input jack switch , like on the older radios converting from speaker to ear phone , you would not have a problem . Again , I think you will be better off with the FM modulator than a MOPAR radio. Just my . BEER30
  15. And for what I remember the most , parents were not afraid to whoop their children . Dang it , it still hurts ! BEER30
  16. BEER30

    RV ?

    That's the lift I was referring too . More Info. But how will I haul the BEERCART if I pull a toad as well ? Though a great idea , I think I will stick with the mobile garage and have more storage and a cleaner scoot . BEER30
  17. BEER30

    RV ?

    We are dead set on a Class A . Them tailend lifts are great for the MH, but everyone failed to notice that the RSV is 9" wide ! Something about legal width limits , cough-cough . Maybe if I had a HD and after a few parts have fallen off , it would be of legal size . Yes , there are some deals to be had on used as well as new . I just do not want to be stuck with someone else problems . We plan to get he mobile garage , might look into a Smart car as well fer them rainy days . And yes , I can put up a self supporting hammock under the awning ands cop some ZZZZZZZZZ's . And yes , half the fun is kicking tires ! BEER30
  18. BEER30

    Reverse Gear?

    As far as I know , no after market product has been made for a reverse for the RSV . Members like ECK and myself have been pondering on design , but not achieved a working prototype as of yet . BEER30
  19. Now ya need to place one of them WOOFER speakers in the trunk . So you can give them ear shattering BOOM-BOOM-BOOM annoying base sound beats ! BEER30
  20. I hereby officially jump ship ! I am now BIG TOM's Friend now ! If Tator or anyone else has any complaints , see image ! BEER30
  21. Tator not the cook ! Oh bummer , say it ain't so ! . And she's EVIL ? Well I kinda like a gal with an evil streak .......But if you have ICE COLD BEER , I'll jump ship and hop on over to your friendship list in a heartbeat ! And by the way , I'm part Indian too ! If need be , I kind put any squaw in her place real easily . I'll get my war paint out just in case ! BEER30
  22. Screw it ! You all are to confusing . I'm going to get a solar panel and mount it on top of my helmet . Going solar powered to say the least . Night time , I'll hold a flashlight over the top of my head or point it towards incoming traffic head lights . BEER30
  23. I tried that . They are too flimsy for the task . Though I did manage to change my tire using a standard scissor jack , I will never use another one again . I tried two type of these jack , the standard screw jack and a gear reduction screw jack . They are narrow and made of stamped metal and not up to the bind one would submit to raising the scoot . A cage is more stable while in lift as there are still 3 points of contact with the ground . The MC scissor jack had a wide mechanism and platform , made of sturdier metals . BEER30
  24. And to say the "Laws of Nature " have been rewritten ! And by the way Brandi , what decibel was that horn you were sitting on ? BEER30
  25. BEER30

    RV ?

    We definitely are going to use it .If it were just day trips , motels would be the ticket . We are not planning on selling the house either . Becky and I have friends and family all over the US . As we visit family , we want our privacy ,nor burden them with our presence either . Just pull up stakes and leave ! We want to tour the National Parks and Landmarks , stop and camp out when ever feasible . Renting a sizable motor home for what we want isn't cheap , plus having to pay for mileage on them . Our neighbor has a Provost with a double tier matching trailer . This trailer is huge , as he has up to 4 scoots and 2 small sports cars in it . I'd like to follow him and just pick up the change he drops ! Not only does he have that Provost , but another Provost for short trips . If our plans for a once and awhile excursions , we would look into the C class . We looking into 2-3 week trips , come home for a short visit and out again . Travel will lesson in the winter . Both the wife and I looked hard as to what , where , and when we will travel and considering cost of travel , time spent traveling , a Class A is the ticket . For what it cost in fuel , meals , lodging will be a pretty penny . It's like buying or renting your home . It's like , "Why make payments on your landlords rental property" ? Them Newmar toy haulers with slideout scoot storage are neat , but would rather have the comfort and pull an enclosed trailer . BEER30
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