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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Should have thrown all them panties down into the basement to soak up all that water ! If ya received any bras lately , they make good water buckets , two pales at a time ! All in all , sorry to hear the bad news . Hope all works out . BEER30
  2. I have a Rolling Thunder meeting tonight . I will forward this on to our board members as we are in NC . Thantks for the heads up . BEER30
  3. One of my horses loved Hot Dogs . Another one love Ice cold Beer and another loved Tequila ! I had a pet raccoon that loved Beer and empty Beer cans . My cousin had a monkey who smoke POT ! And Guess what , I don't like vegetables . BEER30
  4. Another good reason to have LOUD PIPES ! BEER30
  5. Here's some photos when I first made them . Now the leather has aged and looks "distressed" just like I want them to look like . BEER30
  6. Thanks for the compliments Mariner ! Hopefully I will be able to make more here soon , but I am so darn busy right now. I still have some 1st gen bags to do before riding season for them northerners . Good news is that I went out and bought a commercial embroidery machine this past Friday . Now after I figure this contraption out , I will be able to do embroidery on the bags . I somehow managed to do a few names today and looking to get a digitizing software here soon . Then I can make my own 1st and 2nd gen patches . Now I get to bug GreyGhost to death to figure out how to do more stuff ! BEER30
  7. stvmaier , That would be me , but I am way up past my "you know what" deep in my day work . I have some other projects to complete for the members here already to do for time of this coming riding season to before I take on anymore projects . But if you wish to call me , I can guide you on how to make one . BEER30
  8. Muffinman was telling me once that if you contact the governor's office (I think that is whom he spoke too) about pulling a trailer behind the scoot , they will instruct you to contact by writing the Toll-Robbers to get reimbursed . It's just the hassle one would have to go through to get the $$ back . Maybe Muffinman will jump in and say what/how/or whom the contact . BEER30
  9. Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl 'Will you marry me?' The girl said, 'NO!' And the guy lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and went fishing and hunting and played golf a lot and drank beer and scotch and left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted. THE END Just keep the Faith . In time , this issue will heal itself ! BEER30
  10. Ah , your just upset because you cannot ride the scoot like I did today ! BEER30
  11. Watch it there Yammer . Something else might get started again ..........like how many kids do you have already ? :scratchchin: BEER30
  12. Tongue weight is the issue . Happens to me all the time , but I don't even notice it until the cages start to back off . I guess it scares the crap out of them being behind me seeing the BEERCART weaving and bouncing . Redistribute your weight in the trailer . I made some lead weights to carry along if I need them when running a lite load and I move the forward or aft to desired position . I also have a built in cooler up front , that I add more beer and Ice to get more weight if needed . I've played with the air pressure , but got no resolve . So I say it's the weight distribution . BEER30
  13. \ As a Fine OUTSTANDING Member of VentureRider.Org as I am , I proclaim that any mention of words , wording , hints , desire , or just humor regarding the sale of VR.Org should be banned just like "POLITICS" . I am making a Motion , Do I hear a "Second" ? BEER30
  14. Don't need no "Stinking" Diet ! Just insult the VR women folk here and there is no more PIES ! Weight loss and having fun doing it ! What else could you ask for ? BEER30
  15. Geez , don't give 86er any ideas when he orders his pizza cut in wedges from Domino's and get's delivery of square cut pieces ....not once , but twice in a row from one order ! Good thing I was there to keep 86er in line or that delivery girl would have been drug behind by a 1st gen . BEER30
  16. David , I can ask the guy whom painted Becky and my helmets , if he will do it and how much . Also check the Malls , there is always someone whom does them there. BEER30
  17. That she is ! BEER30
  18. What a ridiculous question , Women never LISTEN ! BEER30
  19. Well , lets say she manages $$$$ better than I . And $$$$ is not an issue , when we have the "LOVE" and "UNDERSTANDING" for one another as we do ! BEER30
  20. Well MASH-TATERS , they say that there is 3 things that attract women to men . How good looking they are , how rich they are , and How big their __ is . I qualify 2 out of 3 of them , so being ugly isn't so bad ! :cool10: BEER30
  21. Hey Now You Choose , Cabin Fever or ME ? BEER30
  22. Thank you , Ken . BEER30
  23. Same here Lewis . We all know we cannot survive without the Global Market . But to say if one can , buy America/Canadian . There are many of quality goods made world abroad . Just select wisely when buying to get your monies worth . BEER30
  24. Squid , Just think of it as , " I was thinking of you " . No more Cheesecake for me , means more for you ! As your photo is now a goal for me to look like , but I could care less for the clothing .:banana::banana:. BEER30 ( The new VR Chipp-n-dale dancer)
  25. I'm PROUD to say , ALL of our companies' products and supplies are made right here in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ! http://WWW.HSGI.US . Wife and I will shut our doors before we outsource our products overseas ! BEER30
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