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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Tom, You know these guys ( The Lonely Heart Tater-Tot Club) can't wait till MD . They will be sitting on the edge of their seats to see if anything will Flip-Flop in the thong. BEER30
  2. Ruffy , It took you long enough ! How do you think I paid for breakfast ? Man ......your so slow , you sure you don't ride a 1st Gen ? First time to clip your wallet , second time to put it back . Can't wait till we eat again !!!!!! BEER30
  3. I find it a common practice to check all bolts that is humanly possibly . Especially the saddlebag hinge and hinge straps , trunk lid support , and the trunk frame where it mounts on the rear fender . BEER30
  4. That's KickAZZ ! Are you going to put the prop on the rear ? I have a prop that fits into my receiver hitch on my truck and spins in the wind . BEER30
  5. It's time for me to come out of the closet! The VentureRiders forum has really been a good place for me to get things off of my chest and I hope this time is no different. The spirit of openness displayed in the past, mixed with a tolerance for people of all types and preferences, makes me think that it is 'ok' to share one of my closely guarded secrets; a secret that my closest friends and family would shun me for if they knew about it. Let me say, first of all, that I was cold-busted keeping some thongs hidden in one of my drawers. No, they don't belong to some girl. They belong to me. I like wearing them! I can't help myself. It's not like I wear them all the time. Just whenever I can get a little "alone" time or riding the scoot, I like to slip into them. They make me feel free! When I first started wearing them they were kinda rough right were they rode up the middle, but after I got used to them, I hardly noticed they were there. This actually started a long time ago, when I was in the football camp in High School. I know, I know, but to help deal with certain stresses, I had some blue ones that I wore so much they almost came apart at the seems. It's not like I wore them during any inspections or reviews. But I can tell you that there was nothing better to wear especially when I was drunk! Well, after the High School, I never wore them again. I guess that I was just a little embarrassed. Also, it's not like I have any girly colors. I've got some in black, and a light blue, and my new favorites are a sort of darker magenta (not pink!), but definitely magenta. In the past, I have over-compensated for my hidden desire to wear them, and whenever the situation presented itself, I have openly criticized and bashed others that do, in front of my wife. But, about a month ago, when my wife was out of town, I cracked. I was at "that" section of the Wally-World and I just threw some that I thought might fit into the cart. I new they would go unnoticed by the checkout girl, probably assuming they were for my wife. I bought them and I wore those little babies all weekend long! I was shocked at the freedom I experienced. Well, my wife first threatened to expose me to friends and family. She was really shocked and I cant blame her. The whole thing caught her off guard. But now that I have been cold busted, I figured, hey...I might as well be me! She came around the corner a little while ago and saw me with my black ones on. She just wouldn't stop laughing. I can accept that. It is worth it, to just be who I really am. I've stopped the pretending...I like wearing thongs!! I posted this in hope that others who have this passion would post their love for thongs. If you want, just post right now, before you read any more. "I love wearing thongs!!" You know who you are. With a forum this big, I can't be the only one! G O . A H E A D . And . D O . IT Now, while hopefully someone is posting their passion for "thongs", let me explain this situation in more detail. When I was a little kid, my parents bought me a pair of leather sandals. I hated them and I can tell you that my toes still bear the scars of those unprotective footwear. Those sandals are in my earliest negative childhood memories. I was just one of those kids that smashed his foot into everything he could and honestly, the scars arent just on my toes...they're on the inside, too! One day, I cut those leather sandals up with some scissors and after having my a$$ severely beaten, I was never made to wear sandals again. My parents gave me some cowboy boots, praise the Lord, and that started my fond appreciation for all things BOOT! Oh, my family has teased me about sandals ever since and everone around me from those days forward, is well aware of my outward disgust for sandals. Then came summer camp. I needed thongs (flip-flops, shower shoes, whatever!) for the pool and the showers. I hadn't been at camp for two days when, at the pool, I was wearing some thongs and some water got under them and it was like hydro-planing. I busted my head on the concrete and was sick for two days with a serious concussion, and had to go home. That was it as far as I was concerned, but then came the football camp. I HAD to have some there. No telling what the heck was going on in the shower before I hit it and I was glad to have something between me and the floor. If it had been up to me though, I would have preferred to wear some boon dockers in the shower. But I did not have any serious accidents while wearing thongs in football camp. And I did get drunk while wearing some! After the High school, no more.Now, I love boots! Cowboy, hiking, desert, jungle, moon, boon dockers, jump, tankers, engineers, pole-climbers, Doc's, snakebite, and if you can put a steel toe in them, that's even better.Well, after decades of wearing boots, I have begun to realize that my feet need some attention. In the past, if I wasn't in shoes or boots, I was barefoot. But, as I have gotten older, it is hard for my flat feet to go barefoot all night around the house. So, one day I was at the store and I bought some thongs. Actually two pairs in different sizes and they both fit so I kept them. My feet really needed this. This is all hilarious to my wife because, as I said before, everyone knows that I have an unnatural abhorrence to sandals, flip-flops, etc. So, I kept them from her. She busted me. Because I have been such an out-spoken critic of all things 'sandal', she has threatened to take pictures of them and send them to my family. She laughs herself silly now every time she sees me in some. Hey, I just didn't know what I was missing. Not only did I need them, I like them! I think that I am just going to only wear them in the house though! I hope you can appreciate the effort at humor in this post. While it may not seem like a big deal to you reading, it has been a huge deal around my house! My wife just cant stop with the teasing. Now, I am hoping to see if someone was tricked into posting that they love wearing ladies underwear!!! BEER30
  6. Pretty bad when cold hard cash is worthless now these days . If the add does not state the sale is for only to be financed only , I would be owning that truck for free , compliments of false advertisement . Few years back , a friend of mine went to the Honda dealership . They sold both cars and ATV's . Sale stated $2,500.00 off any Honda the lot . He wanted an ATV and said the dealer would not take the $2,500.00 of the sticker price of the ATV . He now owns an ATV and paid $0.00 for it . It soon became $0.00 or a major lawsuit . BEER30
  7. Squeeze , I do believe the locals and the out of town patronage that frequents MB sure know the facts . BEER30
  8. I want to have a "Tele-prompter" windshield and a Karaoke machine in place of the cassette player . Karaoke machine project the words of the song (so I know what I am singing) onto the windshield . So with my singing , I can cure anyones whine and chirps , and detour all the cagers out of my way . Also with my horrific voice , if I cannot be seen , at least I will be heard ! BEER30
  9. A few pic's my ARSE ! :rotf: BEER30
  10. I don't think the MC's are all the problem in MB . Last time I was there , I damn near got ran over by one of the golf carts they allow on the city streets . Some if not most have No headlight , NO tail lights , NO horn , No license plates , No helmet (ATV safety related) , No seat belts , No blinkers , and No windshield wipers to name a few requirements for 4 wheels on asphalt . Not to say that the operators are near-sighted , far-sighted , deaf , old-timers disease , arthirits victums , forgetfulness , failure to slow down at stop signs or think because they lived there before that sign was placed , they have the grandfather rights to ignore it . These carts are silent , you do not know they are upon you until it's to late ! PITA aught to jump on this issue !!!!!! A Poor Unsuspecting critters on the road that does not hear some old timer in a silent pregnant rollers skate coming forth in an almost uncontrollable manner makes Road-Pizza out of them . They are an eye soar , No safety Chrome , No half dressed big bussommed Blondes , and No big thrill .......Period ! Where is the wind in the face , the rumble and vibration between the legs ? Now think about this , when was the last time you saw a golf cart driver wear leathers ? ........Anyone ? Now what if MB Bike Week was replaced with MB Golf Cart Week ? Duh .....Golf Carts take up more parking space , cannot effectively do burn-outs , wheelies , Stoppies . So where would it draw the crowds for extra commerce ? If anyone whom was half-lit , there more than likely be carrying more passengers and there would be more fatalities or Boo-Boos to say the least . Is the city of MB prepared to install more battery chargers for the increase of Carters ? Would MB have their city's finest have Cart-Checks at the city limits ? The city of MB would have to have additional parking for trucks and trailers , as golf carts are not allowed on Hiways , so more and more people would have to trailer their carts there and need places to park . Now look at fights , being it would take longer to get from one location of the city to another , cart drivers will grow weary and thier attitudes will grow in anger . Just think that if the majority of Golf Cart owners were elderly , and with all this EXCITEMENT to say the least , crime would esculate ! Gas pump and resturants would suffer more , as they forgot if they had paid for the goods and services . The longer slower lines to get into anything , so many carters would fall asleep in their carts , causing additional traffic delays . So business would even suffer more , as it would also take customers longer to get there ! So saying , I am not picking on the elderly in no way , just stating the facts . Golf Carts have no business being on the city streets . So would the center of this grant Golg Cart extraviganda be here in the parking lot of Wa-Mart ? But you all would have to aggree , the city of MB would not have to enforce a curfew !!!!!!!!!!! Many of the elderly that would show up cannot stay up late past 9:00 . :rotf: Good for ccity police , but BAD for business that generate most of there revenue . Squeeze , many of these business have been in MB prior too or during the good years of , before the Bike-Nazi's came aboard . I whole heartedly beleive that the city of MB should comphensate these business for their loss , as it was the city officials that cause their misfortion . BEER30
  11. Found these photos from another forum . Think someone is upset in MB ? BEER30
  12. Count BEER24/7 and I in as a 99.5% possibility . I'll let ya know if by chance we have to bail out . RiderDuke , have room for 2 more for Friday and Saturday night ? I have an air mattress if needed . BEER30
  13. Time to plan a Demonstration Ride in DC in Protest . Just like Rolling Thunder does every year . Afterward , we could all meet up for a Huge Meet & Eat ! BEER30
  14. I've been using the Diamond R (Cheyenne) hitch for quite some time . It's a good hitch and easy to put on . The bolts have never loosen up on mine since I first mounted it . I check the mounting bolts periodically . I use safety cables rather than chains and thread them around the outer frame bars under the saddle bags (cannot remember what they are called) being the cables are long . Loop them around and back into the trailer hitch . You will get a rattle from the hitch when going over bumps at low speeds , so do not get alarmed . Only downfall is if you wish to remove the hitch , you will have to lay down to reach up under the fender to locate the release pin . Other than that , a great hitch . My next project is to make a flag pole/s adapter to mate to this hitch . BEER30
  15. I occasionally use my Cobra RD , use with cig-lighter power cord . Made a homemade mount off my left mirror using kydex plastic with velcro to secure . Easy to take off and toss into the saddle bags . I use the RD to prepare myself from the idiots slamming on their brakes when the man is out looking rather than for exceeding the speed limit . Hard to hear the audio , but easy to see the LED alert . Next RD I get will have the audio jack and I can plug into my Kennedy Cellset wiring to be able to hear through the IC . BEER30
  16. +1 For Matthews . I have the Z-Light . Though I haven't shot in a few years , I've kept my string waxed . That reminds me , I'm reorganizing the garage , need to build a new table for setting up my arrows . Now to find my fletching clamps too ! BEER30
  17. What are you complaining about there Don . Didn't you tell me once that what you do is really called work ? BEER30
  18. Sorry for being MIA . Like ECK said , wife and I have been extremely busy here at the shop . So much to do , very little time . Also I have not been checking my PM's either here lately . At work , I answer 50 to over 100 e-mails a day . My e-mail on my home laptop is also cluttered and cannot find the drive to open any of them here lately . As far as the flag poles , I don't make them . I had only some aluminum blocks to send out to some members for the asking . I still have projects for 3 members here to do . Going to try to punch them out here in a week or two . Riding season is around the corner and I am going to get a knife in the back if I do not get these projects finished , . BEER30
  19. Get in line after me there , Dear Buddy ! Just set the shop's calender yesterday in stone , being that Thursday prior to MD to start of our weeks vacation . Tentative plans to make MD , then to Red Bay Alabama , then back home . Beer24/7 will attend MD if all goes well . No maintenance needed as for now , but always will provide a give out a helping hand or be a pest , whichever comes first ! BEER30
  20. Obama To Sign Sales Tax Credit For New Motorcycle Purchase February 18, 2009 - 02:38 PM http://www.wingstuff.com/files/blogs/00195_obama_tax_credit/tax_credit.jpg Tax Credit For Purchase Of New Motorcycles Thanks to the efforts of the AMA (American Motorcyclist Association) along with Harley and many others, this bill will be signed into law by President Obama. This historic motorcycle event will allow motorcycle riders to deduct their sales and excise tax with the purchase of a new motorcycle. It is now part of the presidents stimulus package that will help dealers sell more bikes. Historic Motorcycle Tax Credit Relief Bill Motorcycles will now be included as "Qualified Vehicles" in section 1008 of the legislation of this tax relief bill. Anyone purchasing a new motorcycle can deduct the Sales and Excise Tax Paid on their 2009 tax return. Prior to the latest version of this bill, Washington wanted to only apply this tax relief credit to the purchase of a new car or truck only. Thanks to everyone at the AMA, Harley and other groups who worked so hard for the motorcycle community, motorcycles have now been added to the bill and will be part of President Obama's national stimulus plan. Motorcycles Help Our Nations Economy Motorcycles save gas, reduce traffic congestion and have become a practical form of transportation worldwide. Here in the United States the highest percentage has always been for enjoyment and recreation. Abroad, most countries found motorcycles and scooters to be the smartest form of transportation, reducing fuel costs and traffic congestion. States like California, with high traffic congestion and smog in some cities have already passed laws allowing motorcycles to use the car pool lane as well as splitting lanes in traffic, provided proper speed limits are respected. So many of our own regular Gold Wing customers have been using their bikes as transportation to and from work for these very reasons. They are able to use the car pool lanes, get to and from work faster and save fuel while riding their motorcycles everyday and enjoying every minute of it. http://www.wingstuff.com/files/blogs/00195_obama_tax_credit/europe_bikes.jpg Motorcycles & Motor Scooters Abroad Visit countries like Italy, you will soon find the only way to get around the city is by motor scooter or motorcycle. It is also the only way to find parking due to lack of parking in busy cities. That trend has becoming more popular here in the United States for the same reasons. I recently visited Italy this past year and enjoyed seeing mothers riding sons and daughters to school each morning. Most were outfitted with rear trunks for storage, wind protectors and side bags to carry anything from books to groceries. This photo was taken while walking down a typical street in Florence, Italy. You soon realize motor scooters and motorcycles were the smartest form of transportation. Most business men traveled across the city on scooters, while most small cars were stuck in traffic. Besides saving gas and reducing traffic, motorcycles and motor scooters are the only way you'll find a parking spot in and around the cities of europe. The Future Of Motorcycles Motorcycle riding is a growing trend that will continue to grow into the future. With gas prices rising years ago overseas, it has always been a worldwide trend that saves fuel, reduces traffic, besides enjoyable. Bottom line, motorcycles are far more efficient than cars and help reduce traffic in busy cities. Safety features like motorcycle Air Bags such as the legendary Honda Gold Wing GL1800, as well as luxury features such as XM, Siruis Radio, CB, Cell Phone intergration, GPS, Intercoms, Heated Seats, Armrests, Drink Holders has created a comfort level for the rider and co-rider equal or better than driving an automobile. Motorcycles Bring People Together Saturday at Wingstuff is a good example of motorcycle people having a good time. There's always fresh coffee, donuts, bottled water and plenty of people to hang out with, and lots of Gold Wing accessories to browse. Locals typically arrange rides in the morning where everyone's welcome. What a great way to meet friends while riding with some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Joining motorcycle clubs like the GWRRA, GWTA and others are great ways to meet new riding friends. No other motorcycle has done a better job in creating friendships than the Honda Gold Wing motorcycle has over the years. We see this motorcycle tax credit in President Obama's stimulus package as a huge step towards encouraging more people to buy and ride motorcycles here in the United States. Post Thoughts And Comments Will this Sales Tax Credit motivate you to buy a new Honda Gold Wing motorcycle this year? Share your thoughts and comments, lets see what everyone thinks. Ride Safe And See You On The Open Road Rick Arnoldo President - Wingstuff.com Source , HERE BEER30
  21. In '06 , my dealer told me that he had seen only one other customer get the GE good interest rate until I bought mine . I guess I am now the 2nd customer of his to get it . He also told me , I was the first customer he has ever seen to get the GAP insurance as well . BEER30
  22. Last year , there was nearly 500,000 bikes in the Demonstration ride itself . Nearly 850,000 bikes whom road to DC ! I'm a member of RT NC-5 . Wife and I made our first trip to The Wall last year and truly enjoyed it , even through we worked the full time we were there . Our Chapter arrived in DC , got a short break to get our rooms and then off "The Wall" to pull security for the "Gold Star Mothers" . Next day was entirely dedicated going to Memorials . Then the Demonstration ride beginning at the Pentagon . Our chapter did security there as well as at the "Reflection Pool" . There are many Military , Veterans , and other groups that stand for the cause . I must say the the PGR and the CMA do a Spectacular and a Most Grateful job at the demonstration event as well , performing duties to help out all the bikers ! Even Star Motorcycle group is there . If you haven't done the ride , you must do it at least once . But I will say , be pateint as it is a long , long event ! BEER30
  23. Just glad you didn't post some of the other scenes of that movie ! BEER30
  24. Oh NO , my delicate ears . I will never be the same . You all have corrupted me ! :rotf: BEER30
  25. I betcha that scoot has ABS , FI , and a CD Player ! Any Takers ? BEER30
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