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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. So he be-called "Vingman" now ? BEER30
  2. Not any experience with the 660 , but after switching over from the Kennedy Cellset wiring , it has been a great improvement switching to Buddies cables . I do not have to mess with the IC volume anymore . Plus I did get a new Samsung Delve smart . phone . Don't know if the 660 has seperate volume for MP-3/Cellphone/GPS prompts (as well as the MC's IC volume) like the 550 does . Check to see if the volumes adjustments make any difference . Now that I got me one of them new smart phones , I already feel intelagent now ! BEER30
  3. Ruffy , yours is used and abused ......remember ? BEER30
  4. No wonder your so tired ! Take it a little bit more easy there feller .:crackup::crackup: BEER30
  5. And you were Great TOO , I might add ! Don't tell Tater .......I mean SPUDS BEER30
  6. Well at MD , I noticed that my pillow top seat was ripping at the seams . Within the pleats where the naugahyde was vulcanized . Scoot is just over 3 years old now with almost 52K miles on it . It's not a tear , rip , or normal wear and tear , just coming apart . I went to my dealer today to show them the seat . Service manager said that Yamaha would more than likely not cover it . Well I said to him , just call the rep and tell them to just call me direct to tell me that if they are not going to cover the seat . I told him also to tell the rep to be prepared to receive numerous e-mails from VR.Org if the seat will not be replaced also . 2 hours later , I got the call from the service manager that I will have a new seat with 2-7 days . So thanks to all of you VR.Org members in advance for standing behind me . Man , can I BS !! :rotf: BEER30
  7. What happened to the Owl . Is the Owl OK ? Sorry to see this happen . Holler if you need any help . BEER30
  8. Hey George , I would love to come , but have too many things to catch up with . Only wished we got a 2 week vacation . BEER30
  9. I like to stop at every 100-125 miles and top off . I will NOT go to the running on fumes stage ! Several reasons I make frequent stops . One , give the wife and I a chance to stretch the legs , she gets herself a smoke break , and I look over the scoot , get a drink . Second and most important .You have at least a half a tank or more of good gas , then top off . If I am on fumes and stop to get a full tank of fuel , that gas may be BAD ! So if I fill up on a half of tank , top off with possible bad gas , I can still get down the road even if the scoot runs poorly . Rather than none at all if gas is extremely bad . Just coming home yesterday from MD , stopped to get gas . Another biker yelled to me from the front door , " DO NOT GET THE PREMIUM GAS, It's FULL OF WATER" !!!!!! Sure enough he just had pumped out his tanks and showed me the bucket and water was standing on top of the gas pretty thick. I offered him some Seafoam just in case he did not get all the fuel out and he accepted . Nice guy , even though he was on a HD . BEER30
  10. Just found this thread ! Thank you Freebird and Eileen for another Great Weekend ! This is my third year attending and each MD gets better and better . BEER24/7 had a Great time as well . Becky and I arrived home late last night as we took our sweet time getting home via back roads and to the Asheboro Zoo . Amazing that we thought we left a lot of these characters back at MD only to see them again ! On our last leg home , I received a phone call from my mom saying my step-dad went into the hospital with severe heart complications . Well to make a long story short , he's now out of danger and doing much better . An infection in the colon made it's way into the blood stream and up to his heart , causing him low white blood cell count . Also which caused fluids around his heart and lack of oxygen to the brain . We sawhim today and they will be taking him out of ICU and into a private room for a few more days . Anyways , back to the topic . As said , had a great time meeting old and new faces . Only regret was that MD was not longer , to spend more time with everyone . Special thanks to VGoose and everyone else whom helped me work on my tire change . BEER30
  11. Yep , 5 bikes show up and the Mechanic is take 900+ pictures too boot ! :rotfl: BEER30
  12. Oh Charlie ! When ya going to quit playing around with them lil' minnows ? Toss that little booger back and go catch a real big one . BEER30
  13. I can say for a fact that the windshield does trap exhaust fumes , especially following a diesel . I have the XXL Clearview (no vent) and it catches the fumes extremely bad . I have also noticed that it echoes noise more so than smaller windshield too . If you listen closely while driving over different road surfaces , tire noise can be picked up louder than other road surfaces . With my Baron 4-2-4's , my volume is normally set at 15 to 19 , depending on how loud I want to Rock Out ! BEER30
  14. For Peg's sake , it stands for Medical Dr. .......ain't that right Peg ? BEER30
  15. Dang ! .......So that what a really modulators does . Got to get me the REAL McCoy now . My thumb get pretty worn out after several minutes flipping the high/low beam switch up and down that fast . I never posted anything about a worn out dimmer switches as I would feel really embarrassed posting such a thing . I feel much better now . Thanks for clearing that up fer me ! :rotf: BEER30
  16. With all said , "I don't Play Cop " ! I plan to be seen for another day or two . I know I am doing the most I can to be seen . If the other driver/s are uncertain to know what is going on , then they should take another second or two to reevaluate the situation and not make a rash decision just because of their ignorance . Shifting the blame to the biker because he has a modulator is pretty lame . I and many of you have came to a point in life or any circumstance to where you should stop , take a step back , observe and then proceed , not just push through like a bull in the china closet . If we have these youngsters or old geezers whom think they cam just shoot out in front of anything , then a modulator , sirens , strobes , or BIG BERTHA's BUTT up on the front fairing isn't going to slow them down . Modulator , put them in place of an ambulance , troopers , county coppers , firetrucks and such with their lights , sirens , strobes , bells and whistles , How many people do you see to fail to yield to them ? People at any time just do not pay attention at any particular point or time . Just look upon every incidents ...........NOT ACCIDENTS . So no matter what you do or they do , when your number is up , your number is up . Just be safe in the mean time . BEER30
  17. Last year going to Rolling Thunder in DC , I had a flock of cages pull over to the side of the road as they were entering the highway thinking I was the law in pursuit . They saw my modulator . This year and same place , I was not running my modulator and dam near got hit 6 times within a 2 mile stretch ! I was running rear of the group as I was the only bike pulling a trailer and was being curtious to other bikers ahead of me by not running the modulator . It wasn't long that other bikers in the group saw the near misses whom knew I had a modulator , radioed to me to turn that modulator on ! Not a near miss happened the rest of the trip . I had a cager catch up with me after doing a u-turn , just to tell me that my headlight must have had a loose ground at it was flickering . I thanked him for his concern and told him that my headlight was OK , that it was on a modulator . He was a new biker and unaware of modulators . Then told me that he was going to get a modulator right away caused he noticed me right away and didn't give other bikers much concern as he didn't see them from a distance . I am a believer of the modulator and will continue to use mine . BEER30
  18. If one wants cheap , get the thin painters drop cloth sheets of plastic for just for them once in a while needed coverage . Pack extremely well , light-weight , use for any occasion from rain , to laying on the ground from getting dirty if need to get under the scoot . I've used them for emergency shelter to collecting water . Thought they look cheap , they are very practical . You might get laughed at , but hey ....scoot is protected and more money left towards the adventures and safety chrome . Plus they are disposable . Just make sure the scoot is cooled off enough before you cover . BEER30
  19. Read deeper into the add ! They must mean LARGEST HOOTERS catering and HOOTERS Girls . Man , do I have to explain everything to you all ? :bang head: BEER30
  20. I'll pass ...... My BEERCART can do over 100 mph any day of the week , any time of the day ! It has Mini-Cooper radial tires on it . BEER30
  21. BEER24/7 and I made it home around 4-ish . Had a GREAT Time and met Great People , Old and New ! Thanks to RiderDuke and Felicia for their hospitality for the accommodations , And a Great Big Thanks to the Man Upstairs for such a Safe Beautiful Day and a Great M & E . Now I have to polish the Bling-Blings I won ! BEER30
  22. BEER24/7 and I will be beparting to RiderDuke's within the hour. Meandering from J-Ville NC to I-95 , then straight on to the Dukie-house . Se ya later this evening and everyone else be safe ! BEER30
  23. They work real well , but one should give them a better coat of paint on them . I have mine mounted on an open trailer and I have the original paint peeling off at this very moment . I've had mine since fall and will be refurbishing it real soon . BEER30
  24. Are you sure you 1st genr's are not cutting up the string yourselves to use to tie together these antiques as they fall apart ? Bailing wire getting to expensive now these days for you ole timers ! BEER30
  25. Yeah , All Muffinman has to do is stuff you into the saddle bag ! Does not take much time unless your in a foul mood ! BEER30
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