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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Hey Big Tom ! Have you taken control of that woman of yours ? She's been as quiet as I have been here lately !!! Hey SPUDS ........you-hoo ! BEER30
  2. Thanks for the GOOD news . Now tell Becky and I will get ready !!!!!!!:happy65::happy65::happy65::happy65::happy65::happy65::happy65: BEER30
  3. Honestly I hadn't popped off a round in almost 2 years with a pistol. Took the CC course with a pistol that I was not familiar with , Glock 19. Though I had shot one of these when they first came out . We shot 200+ rounds in my course and on the final 30 rounds , the instructor wanted to DRILL me in rapid fire , 2 mag change , with timer , and him yelling and jumping down my back to add pressure . Shooting on the 7 yard line , I placed all 30 rounds in the 9 ring in just a smiggin under 18 seconds . Thats drawing from the hip and securing the weapon back into the holster after the final round . That was FUN ! I had another 600 rounds , but it was time to hit the classroom for the rest of the course . If nothing else fell and I do miss the target and miss throwing the pistol at the target , I always have BEER24/7 to back me up . There is nothing else in the world scarier than Pissed-off Woman with a loaded pistol ! ............ Well maybe seeing Charlie sacking up with Squidley on MD !:crackup::crackup:
  4. That stuff is ignoring me . A little muggy and good breeze is all we are getting . Knocked off work early today around 5:30 to come home and work on the pool until it got the better of me . BEER30
  5. I'm awaiting the phone call to pick up my Carry Conceal Permit here in a week or so . I plan on carrying my wife's Bersa 380 until I get another pistol . All my other pistols are large frame . I'm looking into a Glock 38 or a Springfield 1911 Ultra Compact .45 or possibly a Kimber . I'm a .45 guy if ya noticed. I prefer the .45 over the ticklers . Though the smaller caliber pistols offers more shot in the mag . But it's all about shot placement . I make my holsters , either it's in the small of my back or a shoulder rig if I'm not wearing a coat . If I wear a coat , it will be on the hip , strong side or possible a cross-draw which is better for sitting positions . I'm a lefty , but shoot dominately with my right , but can shoot either hand . BEER30
  6. We made in home last night as well around 7:30 . Too darn tired to unload the laptop to post last night . Had a great time as expected ! Thanks to all that put this shin-dig together and that came to enjoy one another . BEER30
  7. Come on , don't be shy .You know whom Spuds is ! Where have I been ??????? Knee deep in work , that is !!!!! BEER30
  8. I just don't see ya wearing your panties in that photo ! What gives ? What happened to the windshield cover ? OOH - OOH , Spuds isn't in the picture . Where is that little vixen at lately ? BEER30
  9. Yeah , Wonda really scares the "HE" double "L" out of the road gremlins ! .....and other things as well . BEER30
  10. Are you out of your *%#&*)*@ Mind ? Can't trust Charlie . He's worse than myself ! BEER30
  11. That would be a waste of $$$ . Charlie tends to pass out on the boat and drop them overboard . Blames it on a big whopping fish that got away !!!!!! :crackup: BEER30
  12. Oh , Charlie ! The subject hasn't been brought up in some time now , But do you still wear dresses ? And if so , does your skirt in caught up in the spokes of that new Moped you got ? BEER30
  13. POOR , POOR ...Charlie ! I'll talk to ya and maybe share a BEER with ya ! Feel Loved now ? BEER30
  14. Just one question , How does that little bike support your ole' lard azz ? BEER30
  15. A few days ago , I had to go into J-ville , NC (military town where Combat driving is a daily thing) and had a Suburban cut me off big time . There was 3 lanes , I was in the immediate inside lane on which he was in the center . I was up to his rear door . He knew I was there as he speeded up to the cage in front of him rear bumper to attempt to squeeze me out . No blinker , No time to react but to lock up the brakes and lay on the Stebel . He barely missed me as he swept over into my lane . Well .....then all of a sudden another horn start blaring out loud . Kind had a double tap in the ole' britches if you know what I mean ! It was a mid-size P/U that was in the center lane behind me and was behind that suburban . He speeded up along side of the suburban and started making hand signals that clearly signafied that he just almost caused an accident . In the tinted rear window of the suburban , all I seen was what appeared as an arm rasing and shaking . Then the guy in the p/u stared giving him the one finger salute ! At this time , I was laid back about 6 car lengths behind doing 45mph with the flow of the traffic . Every cage that was witnessing what was going on gave plenty of room for what may happen next . Then the p/u was along side then swerved into the suburban missing him , expressing what he had done to me . Then the p/u speeded up and swerved in front of the surburban . Man , this was getting exciting ! But I soon had to pull over at the next intersection to go to my destination . At that time , I didn't know really know what to do . To follow the p/u to where he was going to Thank him for looking out after us bikers or what ? I really didn't want this situation to exculate to anybody getting hurt , but admire the guy to stand up to another to look out for us . So since I didn't get to Thank the guy , I did make huge WAIVE in his rear veiw mirror in appreciation . BEER30
  16. You shouldn't had blown your $$ on a suite ..........I have some ouch-less type band-aids I could have given you ! BEER30
  17. Roller skates or a hand-Kart ? BEER30
  18. Why don't you just drag them along to Asheville as well .....The more the Merrier ! And just think , you will not have to clean the house for guest !!!!!!!! BEER30
  19. Art , I personally witnessed Muffinman Blow the panties off the Busa from a dead start ! Muffinman left him way behind before the Busa lost his nerve .....if you wish to call it that . Also to add , Muffinman had only ridden the 1st gen for 2 days as it was the SSP bike . I myself have embarrassed a respectable crotch rocket on my 2nd gen while pulling the BEERCART . Now a bike regardless is only a machine . A machine is no better than how the operator can manage it . I've seen a 4 cylinder hitting only on 3 stump a V-8 . V8 only came up with excuses on how he could not trump the crippled 4 . Now how are we defining "FAST" ? Fast off the start or Fast as we are down the stretch ? There are days I can fart faster than I can pick my nose . BEER30
  20. Also , BEER24/7 and I have the Kabin Lodge (T3) reserved that sleeps 6 if weather happens to get bad for the tenters . BEER30
  21. David , I was there while the house was being built . I know where all the trap doors , secrete passages and shoe closet is also! Bobbie has here own tool shed in a secret location , that's why they call her the "Mechanic" . And it's not the dark room where she processes all the photos she takes either !!!!!!!!:crackup::crackup: BEER30
  22. I mounted my Stebel under the scoot .There is a large enough space under/behind the lowers beside the oil filter . I made a bracket out of a piece of 1/4"thick x 3/4" x 3 1/2" long . Drilling a hole the size of the mounting bolt that came with the Stebel and another hole the size of the boly that passes through the frame. It's the same bolt that has the green acorn nut on the outer side of the frame . I do not have the demisions of how far the holes are drilled apart , but I did allow 1/4" between the Stebel and the oil filter . The compressor is mounted horizontal , horn opening aimed downwards and towards the rear of scoot . There is enough ground clearence and youcan only see it on the left side when on KS , if your really looking . Relay located behind the RS battery cover . I left the stock horns connected and have the scoots horn's power supplying the relay and main power straight to the battery . Horn blast downward and is equally disbursting the sound outwards toboth sides of the scoot , rather that just one side . I used the air intake tubing and secured it behind the lowers ,so I don'tpick up any road wash . I have road through some major rain stormsand have had no issues with the horn's performance . Also to add , I toot the horn occasionally to make sure it's free to operate and a horn-check to boot. I'll post somephotos as soon as I can get them . BEER30
  23. Oh NO ! , An Asheville "Mini" Pond Monster ! BEER30
  24. Hey Charlie , Finally got the old tub out in the big pond as I took a day off . No Pond Monsters , but here is the smallest thing we caught ! BEER30
  25. Just put some more air in the tires ! LOL ! :rotfl: :rotfl: BEER30
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