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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. In your case Charlie . Spoked rims are easier for you to place them playing cards onto the forks so you get that Tat-Tat-Tat-Tat-Tat as the wheels spin . Kinda makes you go faster Charlie ......doesn't it ? :stickpoke: BEER30
  2. As for the fastest , both the Muffinman and myself have pegged the speedo pulling our trailers . My comfort speed is 65-70 on the highway , 5 under the SL on the back roads if the wife and I are solo . Kinda hard to go that slow with some of the group I hang around with . BEER30
  3. Come on now , Do you believe everything you read ? I assume that is so the unit can drain any moisture out of the system . So as I precaution , I toot my horn occasionally when in an area where it not distracting ( out in the middle of no where) to clear the unit of any moisture that might have accumulated . plus it keeps the armature and brushes nice and shiny within the pump motor ! On that note ; prior too the Stebel , I had the Harbor Freight air horns . That compressor was mounted horizontal also and underneath the scoot . I had it on the scoot for over a year and a half without any problems . Had the trumpets mounted under the floorboards . Had not had one issue until I cracked one of the trumpets . That was the only reason I replaced it with a Stebel . BEER30
  4. Salty .....Of all people , I should not have to tell you on how busy we have been to do anything outside the civilian life ! Oh by the way , next office meeting is at the local strip club tomorrow night , are you still planning to attend ? I need a Head count to see how many brass poles will be needed . You know how these union workers are ! BEER30
  5. If I saw ya in the store , I'd run up to you too and gives you a great big hug too ! BEER30
  6. Finally someone who can figure out a 1st Gen ! :crackup: BEER30
  7. Years ago living in Alaska , my cousin and I rode my Yamaha 360 RD with a set of skis strapped on each side of the bike . With our ski boots tethered together slung over the tank . We had a back pack and it was full . Guess what we had in it ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ BEER ...........................I mean anti-freeze ! BEER30
  8. I got myself a Stebel Air Horn but did not wish to place it where the factory horn was located , nor inside the front fairing like most others . The fact that inside the front fairing muffled the optimal decibels that the Stebel air horn provided . Relocating it in place of the factory horn allowed optimal decibel sound on the right side of the RSV, but not on the left side . I wanted equal amount of sound on both sides of the RSV, so I searched numerous possible location as to where to mount the Stebel air horn . I looked towards mounting up in front under the triple tree on the front forks , but not enough clearance and bad idea if the front forks were fully compressed . I looked towards mounting under trunk , but did not want the navigator to jump up and disrupt my driving if I were to suddenly blast away , if you know what I mean . So, I looked towards the underside of the RSV. And to my observation , there was enough room behind the lowers and along side of the oil filter to where a large enough cavity was located to mount the Stebel air horn . I made a mount simply out of 1/8” x 3/4 “ x 2 ½” metal strapping . Using the exiting mounting bolt on the Stebel at which I believe was a 1/4” diameter by 1”, I drill a 1/4" hole on one end to secure to the Stebel horn . I drilled a second hole 3/8” measuring from center of the 1/4 “, 1 3/8” to center . Pictures 1 and 2 show how I made the bracket. Note:You may want to pre-wire the horn mounting as I did by making pig-tails with plug-in terminals as you will have to remove the horn during oil changes. As you see in picture 3, a 14mm acorn nut that is connected to a bolt which passes through the frame . I removed the acorn nut and removed the bolt. Taking that bolt and passing back through the 3/8" hole on the new mounting bracket on the Stebel horn and placed it back into original hole and re-tightened the bolt with the orriginal acorn nut . You will want to maneuver the horn to where it does not make contact to any other part of the RSV, especially the oil filter, then tighten down the bracket . In pictures 4, 5 and 6, you can see that the Stebel horn does hang down lower that the driver’s floorboard brackets , but not as nearly as much that the motor’s oil pan . I have not had any issues as of yet going over obstacles such as trailer loading or curbs, but do take precautions at the least . I also used the air tube inlet that was provided with the Stebel air horn and routed the opposite end up and behind the lowers to not take in water during rain or road wash. Wiring the Stebel, I used the relay provided when I purchased the horn. I mounted the relay under the right side battery cover. There are numerous threads on how to wire up the relay. I chose to go connect the main power to the relay straight to the battery and ground it to the frame. To activate the air horn, I connected the factory horn terminals themselves. Therefore I did not have to monkey around running longer wires, nor adding more drain on the RSV’s wiring. Muffinman was gracious enough to supply the terminals tome and I cannot remember the correct name of these. I have seen at the auto parts store. These terminals have 1 female with 2 male blades on them, which allowed me to both connect the factory horn wiring and the wiring back to the Stebel horn relay . I have been running my Stebel air horn in this location for almost 6+ months now. Placed over 3K miles on the scoot even through major rainstorms. By mounting the Stebel under the scoot, the horn itself is projecting it’s blast towards the ground, echoing the 138 decibels equally on both right and left sides of the RSV. The Stebel horn has not taken in any water to cause malfunction as of yet and with the horn itself is pointed to the rear, it does not scoop up any rain or dirt. Plus I still have the factory horns as well! BEER30
  9. When you stop (over the sensors at the light), kill the motor and then restart .The starter will activated the sensors when the starter motor gives off it's magnetic vibes . BEER30
  10. You left out the most important reason to have an Atlas on board.....it doubles as TP behind that roadside bush ! That give a hole new meaning to the dark-side of the world or state depending on what page your on/using , even in the daylight .:8: BEER30
  11. Annie , It's only fair that you should know that Mini pass more wind than the Muffin ! That's why she not only rides in the back for safety sake , butt for propulsion ! Why that's the main reason the Muffin drives so fast !!!!!!!:whistling: BEER30
  12. The wife and I are quite pleased with my cooling vest . Even here on the East Coast with the humidity they work long enough . But then again when I travel over 2.5 hrs , we usually have the BEERCART with cooler filled with ice . Wife and I normally take a 10-15 minute break after fueling up . Recharging the vest usually takes about that long , so we are good to go . I wear my cooling vest under my normal riding vest . And to mention also, I have made myself a new vest out of light-weight duck (like used in CarHart's) with a mesh back .Much cooler than leather ! One of our employee's is making them now . She is making some for Krome Rose and Saltydawg which will have cooling pack pockets in them . SaltyDawg uses the gel pack which are not affected as much as the soak and cool type . BEER30
  13. I might be game if Spuds will re-enact "William Tell" . I think a small apple will rest real nicely on top of here head . :crackup: And I think I still have an act of slinging arrow ....even though it's been a few years since I last drew a string . BEER30
  14. I don't care if you like it or not . That is the best looking HD road-side recovery vehicle I have seen so far . Just imagine how many dropped parts off a Harley that contraction can hold ! Even got a lock box to secure the valuable chrome parts in . And just imagine , a trailer to carry the HD rider on to the next HD Bank . BEER30
  15. I pressure wash my scoot but I do a pre-soak , then hand wash , then pressure rinse . But I usually do not have to worry about bugs as I have a Bra for my upper and lowers . For just getting bugs off the Bra's , simply just use a damp rag as I do not have to worry about scratches . Also use Lemon Pledge for the scoot and shield . BEER30
  16. Brake Pad , It's a Pandemic spreading .........they are everywhere ! I saw a HD pull beside one the other day . It took more effort for that HD rider to hold his bike together from rattling apart . More than the typical effort that one HD rider does for normal vibration affects . You almost would have had pitty on that poor sole because his scoot was not self inflicted this go around ! BEER30
  17. Baron 4-2-4's ........................ Great to disgust the cagers on cell phones too ! A plug of chewing tobacco on their windshield or their face (when window is down) get's their attention as well if ya don't have loud pipes either . BEER30
  18. Yeah ! I do it and I do it for a darn good reason . And I also got LOUD pipes ! I hate them damn BOOM-BOOM jive azz ghetto vibrating sound systems which are in them petty little 'ole pregnant roller skates with a bumble bee farting in a tin can that they call a muffler . NEED I say MORE ? BEER30
  19. Looking Good there Rooster ! When is the airbrushing coming ? BEER30
  20. Hey Spuds ! Just wondering .........Are you a descendant of an I-WISH-Potato or an I-DA-HO Potato ? :stickpoke::stickpoke: BEER30
  21. It had been a few hours earlier . Ted (Wanderer and his lovely wife , Patricia along with Becky and I ) stopped in Cherokee and grabbed a burger . So I ate the 'lil munchkin for desert . It wasn't much later when we left that shop , a few doors down , we stopped and has some Ice Cream . :cry: BEER30
  22. I ate 'em . BEER30
  23. Are you talking to ME ? http://www.meangene.us/pictures/GOD.jpg BEER30
  24. Well , I'll take a stab at it . Scientific analysis show proof that it's an early year motorcycle mounted on a motorcycle trailer . Therefore the evidence leads to conclusion that this is a Harley ! ....oh and it's red too . BEER30
  25. Well , No answer ...........So Big Tom still must be wearing them BIG PANTIES ! BEER30
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