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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. I'm sitting here at my work desk today, looking out my huge front glass window upon one of our Greatest Symbols of what our forefathers, Military and Patriotic citizens have worked hard and died for. Yes , Old Glory , Stars and Stripes . Yep you guessed it, The United States Flag. Waiving Proudly in the wind displaying Honor , Braveness , Courage , Respect , among all sacrifices that our Great Nation Men and Woman as well as for our Allied Friends. My neighbor across the street erected a large flag pole with lights . I supplied the Flags. It's a Great Inspiration to see it waive so Proudly and to hear in this day and age how other abuse the Power it represents. Now I'm not going Political on this , But expressing Patriotism ! There was a saying in the past which said , "Love it or Leave it" . Don't make me say ,"Love it , or I'll kick you azz out"! I did not serve in the military, but I support and respect what our Constitution stands for. As a member of Rolling Thunder , we see sometimes a flag or flag pole going amidst and in need of some TLC. We organize and go to the aid of that Symbolic Icon and make it Proud again. This bring Great warmth and Pride back into my heart as well as others whom have the same views as I and many others. Enough said before I get irate , LOL ! BEER30
  2. Still have that hearing problem, HEY ? BEER30
  3. Redneck , Don't give Charlie another topic to ask more questions about. Next topic will be ....." What's that noise coming from the speakers and How do I learn how to ride"? BEER30
  4. I too had back issues, fused L5-S1. Sorry to hear about the injury. Wish you the best and a Speedy recovery. BEER30
  5. If I can find , I have my old plate from Alaska. I have my '06 MC plate from NC before I got personalized plates as well. May take me a few days , but I'll look. BEER30
  6. More than likely , it's a loose nut behind the handle bars! But more probable it's the water pump......I think. BEER30
  7. Dang , Going to miss ya this year. Money crunch has affected us all in some form and fashion. Don't worry about the son not wanting to go camping.......as long as the GF's are invited , LOL ! Heck , we have 2 young male employees at work whom if possible will camp under the stars every night if they could get away with it. My son went through that phase and now asks all the time when we will take the boat out to the island so we can camp. Heck, he has stolen over half my camping equipment. Boy will be boys , and it's the wives that get more tired of camping and want more luxury. But hey I can't blame them for all the BS we guys give them. They deserve it ......sometimes! BEER30
  8. I see a new sit-com on the tube now . No , not the Beverley Hillbillies , but......... Oh well , sing along the new intro of the new TV show staring Squiddy Poo ! You all know how to sing the theme song , just new lyrics ! Come and listen to a story about a Biker-man named Brad A poor perverted Biker, barely kept rubber on his treads, Then one day he was trolling at the DQ, And suddenly through the Door came Calamari in Blue. Love that is, Brad’s now known as Squiddy Poo ! And up through the government came a bubblin Dude. Kinfolk said "Squiddy Poo get the Hell away from there" Said "Calamari’s pad is the place you ought to be" So they loaded up the scoot and moved to Calamri’s. HD, that is. Loose Parts, Constantly Broken Down. Well now it's time to say good by to Squiddy Poo and all perverted friends. And for not laughing at him, when he drops his scoot again. You're all forewarned of his questionable Masculinity, And to have a double scoop of his hospitality. Calamari, My Bro. Hop on back, 2 up, Hold on tight now , y’hear! BEER30
  9. What type of lift assist do you have on the toy haulers ramp/door. If it is cables , get a motor assist to help with the raising of the ramp/door. If not , rig up your own winch cable to help raise. Now where am I going with this ? As you drive the scoot up the ramp and to the point to where you are about to high center, have a remote to activate the winch or motorized cable assist. Thus raising the ramp door and also decreasing the angle of the dangle. You can also get a couple of linear actuators and make some quick mounts for removal near the base of the ramp. Get the wireless remote to activate the actuators up or down to raise or lower the ramp. Ride the scoot up as far as you can , then raise/lower the ramp. Problem solved ! BEER30
  10. You're my victim sound bite http://www.entertonement.com/widgets/img/clip/gjydhmzlcl/1/1_e766ddd2_58f4_11df_aaea_0019b9b841a0/blank.gif">
  11. I spell Okie-Dokie sometimes, Thank you very much ! It's my darn fingers that don't listen to me. BEER30
  12. That photo was taken at Rolling Thunder 2 years ago. Picture doesn't do the scoot justice. BEER30
  13. Just verified today : One Broken down 16" AR-15/M4 or fully assembled M4 SBR with 10 magazines and/or AK-47 with folding stock will fit into one RSV saddle bags ! Come on Comicazi Cager......Make my Day ! BEER30
  14. I went to the PCW clutch kit at 18K+ as I ride 2 up and pull a trailer. Clutch started slipping some when I got hard on it in higher gears. So me thinking that getting the clutch kit would help. Now I had the VIP plan up to 2 oil changes ago. Be soon doing my 3rd here shortly using Rotella 15-40 Triple Protection. Keep in mind I do quite a few parades and stop-n- go's pulling the trailer as I mount my flags on Rolling Thunder events. Also to say I crack them 4-2-4 Baron's to get the parade crowd fired up. That itself does a lot of wear and tear on the clutches. I presently have over 62k on the scoot. Recently this past fall my clutch started slipping again. RiderDuke helped me change my clutch fluid , but it wasn't the problem. I pulled my clutch and also noticed black steels and somewhat dark with gritty feel to the fibers. I cross-sanded with 400 grit and re-installed making sure installation was correct. Bike runs smoother now, but still back in my head , I think I may get more slippage sooner down the road. I called PCW and told them anything and everything of the history of my scoot and my riding habits. Their suggestions was that I am burning my clutch fibers as well, but believe I still have some life left in them. I also mic'd the fibers and steels and all within tolerance. Though they are still in tolerance, they are damaged and they suggest that I replace the fibers and bead blast the steels here in the near future. That I will be doing after M-Day. Meanwhile , I have no apparent slippage at this time. Not to say I may have to get on it for evasive maneuvers , but I will keep a close eye on it. BEER30
  15. Or you may send all your $$$ to my account . I will not have a problem with that ! BEER30
  16. Somewhere I have a incriminating photo of you and another that looked pretty Cuddly . Hey, hey Squidley , do you remember where I placed that photo ? BEER30
  17. BEER30


    Good to see all went well under the circumstances and Family to the rescue . By the way , why and how did the clearveiw come loose ? BEER30
  18. If you do not wish to carry a firearm , there is always paper ! BEER30 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhGoCIznXSA]YouTube- Self defense with Ronald Duncan: Newspaper[/ame]
  19. Yeppers !
  20. Ah , You Huzzy , You ! BEER30
  21. Hey , we don't care what you ride . You can show up on roller skates if you want , as long as you show up ! Does that sound sincere enough ? BEER30
  22. 1) Some of us show up on Friday. Camping is on premises. Plenty of space , bring Plenty of TP ! Watch out for the Pond Monster! 2) Some will chime in from your area soon. 3)Bring what you can if you want. No need to trailer as we will most likely treat you like a HD guy , LOL ! Don and others usually have plenty of tools unless if your work require special needs. Don has tire changer and usually there is at least 2 bike jacks. You will have the time of your life at MD . Don is a Great Host ! It's riff-raff like myself you have to look out for ! Well..... Maybe Charlie is worse than me :stickpoke: BEER30
  23. Hey Tom , I wasn't getting personal . But take 2 scoops of Ice Cream and call me in the mourning ! BEER30
  24. Are their names above or below my mine ? By the way, which wrist is it ? If loctite doesn't work, have Doc use reverse threaded screw. Regardless of the jokes , I hope ya get better ! BEER30
  25. Sometimes just showing your armed can possibly detour a situation. But I was taught never draw a weapon unless I intended to use it. One story for me to tell. Coming back from a trip to Georgia , I was in Florence SC. along with almost other 40 bikes . Road construction that diverted all lanes into one lane. Listening to the truckers on the CB , they were blocking all the cagers from rushing up and that were not waiting there turn ....(you know what I mean) . I was the last bike as I had the BEERCART. All of us bikers were in the proper lane. You could tell other cagers were getting tired of all the idiots forcing there way breaking in line , so I got into the short lane to hold off any of these idiots as we sat idol by. First was a lady in a Chevy Cavalier . Pull half way off the shoulder and almost drug here muffler off her car just to get around me. She looked at me at gave the got to Haiti's look . ....I'm such a Good looker!.... Then came Billy-Bob in his P/U truck with monster mudders . He pulled to the side of me and sat beside me as we just sat there waiting for motion. He rolled down his window and started patting a baseball bat into his other palm . I guess he wanted to scare me ! I politely pulled my vest to the side and showed him that my XD trumped his baseball bat. I thought he was going to put grits in his britches and speed off . NOT ! He put's his little Tonka toy truck in reverse and get's back into line. I looked into the mirror and say the cager behind which happened to be an un-marked LEO. He was laughing his A$$ off and gave me to thumbs up ! BEER30
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