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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Did you realize someone stole your rear tire ? Or was it one heck of a burn-out ? BEER30
  2. Ice Cream Sandwich with Mini in the middle ! BEER30
  3. I thought that was supposed to be the distraction ? BEER30
  4. Me Innocent .......... Whom are you kidding ? I'm going out tomorrow and fetching me up a Man Thong for the Big Boy Bikini contest Mini is hosting at MD . There's a 2 for 1 sale at the beach store this week . Need for me to buy a bikini for you Big Tom ? I know the manager at the store and I bet I can get a bulk order for all. After the contest , we all can pose in front of FreeBird's and get a group photo. BEER30
  5. Trimmers before the Quake ! BEER30
  6. Saint Bernard ?
  7. How come I feel like a Perfect Little Angel , every time Mini opens her mouth ? Oh .......because I am ! :banana: BEER30
  8. Depending on what type of leather was used in making these cover will determine what process to use to help stretch. By no means would I use a heat gun on the leather and possibly warp the ABS on the lid. Warm water perhaps. Shoe Stretch as long as you do not over stretch the leather. BEER30
  9. No they don't , WHAT ? I C&P the links from an e-mail that my friend sent to me. I stated that the links may not work , but I did verify that if you go to Wingstuff and C&P the item# into their search, they will come up. BEER30
  10. The Zumo 550 has separate volume controls. I'm assuming the 660 is similar. Check to see if the MP3 volume is up high enough. BEER30
  11. Check out Wingstuff.com JMHSICD284HHU for the headset @ $164.99 JMHCPJM for the lower 6 pin cord @ $21.99 JMJMSR4020 for the Integratr IV @ $69.99 JMMDCB822 for the Midland 40 Channel CB @ $89.99 JMJMSRAC23 for the 12v power cord adapter for the Integratr IV@ $35.99 Links may not work as they need a Yahoo account , but go to wingstuff.com and C & P item # in the search . Subtotal $382.95 Free shipping. Friend of mine just ordered for his scooter. I found these items for him and some of these are on Sale. The Integratr has FM radio. He is also getting the Zumo 550 and which it needs an additional Zumo to Integratr cord which if I remember correctly is under $15.00 on the J&M site. We willmost likely receive the parts and install this weekend. J&M Integratr and their CB module require the 6 pin only. BEER30
  12. :sign yeah that: BEER30
  13. Pink is Muffinman's Trade Mark. As Jeff would say ,"Real Men wear Pink"! Ain't that right RiderDuke (aka StudMuffin). BEER30
  14. 88 degrees , Man I bet your Freezing ! Yep , we sure miss ya ! Becky says Hi ! BEER30
  15. Dan , Are you being Framed again ? BEER30
  16. BEER30

    ABS mandatory?

    ABS= Alternative Boot Sliding......Redneck Style , about as cheap as you can get! BEER30
  17. Kick Back and Relax, We all are Praying for Good News ! BEER30
  18. Hey Big Tom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do we have time before M-Day to get new T-shirts made up that say,"Don't Shoot Me In The BACK, Even-though I'm a SOB (SEXY OLD BIKER)" BEER30
  19. Just wait for the FreshFart ! :crackup: BEER30
  20. As the officer so-called claimed that he could see the hand going into his pocket, at which the video clearly shown otherwise. Just a un-excusable rash decision made on the officers part that led to irreversible consequences. Even in the training films, I have seen more verbal warnings given in more hostile circumstances. Even Dirty Harry gave you more time to think about it ! The Duke would have shot the HD right out from under him just for crap, grins and giggles............. BEER30
  21. So you saying you broke the law 3 times ? BEER30
  22. Not the commemorative model , but a new Remington 1911-RI , http://www.1911r1.com/Products/Firearms/Model-1911r1.aspx . BEER30
  23. Please .....everyone keep this topic civil. We do not need to get this thread deleted. So I will not say no more than what I said in the prior deleted thread. BEER30
  24. I'll be a Monkey's Uncle ...........Can you believe Charlie can tale Time ? Have Fun Fishing !!!!!! BEER30
  25. That will be a FIRST ! :clap2: BEER30
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