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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Pressure wash it to remove grud, let dry , then squirt penetrating oil. Then get a cheater bar! BEER30
  2. Goose, don't forget the steel wool for cleaning the rim bead. BEER30
  3. Whom better to have close by are the ones whom will be setting FB up! Pretty Clever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEER30
  4. Next Question and not trying to be an smart A$$ about it , "But just how big/small is one's 'derriere"? My wife says I got a cute Butt and I wear 36" jeans with a Beer-gut. I also found out that wearing loose fit jeans in the waist and crotch, rather than tight jeans are more comfy on the tail and butt bones. Wearing my belt tight makes a huge difference for the worse as well. Just another thought that just occurred to me. Back in the day , I had a friend whom wore a football uniform girdle with only the tail bone pad. There was not a seat made that fit his A$$ that was comfy. He heard of this girdle from his football coach and it made all the world of difference no matter what he was sitting on. BEER30
  5. Well for one whom needs both hips replaced , fusion L5-S1 , Arthritis both locations and in knees and a broken right hand, the pillow top seat to me is more comfy than my recliner. I've sat on HD seats and Corbins and came to the conclusion that they are worse than sitting across a brick wall. It's all a matter of opinion and preference. I've made several rides that were equivalent to Iron-Butts. And got home and was ready to ride again. For those whom do not like the stock seats , there are custom seat makers out there. Just another approach , I have adjusted my highway pegs a few times for better posture too. BEER30
  6. Forget the super soakers.........I'l bring Grandma's old bra. Those Double D-cups and a couple of water balloons..... Wa-La.....Instant double barreled sling shot ! BEER30
  7. What you will be looking for is this: RGSC100 - Ultimate Comfort Seat Cushion made by Roadmaster It's a pad that has a honeycomb structure of gel material, inserted into a cover. Wife has one and she added one of the 1" closed cell foamed bleacher pads (located at Wally-World also. They are hit and miss at Wally-World in the auto section. I have seen them at truck stops , but a much higher price. I found one here for $69.95 or here for $49.95. BEER30
  8. Congrats to the new couple ! and the survivors of the wedding. BEER30
  9. Don't get me to say what I really think ! :rasberry: BEER30
  10. Maybe for you Lite-Weights. Double- :rotfl:
  11. BEERCART=2 Week long drunk for 4 !
  12. My wife threatens to Kill me just about everyday (JK !) But I still love her......... She really doesn't , but I have them thoughts that she really does or does she ? I don't know for sure now, but I LOVE her regardless. You .....yourself will come to your own true conclusion. Whether the worse is to happen, it will come at any time, any place, or on any possible means of transportation if that may be. No one knows when or how, and for someone to dwell on a set way the day you come forth before your maker will live a miserable life. To say it in the most simple and in a bold manner , "When your number is up, it's up". There's not a darn thing you can do about it. Don't take life so darn SERIOUSLY that it KILLS you. But instead be RESPONSIBLE and have FUN at it. That's why I am so damn HAPPY! And if it was of any consequences, I would let you ride in the BEERCART if it wasn't against the law. BEER30
  13. Have you tried Beads, sheepskin, Backrest, gel-pad, or even a hemorrhoid donut ? BEER30
  14. Pilot to Bombardier..(scratch sound).......Pilot to Bombardier..(scratch sound)..... Bombs away !!!!!!
  15. Latex gloves.............minus the exams ! I measure out 3/4 qt. into a measuring cup out of the Rotella gal. jug. Fill remainder into motor, then run motor for a short period of time to check for leaks around plug and filter. Let set for a few and then check site glass and then slowly pour in a bit at a time till proper level . My scoot is on a HF lift, so it makes it easier to work on. BEER30
  16. #1) My good friends always have a full tank! #2) My best friends smell Roses! BEER30
  17. C & P from: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/html/fkl/fkl6.shtml . Where does the name 'Fresh Kills' come from? ‘Kill' is derived from old Dutch and means stream, brook or channel. The usage of the word ‘kill' is seen frequently in place names throughout New York City and State where early Dutch settlement occurred. It is thought that the name Fresh Kills is derived from the historical natural features of the site which, prior to landfilling, was dominated by a vast tidal wetland fed by fresh water springs and streams. It was not uncommon to use ‘fresh' when naming places with such springs. Fresh Kills, specifically, appeared as a place name by 1750.
  18. You may want to lock up the 2nd Gen. No telling if your new neighbor will do a switch-R-roo on you in the middle of the night.
  19. I think if you tie Charlie on the rear rack would be more terrifying !!!! But obviously the duck would definitely look better driving the scoot. BEER30
  20. BEER30

    darn cops

    Sounds like........ Organized Crime !
  21. I should fall asleep on the plane also. I sure could use the rest right now! :draming: BEER30
  22. Leaving bright and early tomorrow (Friday) mourning towards DC. Will be a "The Wall" Friday night. Navy Memorial and VA Medical Center Saturday and Pentagon Parking lot Sunday . Riderduke ......you know where I will be parked, look for the Flags! If I am not at my scoot, give me a call on the cell. Unfortunately , I will be 1-up as Becky is sitting this one out. Hope to see as many as I can of all of you as much as possible. BEER30
  23. Confused ...... Well pull up a chair and I'll tell ya ! BEER30
  24. Mini, please do not under estimate yourself or better yet, cut yourself short ! :rotfl: BEER30
  25. But she's BIG trouble ! BEER30
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