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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Prayers sent for Good Health and Speedy Recovery! BEER30
  2. So what are you pushing to MD this year, Yammer? :stickpoke: BEER30
  3. Not comparing the RSV to a Harley , But wasn't HD's first bike an Ultra Classic and as time went by .....let's say a couple of months go by, parts rattled off to soon become a Sportster ? BEER30
  4. BEER24/7 and myself will be there! BEER30
  5. Consider it DONE ! Oh by the way , Bringing the Grocery Getter this year? BEER30
  6. Why do think they would throw us out? With all of Our Charm, Good Looks, Well Mannerism, Leadership on Tactical Spit Wads Fights, Language Skills amongst the Children, and much, much more Prime Examples of Adulthood! Even our waitress , the kindergarten teacher praised us. I guess because no alcohol was available ................BUMMER! BEER30
  7. Everyone is entitled to a mistake or two .:stickpoke: BEER30
  8. Troublemakers , whom in the heck are you referring too? I think us Southeasterners set a fine example on what you others should be. I might just make it a point to embarrass you this year Squid for that regretful remark ! BEER30
  9. You forgot , I was eating at the Bar. And all along, now you confess that you got served. Now , Now, you were trying to peddle off Four-Paws. And if I wasn't so happily married................Wait , Wait , Oh, Oh the thought , you'd be my Father-in-Law. You just wait till MD, You , You Crazy Canook ! BEER30
  10. While on CB (CB shown on control module) Press the CB button(far right on CM) again . Squelch will appear. Either use the up or down button or roll the volume up or down to adjust squelch. I normally adjust 2 settings above the chatter. Power lines will blast you , so be advised. Nothing to do about that. Official VR channel is 29 in group rides for future reference. BEER30
  11. :rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry: BEER30
  12. BEER30

    Vip Member

    What in heck did you do to get poor service, Mini? Wingstuff has always went out of their way to satisfy me. When getting a helmet for BEER24/7 , we swapped back and forth helmets 4 times until one fit her and they paid shipping both ways for each helmet. I referred a buddy here whom ordered about $500.00 worth of J&M gear. All was shipped with exception of one item due to manufacturer availability. Never had a bad experience at all. I always call in my order rather than the shopping cart. BEER30
  13. That's a bunch of BS ! RiderDuke , Muffinman and I got served together way before you did. YOU my BOY, sat in the corner in the dark until you got extra hungry and then started moooooooooching PICKLES of the plates! Maybe it's time for you to come South so that Thick Frozen lump on your shoulder will thaw out ! Then I chill it out by buying you a ripe Cold Beer or two, my Buddy BEER30
  14. Just sit backwards on a 1st gen and fire away. Might be able to get one of those relics to roll forward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rasberry: BEER30
  15. I remember way back skipping school the days that Lone Star Brewery drained the vats into the SA River. Just bring a pair of pantyhose to put over the drain pipe to strain the grain and anything that would hold the beer. Memories :starz:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEER30
  16. Remember the first time we met at MD,You were served last !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better bring your own pickle this time . Then there was that family restaurant out in the middle of that vacant field as well the last event you came. BEER30
  17. Maybe for you ! :rasberry: BEER30
  18. BEER30

    Vip Member

    Went back and recalculated and Yep .....305.00 BEEER30
  19. Hey Dave , I'm not Anti-Pit , but I am Anti-Jerks whom do not love their critters enough to raise them correctly! I still love ya there Brother!!!!!!!! Want a Scooby snack ? BEER30
  20. BEER30

    Vip Member

    I'm not a VIP member , but I purchase a fare amount of items from them. They have some excellent customer service too boot ! They run several web stores under the same umbrella. BEER30 Revised: I just logged in and it says my price for $251.99. I guess I am on the VIP list! Just to make sure , is this what your looking at ? J&M Universal CB System w/Intercom Fit Any Bike #pgroup_main_container { float: right; width: 920px; margin-left: -375px; } #pgroup_descrip_column { margin-left: 385px; } #pgroup_img_column { float: left; width: 375px; text-align: center; } Best and most factory like CB to ever offered that will fit ANY brand motorcycle. Everything is inside the compact unit itself. Audio Music Input, Intercom, Weather Channel and a Powerful CB unit that really gets out! NOTE - Requires Handlabar Mount Bracket and Antenna Sold Seperately and shown at bottom of page as Related Product! Average rating of http://wingstuff.com/images/45_stars.gif (7 reviews) .pbox { border:1px solid #99c; background: #f8f8ff; padding: 3px; } .pbox_titlebar { display: none; } .pbox_title { display: none;} .pbox_subtitle { display: none; } .pbox_attr_bar { } .pbox_attr_label { } .pbox_attr_box { } .pbox_specs_bar { } .pbox_itemno_label { } .pbox_itemno { font-weight:bold; width:150px; border: 0px; background: transparent; } .pbox_price { font-weight:bold; border: 0px; background: transparent; color: #f00; } .pbox_qty_label { } .pbox_qty { } .pbox_add_btn { } Choose Here: Please make a selection...C.B.Kit for Solo (Driver Only) W/O Intercom To PassengerC.B.Kit with Driver/Passenger Intercom Ability Item #: JMJMCB2003SL Retail Price: $339.99 Your Price: $251.99 (You save: $88.00) Qty: Add to My Wishlist http://wingstuff.com/images/cart.gif Proceed To Checkout » http://wingstuff.com/images/envelope_small.jpg Email to a Friend » http://wingstuff.com/images/worldwide_shipping_promo.jpg http://wingstuff.com/images/FreeShipping.jpg http://data.cyclegiant.com/magick_cache/a2/a2aab66519e3a2663a3f551f7714e941.gif
  21. Speedy recovery for your dad. Prayers for good health for him. BEER30
  22. Dang it , you let the cat out of the bag ! None for you now ! :rasberry: BEER30
  23. Massey , Rooster's scoot has been HACKed for the last 2 years. Rooster only uses fire hydrants for hiking his leg on. BEER30
  24. No. On the contrary, we are more busier. The shop just hired more employees and called upon some outside contracting. So saying , just getting a breather for now. BEER30
  25. Gary Coleman line........."What you talk'n about"? BEER30
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