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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Another look at coolers......... the soft collapsible type that is. Even if you do not use them right off, they are lightweight, waterproof, flexible , and multipurpose. You can store things like clothing, electronics or anything else you do not want to get wet. They maintain a shape and can be secured to the scoot very easily. Even after you get to your destination , you can now use the cooler for beverages and groceries. Keep cell phone on your person as well as ID in case of accident and if your thrown from the scoot and not visible from traffic , you can call for aid . Place a vinyl luggage tag on top of your gear for ICE (In Case of Emergency) instructions. If all else fails, ship extra supplies to your destination via USPS or UPS andcan be shipped back home. Chances are that the UPS truck will get there before Eck does. . Remember there is always Wally-World nearby for anything that you cannot carry or have forgotten. As many have said already, pack tight and evenly. Heavy on bottom , light on top. Never enough bungees and have a pocket somewhere for quick picks and stows. Always have several bottles of water and munchies just in case you break down or get caught in a traffic jamb. Oh do not forget the cellphone charger ! BEER30
  2. You guys forgot that they now wear Kevlar Butt-Floss and Nomex Dixie cups! All remaining parts are lubed down with UV (Ultra Velocity) protection to slide right past that road rash. Now I may be on my way to becoming an Ole Geezer, but I keep up on the latest Female trends. BEER30
  3. BEER30


  4. Boomer has to take the pygmies......besides there the only things that understand him. There....there like Chick Magnets for him! :dancefool: BEER30
  5. BEER30


    Or it could have been you and your Gerbils. BEER30
  6. OutKast, Our plans are not set solid as to where will be Thursday PM. But just going by what we did last year. Last year we stopped in Princeton 77/460 intersection. We did not leave before daylight and we were not dragging a$$ either. If we stay in Princeton , it will be only 350 miles to Freebird's . I cannot remember what time it actually was when we depart the motel/breakfast, but I would assume it will be around 07:30ish . If you want to join up, I'll leave it up to you to call me if that is OK. Will be pulling the BEERCART, so I'll keep it around 9 1/2 over the speed limit. Stopping every 120 miles to stretch legs and down a beer , jk. BEER30
  7. Becky and I will be hopefully leaving noonish on Thursday and going up 77 and try to hit Princeton or Beckley W Va. by afternoon for the evening. My cell# is in my profile if you wish to hook up. BEER30
  8. What Chrome ? BEER30
  9. BEER30


    Why Not? Oh Crap, I have a worn toe on one of my sneekers. Won't be long I'll become one of them Bad Apples. Time to get the 90MPH tape out and get another 2K out of it. BEER30
  10. He has 2nd Gen .....Royal Star Venture. Checked his profile and saw pictures!!!!!!! Anyways, I have the Baron 4-2-4 Nasty Boys. Pretty loud for those behind you, but not too loud to hear the radio set on 15. Just slap them puppies on with no need to tinker with the carbs. BEER30 P.S. To make it much easier, post you make, model and year under you username up in left upper corner. Makes it easier for those to help out with tech questions.
  11. BEER30


    Come on Ruffy . That's nothing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If your going to report news worthy issues , post this . BEER30
  12. OK , yes the (non-mechanical) whine on the rear saddle when I ride 2 up. But I betcha my whiner is not as loud as your whiner!!!!!!!!!!! BEER30
  13. Dog will act strange when their masters are gone. Our dog will not eat for days . Eventually they will eat when they really get hungry. I had a dog once whom only will eat grass until we returned. How long have the owners been gone? BEER30
  14. What browser are you using? Check your security settings and whether you will accept cookies. I prefer the soft chocolate chip with a tall glass of cold milk. BEER30
  15. try using your email address as the username , then the password . BEER30
  16. OK everybody listen up, bring your own TP . Charley has a new trailer, let's see how much crap it can hold !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine will be full of BEER, so we cannot use the BEERCART. BEER30
  17. I just switched over to Rotella T6 as well this past weekend. But I'm missing the whine. Perhaps there was never a whine............... Oh well, 63K on the '06 and no whiners allowed! BEER30
  18. Charley , How much Tire lube .......or equivalent substitute did you use to get that Hoola-Hoop around you ? :scratchchin: And I cannot believe it , I got Charley to jump through hoops. See there , you can teach OLD Dogs new tricks ! I now owe Charley 2 Beers now . BEER30
  19. SleeperHawk , What in tarnation are you doing up this late ? Are you doing over-time in the Dungeon? BEER30
  20. Only if your in it ! An "E-Fishin-C Hoola-Hoop"! BEER30
  21. Whoooooo , I thought Charlie would say that there would be a "E-Fishin-C" Anniversary Edition. Or an "OBAMAHA" model that's a scoot that is subject to "CHANGE".......NOT , I rather the the "E-Fishin-C" model to tell you the truth. BEER30
  22. Dang Charlie , There was a few more days to ride before you leave for MD. I would at least have rode it to 20K , so you would really have something to Brag about .:rasberry: BEER30
  23. If I remember correctly, I do believe Freebird's Towing & Wrecker Service and MotorBike Parts Store was OPEN on Sunday as well. BEER30
  24. Guess I'll just bring my own this time ! BEER30
  25. Sounds familiar as well . Son's Blaster (Yamaha ATV) did the same darn thing. Don't know how hard to do on a 1st Gen, but only took me about a hour to replace the star pin on the Blaster. BEER30
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