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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm312/BEERCART/droid/despicable_me_wallpaper_11.jpg BEER30
  2. Randy.....Overloaded by carrying spare 1st Gen parts does not simulate a Wheelie ! Nor does the front wheel falling off an old relic institute a "Stoppie", though they do stop pretty suddenly that way. Yes I'm on a 2nd Gen .........there more dependable ! Maybe I should have stated more clearly now my question. It was not to just get up front fast. Only to ease down the shoulder just fast enough to keep the scoot cooler and also more importantly myself from extreme heat fatigue. If it were a cool day or even in the rain, I would wait my turn. Only to proceed with caution and to especially look out for emergency vehicles. Each instance of road congestion will constitute what one may or may not do. If there is shade trees off the side of the road , I would get under them. But out into the HOT sunlight, heat rising from the pavement and engine, dehydration, heat stroke or even the possibility of collapsing is somewhat of an emergency situation within itself. BEER30
  3. I just Googled the HTC Hero. My son has it. Just grab PdaNet off Market Place (free version) . Then tether the phone to the computer , activate the program and allow it to mount (push "Enable USB Tehter on cell phone screen). It will them prompt you to download to your computer. Do so or go to junefabricsDOTcom and download latest version on you laptop. Once you mounted (tethered) the phone to the computer , click on the PdaNet Icon on the computer and click connect. Now you online and have fun! BEER30
  4. I would first off call your provider to see if your cell phone is compatible to tether. In the past I did the same before I ventured off to do so. Cause if the phone cannot do so , no sense waiting time. If it is applicable, check to see if your cell phone charger cable is USB. I so , you already have it in most cases! You now only need the software . If not , do a search for cable to fit your phone. Google is the best way or call your provider to get item# and then search E-Bay. Your provider can also supply the software free of charge. I had Alltel , now Verizon. They can set you up. Just do not get the high priced monthly service. They also have a $30.00 a month service at which you can turn off and on as you want. Don't let them BS you. Now if you are on the DROID system.........download PdaNet! Free off of the Market apps. They have a paid app version to visit HTTPS sites. Free version is super fast for what it is . BEER30
  5. Allen wrenches, assortment of screw drivers. blacktape, zip ties, multi-meter, stubby wrench set, small socket set, shrink tubing, wire crimps and crimping tool, pliers, needle nose, small set of vise grips, knife, small spool of 16g wire, set of tool picks, 8' of 1/8" bungee cords, 4' of house wire for snaking purposes, latex gloves, small bottle of Go-Jo, fuses, extra fuse link, tire repair kit, and a few more misc. tools. All fit into a 9" x 9" x 4" pouch. Not in pouch, HD air pump for shocks (was given too me by a someone whom I helped out stranded on side of road), 2 Cool vest, cell phone charger, 2- orange reflective vest, LED flashlight that is multi-function w/strobe features, 2- 3 legged chairs, Bungee cords, large sealed bag of BEEF JERKY, 2 sets of rain gear, , extra eyewear (clear and shades), wet wipes, small first aid kit and tourniquet, can of Sea-Foam, small can of Pledge and micro-clothes and kick stand pad. Still have plenty of room for other gear! Personal Protection and Cell phone always stays on me as well as a small peice of bungee cord in my vest pocket for use as a tourniquet when if thrown from the scoot. In the BEERCART, Slime air compressor, ball peen hammer, tire tool, extra straps and bungee cords, built in ice chest as well as a collapsible cooler, more chairs, MRE's and snacks, umbrella, additional lawn mower battery which operates the BEERCART's hatch which will also jump the scoot if necessary, extra helmet and clothing for the season, folding work pad I got from HF, poncho liner , large First Aid Kit, and of course.....bottled water , soda and BEER! Yes I carry a lot of stuff, but you will never know when , where, or how you may find yourself stranded. I carry more as I ride with groups alot . I even got all the Honda and HD dealerships listed on my GPS for all my other friends. BEER30
  6. I tried to do this with SleeperHawk and the Mechanic when we got stuck in Atlanta in 100+ degree, not counting freshly paved road and engine heat. I tried to sell BEER and also to have the Mechanic strip down to her underwear and give sun tan lotion massages on top of the BEERCART. She didn't really understand how much we could had made nor to think about how much Safety Chrome she could have bought SleeperHawk. I beleive lane splitting is legal here in NC. But most cagers do not know about it and would freak out more so than riding the shoulder. Also to add that I have already gone down twice due to heat exhaustion. Not fun at all for those whom have not experienced it. Luckily it never has happened on the scoot. Another reason I considered riding the shoulder. As far as the debris in the shoulder, I too watch very carefully even when pulling off the road to re-adjust the underwear........wait don't wear any......anyway for any other reason that may need too. I know most trucker watch over us scoots and if possible I pull along side of them in the stop and go 2 feet frog hops. Usually the pavement cools down under them and gives some relief, even if your still in the sun. Again, I too would not ride the shoulder unless it was extremely a good reason to do it for example as such as extreme heat that would affect the health, not just to get ahead of the line. Just the night before coming through DC on 495 and then onto I-95 , Becky and I experienced 5 spots where we stood still for miles. It was night time after 9:00 pm. Took us till after midnight to get to the cut-off where RiderDuke lives. I would have called him , but it was to late at night or shall I say in the mourning and we all know he needs hid beauty and Studly sleep. Though I did try to call him in the mourning to get no answer. ... BEER30
  7. Many of us have no choice but to travel the Highways and when you encounter such a delay in traffic patterns on highways such a road construction or accidents, getting trapped, then engine/clutch getting extremely hot, personal heat fatigue , etc........."Do you ride the shoulder ?". Please , I'm asking your opinion to a direct question, NOT "I only ride the back roads ,blah , blah , blah..............! ". Coming back from vacation, Becky and I encountered numerous highway congestion due to traffic accidents to road constructions. Yes we took mainly back roads for scenery and piece of mind. One instance back on the Highway, It was HOT ! Suddenly traffic backed up for over 10 miles, all traffic converted to one lane near end. No explanation was given over the CB from oncoming CBer's from the opposite direction. I was contemplating driving the shoulder of the road to get the wind in our face and cool the scoot. Scoot was getting hot as we were , if not hotter. I hesitated pulling into the shoulder due to maybe some cager might get mad and either swerve into us or open their passenger car door on us. While thinking about it , 4 MC (I think the were 1%'rs) came riding by in the shoulder. So I followed on in line, lagging back about 50 yards or so. Shoulder was clean with a few baby gators and a few beer cans. They weren't mine either.................... 5 miles from where we were , we hit an exit and took the back roads till we got home. I know myself if I were in my cage sitting in line for my turn and another cage came by in the shoulder (other than an emergency vehicle) , I would be pi$$ed. But a MC, I would be more forgiving knowing the extra stress we encounter. So again I ask , "Would you drive the shoulder?" BEER30
  8. I'm on my 3rd Zumo 550. And to say, Garmin treated me well ! I have only had one to lock up once and that was the one I have now. I have not had any issues with this one unit to date except the lock up at which it was a very HOT day and while coming back from Rollin Thunder. With 50 or so bikes waiting to get fuel, more engine heat made the Zumo even hotter. I was wearing a cooling vest and had another in the BEERCART's cooler. I simply wrapped the Zumo in the extra cooling vest and within a minute, it went back to full operation. Coming back from vacation on I-95 in NC, it was hot again and got stuck for awhile in road construction (10 mile backup moving at a snail's pace) , I noticed the Zumo was responding slower and yes it was getting HOT again. So I decided to drive the shoulder at 15 mph till we got to an exit to take the back roads. After we started moving, the Zumo went back to normal. I would say at least in my circumstances that it was the heat . BEER30
  9. Wouldn't it be CHEAPER if it were just a ONE-WAY trip? Don will need a full time Care Takers for the Pond Monsters for years to come ! Count Becky and I in as well. Let me know where to PP a donation. BEER30
  10. Noticed Muffinman trimmed a little bit . And for Bubba , look's like he finally took a bath ! Sure missed Bubba at MD. BEER30
  11. At least we all can count on Yamaha in changing the year on the title ! I heard from a real good source that there will be more of the 1st gen's next year. Whether they all be in tacked or in parts !:stickpoke::stickpoke: BEER30
  12. Oh I forgot another Pro: I can purely FLATTEN out for scrap a 1983 XVZ Hybrid Vmax 1300 or any other ! BEER30
  13. Got me a new ride ....for a moment and only cost me a few Peanuts. Rode it long enough to give a comparison to the RSV: Pros: Plenty of Ground Clearance. No need for leveling links. Cagers Beware! Ear Cooled Big Horn! Make my own path. No need for Ride on. Can see the road CLEARLY Handles the road with ease Better Cell phone reception and I can Text and Drive at the same time! Any LEO will have to look up ....at me now! No problem in carrying CASES of BEER Will not take any Crap now as I can give it ! I can ride either 1, 2, 3, 4up! No Helmet required in any state. No one tailgates. Just too many more Pros to mention................................... Now for the Cons: No Dealer will touch it for repairs, but I could persuade them easily for something else! Not enough trunk space. Keep forgetting my ladder. Afraid of mice. Hard to wash without getting wet myself. Can't trike it! Where to mount the license or LED's? Talk about Bugs Exhaust takes getting used too. Brakes work when THEY want too. Again, too many Cons to mention either! Overall,I think I'll keep my RSV!:banana::banana: Here's the 5 minutes of Fame! BEER30 http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm312/BEERCART/HaileyLauren/10230061.jpg
  14. Well , I'm in manufacturing business where I work. The company produces , warehouses, distributes, sales wholesale and retail. It buys materials, have them shipped, stocked, and maintain to the best of our ability daily. Some items we make sit on the shelves for almost a year before they are sold , then they sale like Hotcakes. Some items we cannot keep in stock. If the company slows down , we manage the employees to where they are not just twiddling their fingers. Why weren't them MC shop employees busy? They should be either working or go home. Workers not producing cost the company money, remember they work to make money for the company, if they are not , you do not need them. But that does not warrant to "Price Gouge" the customer because the owner made a foolish decision. The Boss make decisions everyday that affect whether the lights stay on or someone goes home. Unfortunately, I'm not on that list........bummer, need the riding time , LOL! But on the contrary, the shop is busier than a one legged flleas infested dog right now. However, My position in the company is like that Young Cute Girl up front. Well..... I'm not young or cute and I'm not cheap, but I'm not going to give myself away nor charge you more than a fair price. Now I have several insurance policies that cover most any situations, whether it be tires(road hazard), towing, mechanical(warranty) , shelter, trip interruption. Most cover $100.00 a day with a limit. But at least it will get me to a desired shop. Everyone whom may not have any insurance such as this may want to look into Trip Insurance. I do not think it's that expensive either for piece of mind for such a long distance. Remember there is also the VR assistance list ! Freezy, Thank you for letting us know how you were treated. I appreciate it and as other members may also to avoid this place or to accept it. It's their choice, but at least you warned them. As far as this little debate, remember all of us members come from different parts of the country or countries. Prices in CA for example are much higher due their frame of mind than that of a little ole country MC shack where Leroy wants a pork chop for Friday night dinner and he just happy for that. Remember we are all family here, whether you like it or not ! BEER30
  15. I think the cost of the valve stem and the tire are pretty steep. Being I'm in a Military Town where some retailers put a heavy price tag on the these so called "Young, Dumb, and Full of C**, I got $$$ burning holes in my pocket Serviceman and Women". My dealer has multiple stores though out Eastern NC. Even the HD dealership doesn't charge that much! I think that dealer saw you coming and knew you had no other choice and stuck it to you. I have no issues of a store being fancy and such. But I prefer that the store gain financial stability with Customer Service and not just by looking COOL and sticking it to the customers .....or shall I say VICTIMS. I've been broke down on the side of the road many times and have told these type of people whom try to take advantage of a situation "to go urinate up a rope many a time" ! Then I call Emergency Roadside assistance and kick back , drink a cold one and if possible, help eliminate any loose pygmies that have escaped Boomers cage. Always ride Packed and Loaded, you will never know when it's needed. BEER30
  16. I think it's time for a GROUP E-mail invasion. Would you happen to have the Service Dept. Supervisors name to address this too? BEER30
  17. And you have only met me twice now and both times I was on my BEST Behavior. You have now been properly warned ! Let the Fun Begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder how my hair would look in Pink ? By the way , did you get OutKast home safe and sound ? BEER30
  18. Buffalo Wings do NOT count there , SleeperHawk!
  19. Oh Stud-Muffin..........Got your Date drunk lately ? BEER30
  20. That's where I got mine. Tuffrhino is GTG as far as ordering. I ordered a large amount of them and asked if they could be delivered quickly. There was a minor glitch and they did not show up. I called and they sent out another package overnight to the KOA camp in Asheville and refunded all my shipping. They arrived the day we arrived. I looked at the larger bulkier vest. These vest are very easily stored in a small amount of space when not used. Therefore I leave them in the saddle bags all the time. I believe SaltyDawg has the vest with the cool packs in them and they do last longer before recharges. The neck wraps work good as well also. I had quite a few of them at MD in the BEERCART. Loaned them out and that was the last time I seen them. Those whom asked to use them seemed to like them , so I let them have them as they did not cost me anything. I got them free at Rolling Thunder where they were giving them out by the handfuls. BEER30
  21. That's an easy fix , just raise the ceiling another 1.5 " !!!!!!!!!!:rasberry: BEER30
  22. By the looks of the photo, it appears to me that this is a setup. Look at Muffinman and Stud-Muffin are half dressed. I think they had it planned from the start to have George leave you behind and these 2 hoodlums, have their way with you. It even looks like the Sud-Muffin is pushing you off ! You know the Muffinman still has time in the land of T & A (Toes and Ankles) and what # does Felicia have on the Stud-Muffin? Seems to me that these 2 are pretty desperate, so I think George was framed. BEER30
  23. US or Canadian currency ? BEER30
  24. Not necessarily. I have seen some strange things in my time. Once the floor covering and the wallpaper are up, it's a buyers market. BEER30
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