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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. I've seen tractor trailer tires do the same thing. Over inflated and stiff suspension causing bounce. Each time the tire lifts up from numerous bouncing/extreme vibration, lifting the tire mostly a fractions of an inch , then touch down on the road surface cause excessive wear and more vibration. Just like seeing an airplane tire first touching down during landing, but at your instance it's continuous. The tire wear will also result to a similar comparison that Goose is saying and tire wearing out the center. If your axle and tongue are true, then I believe it's stiff suspension and over inflated tires. Also did the trailer pull straight? Sometimes I cannot feel the BEEERCART sway side to side even with it's huge size. Also lay carpet and/or carpet padding in the floor of the box. Deep Orange Shag preferred ! BEER30
  2. They are GTG ! BEER30
  3. I have the PCW clutch kit and it does just fine. Student on the Boulevard was our worst concern cause of his .....(Let's say we just watch over him) and his hydraulic clutch was like ours with a fine friction zone as well. I showed him what I do and he did just fine. I'm used to it as I pull the BEERCART a lot. But it's easier than you think. Too calm my nerves some , I played songs like Black Betty , and some Jethro Tull and Judest Preist during the course. Kinda had the rhythm of the music synchronize with the moves and siked me up . Funny how it worked out , but it did and that's me. Just had to remember to pipe the music into the headset rather than the speakers, LOL ! I forgot to mention the one handed cones , especially on the side with more cones, LOL! The instructor says the sports bike have a harder time doing the course than the cruisers. BEER30
  4. Ney............I have better sense than that ! :stickpoke:
  5. I'll give the instructor a call . He is also a member of our RT chapter. BEER30
  6. BEER30

    Neck wraps

    Why Eck , Did not enjoy being a Redneck .....or was it Orange neck?
  7. Wise words of wisdom spoken by Mini............Being she has 4 x 4 now and stays off the main roads , we all are much safer now ! BEER30
  8. BEER30

    Neck wraps

    Check the VR merchandise ! Call Big Tom , I'm sure if you buy him a scoop of ice cream , he can get them to you by Friday. I see them in just about every bike shop and sporting goods stores. The ones I had a MD, I got from Rolling Thunder at which they were giving them away for free. I must have had about 50 of them, but gave them out to anyone whom needed them being they cost me zilch......... Here is a link to get them cheap HERE . They have a warehouse in western SC. I would call them personally via phone to order. Their close enough to get to you in time and cost effective. Not knowing how many you need , you can buy 1 or in bulk. BEER30
  9. Took an MSF ERC (Experienced Rider's Course) yesterday and PASSED! It was a HOT mourning and instructors were kind enough to take 5-10 minutes breaks between each lesson. This course was held on an Military base , so I had to make sure I unloaded all my munitions ......bummer. Mostly HD's , 1- Honda, 1- Boulevard, and only myself on a RSV being the largest bike out there. For you riders whom have a harder time keeping the RSV upright in a parking lot speeds, you need to take this course! Needless to say it was not also FUN , but learned a few things and fine-tuned slow turning maneuvers. Instructors was surprised to see a large RSV jump over a 2 x4 (approaching road obstacle lesson) as they claimed I hopped over that board and at least 4" off the ground. I started out a bit nervous to say the least, but quickly looked at it as more their to have fun and relax and became one with the bike though I soaked in all info. Seriously, can you imagine that ? . All them painted lines on the course really played a mind trip on me at first. Each course lesson was conducted by at least a minimum of 4 passes after an instructor ran through the drill and another explained from his booklet with pictures of the course. We did figure 8's in widths of a tight 2 lane road down to a single width of one lane as well as Tight S turns, Feathering the clutch to high idle break control. Found out a lot of us focus on turns directly in front of ourselves and not turning the head and looking forward in our turns. One course was teaching us the brake abruptly in straight line, in a swerve or in a curve. I was surprised to hear all them HD's with ABS lock up their rear tires. Next time I take the course, it will be pulling the BEERCART and/or 2 up. If you haven't already taken a MSF , please do .You will learn more about yourself, your bike, and take advantage as a qualified instructor can observe and help fine tune your abilities. BEER30
  10. This one other reason I always pull the BEERCART with me when wife and I ride. Not only having a cooler filled with water, ice, soda, BEER, and also cooling vest & neckwraps, chairs, umbrella, USGI poncho, folding mechanics pad, jerky, crackers, Lil Debbie's, andlarge First Aid Kit. We stop every 100-120 miles for fuel whether we need it or not as more importantly to take care of ourselves. BEER30
  11. What the Heck .......................NO Viagra Commercials ? :rasberry: Congrats by the way! BEER30
  12. I run a modulator when conditions dictates to use it. Not behind in a group, not at night time as it will not activate, not in slow moving traffic, not at a stop in traffic, not at sunset or wee early hours where the headlight's brightness does appear sensitive (though too many people are still driving in their sleep), and not in the drive-thru at a fast food joint. I run them in heavy traffic, rush hour, parades, in the lead, and when ever I feel like it! Too many close calls (combat driving) living in or being around a Military Base. Here at Camp LaBoom, Fayettenam, Ft. Get out of the way or be dragged(Bragg). Being on the coast where tourist do more rubbernecking than watching the road. Hell , I'm more distracted at the Big BOOBs and butt floss than modulating headlights! I've lived in Houston before. I'll take any advantage I can get to be noticed. Been driving I-40 through Raleigh, Winston-Salem, and in DC. To tell you the truth , I rather take my chances driving at night with a herd of deer on both sides of the road. So somebody get's PO'd...... Well, they can just get over it. One of our employee's mom is a driver's education instructor. She asked me to come into the class discuss MC topics. The headlight modulator was one of the topics I pick to discuss. Though it was never mentioned in the DE books , 2 out of 16 students knew what it was as their parents have them on their scoots. After the discussion, the remaining students were happy to learn about them and somewhat agreed that they have a purpose. Now for those whom have vision issues. I hope you have stick skin for what I have to say. If you have an issue that impairs you ability to see, you either need to get help to correct it, or be prepared for evasive action , or get off the road as a precaution to avoid an accident of any circumstance. I'm not trying to be mean , just being concerned for all. Whether it be a headlight modulator or sunlight reflection off of chrome or glass from buildings or other vehicles. I remember in Houston of all the highly reflective glass buildings that reflected the sun onto oncoming traffic! Has anyone thrown any bricks into them yet ? Anyways , I hope I didn't PO anybody as I just had to somewhat vent . So I will go get me 2 scoops and chase it down with a BEER now. BEER30
  13. Man if you can get that A$$ of your to hang out that window, you on heck of a ________ ! Butt , just remember , you will have to fly directly over MCB Camp LeJuene , Cherry Point , and a few other bases to be over my house. When I hear the air raid sirens , I'll be praying for your LOST A$$ . Only Pizza you get will be scattered ......Pizza here , a pizza there, a pizza everywhere, LOL !!!! Have fun in NYC , Sucka ! :rasberry: BEER30
  14. And the Crime rate will escalate even more when Ruffy get's there! BEER30
  15. I don't think he had the lean angle in mind ........It's the wheelies and Stoppies that he's more interested in ! All I can say is that I have gone UPHILL & Downhill , turned left & right and had no issues. BEER30
  16. So that give Mini 42 days to get rid of the Boyfriend......I'm sure he appreciates the head's up ! Looking forward to having you back soon. BEER30
  17. I've been fishing several years ago. Hooked up the BEERCART. It's 3 flag pole holders also hold 3 rods. Wife and went to Bogue Pier. No need to get into the sandy beach as it's pavement all the way. BEER30
  18. The gas shocks you get from the auto parts stores are too strong. They are made for hatchbacks, the hoods and such things that are heavy duty. I installed a set at first on the BEERCART and it's much more HD over a HF box. Once compressed , they constantly had pressure forcing the lid to the rear after closed which caused rubbing. Some of the RV and camper shell stores have them. You don't need 2 - 80lbs. gas shocks to keep a HF lid open. I would say 10-15 lbs would be best. BEER30
  19. That's a Great Question , but the best answer I can give you is "LOST" I guess ! So Cracking of the Sidewalls. ...........Didn't see that thread. But judging by the topic, Can't you keep that scoot upright ? Don't ride it on the sides and it won't crack ! How many scoots are you going to tear up? No wonder I drink to much , worrying about you all the time ! Just as well change your screen name to EZ-Cracking-MC ...... :rasberry: :rasberry: By the way , I need your mailing address. PM it too me . Carry ON ! BEER30
  20. AND ? BEER30
  21. Who needs teeth? Non left , but I can still put away a Rib-eye or a T-Bone . However a jar of Applesauce does sound good. Got a huge of it in the frig, but I have to finish this big bowl of Popcorn before I tear into that Applesauce ! By the way , I pulled all my teeth out but 18 of them. Saved that dentist from the risk of me pulling his .........I hate needles . BEER30
  22. Yeah , go ahead a laugh ! As you know I cannot do it .......at least without a little hurt to go with it. But hey , life goes on and I sure can guarantee ya , I can "Cowboy Up" ! Took a moment today just to recount just how many times I have broken my ribs. Well the answer is 8 times for these ribs left side and 2 times on the other side. Between football, boxing, cattle auctions, fights, and pure meanness, I have busted ribs. Also to add broken fingers, Right arm ulna and radius at which the ulna is still broken since I was 19. Cannot remember how many times I have jammed my fingers, twisted ankles, bruise bones in sports and fights either, but I can say it was a lot . Even was blind for a week due to reflection of a welder off a freshly painted surface. Hit by lightening while working on an oil rig in South Texas. Been cut with knives in fights and shot with Bird shot when exercising my rights to fish in private stock ponds too. Need I go on ? LOL But I can say along with fusion L5/S1, both hips collapsed caused by Vascular Necrosis of both hips which need to be replaced, Arthritis in hips/back/right arm, broken bone in arm, I must say I have chosen the best scoot to be riding that is the most comfortable and not cause any discomfort of all my ailments. Now all of you know why I am so HAPPY all the time ! BEER30
  23. I have no problem with that either, but that water gets cold now and then iff'n you know what I mean! Butt it was the Gentleman part of me that creeps out now and then for the women folk, like the future daughter-n-law and her mother! And iff'n the Mechanic was a wondering that this topic referred to myself , well I did hang it over the side, but I could not figure if the crowd was oohing and awing me or the Fireworks ? BEER30
  24. I'm staying away from yous guys . Either your all too expensive for me or ya want to Blow me up ! Warning for yous guys whom use Naptha .....wash your hands real GOOD before you go to the restroom. If you don't , you will learn a new dance real quickly ! Seafoam is not relatively expensive here where I am. I use at least 2 cans of it a year like FreeBird , but I ride year round. When I travel , I always carry a can of it with me just in case I get some watered down gas from some Jack-legged gas station. I generally dump 2 cans inside my boats fuel tank , as it has an 80 gal capacity and it's real humid here in NC . As far as a cleaner, I don't break my stuff as often as yous guys do . BEER30
  25. Well I did it again ......... Broke my ribs for the 3rd time in a year and half ! While getting the boat ready to take out yesterday evening to watch the Fireworks from the Inter-Coastal Waterway , I was loading up the Porta-Potty since we were going to have woman folks aboard. Instead of resting the Ole Honey Pot on the side and then climb aboard, then set it down inside. I decided to hop up on to the trailers wheel fender and lean way over to set it down inside. Then it happened, I slipped and cracked the ribs again on the side of the boat. Been a day now , kinda tender still, But still hopped on the scoot today to ride a spell. I thinks next time, the women folk can hang it over the side like the rest of us doo ! BEER30
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