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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Guess it's time for another engine rebuilt , if they smoke that BAD!:stirthepot: BEER30
  2. I just hope he doesn't sit on his cap! BEER30
  3. Charlie, The caps were not intended to hang lures off of them, but for Patches (Moral, IR or Unit identification) with hook backed velcro on them. We've sold well over 20K of these caps over the last 5 years. Perhaps if we advertise them to hang lures off of , we will sell more! But I'm not going to use your photo for the sale poster, Too darn scary ! :rasberry: BEER30
  4. You failed to see my logic. Going to the right side track give the signal that is OK by me and I am prepared for you to pass, so-called being nice somewhat. That's when I deem necessary and also give the tailgater a more clear view of or if any traffic is forthcoming to view without myself obstructing forward site. If I don't want him to pass or deem it more unsafe , I'll even get into the opposing lane just to be a dickhead or to prevent an incident (not accident)! At least if one shows that they are willing to provide safe passage, one is more patient to hold their horses a little bit longer. It could be worse, stuck behind Farmer John on his old Massey Furgenson and extra wide plow and doesn't give a rat's hiney whom is behind him. BEER30
  5. That's a Good Question, Anyone know ? I know , because Dan has so darn many in his yard , there's not enough room left, so there's one laying in the street ! (used guitar guy as there is no drum roll avatar) BEER30
  6. For those whom still have ALLtel and don't want to switch over to Verizon though you will be billed under Verizon anyways, keep the insurance on your phone. My insurance cover the phone for anything, so when it's time for a new phone...oops ! Get a new one and keep you existing contract. Now that doesn't mean you cannot upgrade your phone either, just might have to pony up the full retail price. But you can get deals if you shop around. If you had not already be on a data plan , you may be SOL. I heard that IPhone users can use PDANet as well. By the way Dray, to get the pics bigger off a web page on the Droid, hold down on the pic until a prompt comes up to ask you if you want to view in another window or download. I just now remembered you asked me how a M-Day. Get PDANet, just download the free version.There is a one time pay if you go onto sites that need to be https:. Then when you tether to the laptop and connect, you will need to download from phone to laptop or go straight to the site and download when you are on you own provider. I have XP 32 bit , so I downloaded that version. They also have 64 bit and for you Mac users also. I have the SMS agent. The site you download is Junes Fabrics of all names , LOL ! And yes it is fast ....100mps sitting here under my metal roofed home. BEER30
  7. I'm still on ALLtel , so it's still unlimited until they somehow hornswoggal me into a full Verizon contract. I was fortunate enough that my BB under ALLTel went bust 3 times within a year, and with other issues as well that I talked them into replacing my BB with a Droid and remain on my ALLtel plan. They were reluctant enough to want me to switch to Verizon , but I told them after being a customer of nearly 16 years with ALLtel , I would drop them and preach to the Choir of there nonsense. Needless to say , I got MY WAY. Lucky me ! Go over to the Droid forum. They have many topics about the PDANet. Only thing they can say is there might be something written in your Service Agreement with your provider about this matter. Some say as long as you do not abuse the 5 g and throw up red flags your OK. My Service Agreement does not state limitations , nor the fact that I can't use a modem manager of a third party. My Verizon/Alltel manager told me about PDANet and that he uses it all the time. Even Ver/ALL employees don't get much breaks either. I only use the PDANet when I travel or in emergencies only. Forums and e-mail don't eat up a lot, streaming and other huge downloads do , so I try to keep from totally abusing if some want to call it that. Besides with short term use, I don't think anyone will notice much. Lord they charge us enough as it is. BEER30
  8. It's a shame that I am not as physically in shape to stand up on the saddle and drop my britches...........Here's your sign ! BEER30
  9. Well , let's say that I do not have to call my provider to say "Charge Me"! Free version on the AnDroid Market Place. All other phones I had , I had to get the service provider to download the app. for me or guide me to url to download.Then I had to either purchase the plan or call them on they dollar a day plan with Alltel. Just about all phones will tether now, but if you already have the data plan , I pay no more than regular service data plan. BEER30
  10. I try to let them go around by slowing down and getting into the right hand track for them to see around me. If they do not want to pass when applicable, I give them fair warning by holding up my clutch arm with all 5 fingers up clearly in the air and start a countdown. By then they know I'm pissed and about to do something. Then they either back off or go around. A roll of dimes or air-soft plastic pellets do the trick. As soon as I release, I pull to the side and get prepared for the worse when there dumb-azz stopping and wanting to make a confrontation. I merely stand by my scoot with my side arm visually seen and secured in my holster. Several have already reconsidered and put a smile on their face and continued their trip peacefully. Ofcourse , this was the last resort maneuver. But I save the best FIRST, A good ole tobacco plug right up into the air onto their windsheild , if not the spit bottle ! BEER30
  11. Sure can , I Google Earthed ya. Your sitting in front of your computer! By the way , put your pants back on . BEER30
  12. That I did. Buddy of mine wanted a Driod for phone use only. They would not sale him one unless he signed up for the Data Plan. I'm still on the ALLtel plan by the way. No restrictions of gig's used. BEER30
  13. For the last 4 evenings, Cable internet has dropped. Leaving me all alone in the twilight zone , No cyberspace either. Thank Goodness for my Droid. By tethering it to the laptop, at least I have connection. For those on the Droid network , download PDANet from the Market Place. It make it possible to get the Net for emergencies and travel. And it's Free and FAST too ! BEER30 via the Driod/Laptop
  14. And they are a couple of characters which are a couple of sticks in the mud named CupCake and ECK. One just sits there and eats delicious Cheesecake all day and the other lets UPS trucks pass him by. Jason , your welcome to call upon us so-called troubles makers at any time. You will meet more in the near future and we will point out the ones whom to avoid. BEER30
  15. I second that! BEER30
  16. (Geico Commercial) "And the little Piggy went Wee-WEE ....all the way home" ! Can't wait till they make one ...."Does a Bear Chitt in the Woods" ? And another ,that's like ,"How fast is a parts bike" ? :witch_brew: :witch_brew: BEER30
  17. Now, I'm SO OFFENDED ! :rotfl: Ding-Ding..... ROUND II
  18. Dan , It's the Great Spirits telling you , "It's Time to dump all them 1st Gens and to start looking at 2nd Gen's" ! BEER30
  19. Put in another perspective, I've been OFF a scoot for 30 years and then jumped straight onto a RSV. Most of my teenage life , I ran many a dirt bike and last & only street bike I had was a Yamaha 360 RD. The wife will love the extra room and comfy seat. I'm 5'9" and 210 lbs.(pure Muscles !...cough-cough) Yes , a little more awkward for some at parking lot speeds,but I haven't had much issue with that. Just took a ERC recently and had nearly no problems on the course. But the course DID help improve those weak areas (that dreaded sharp "S" turns). BEER30
  20. By His own admission, 1st gen'rs are getting slower !
  21. Did you leave the key in the front driver's door again and locked yourself in and then had to crawl into the back seat and exit the unlocked door? BEER30
  22. If'n I get stopped at the dreaded long light, I simply lower the kickstand, kills the motor, lift the kickstand and restart the motor. Of course , I'm sitting directly over the grooves of the censor wires. BEER30
  23. Confucius say , "Any scoot is faster than the one's still sitting on the kickstand!" BEER30
  24. My saddle bag did the same thing last summer. My shorty helmet and wallet was locked up inside. Therefore no way to be able to ride to dealer without getting a ticket riding with no helmet. So I just used my manly strength and ripped the lid right off the bag . Dealer replaced the entire saddle bag with new one under warranty and changed the tumbler of the old lock to the new so I have same key. A week later , same darn thing happened again. I did the key in lock, wiggle as I pressed the button and eventually it opened. What I found out was that the bar that connects the two latches vibrates to one side or the other. At which it wedged itself into a position where it became jammed. The mechanism that presses onto that bar(part of the button) bent and therefore allowed the button to press down without resistance. I kept stopping by the dealer. Dealer to busy to look at the bag , so I resolve the issue myself. Not blaming the dealer as I did not want to leave the bag at the shop. My solution was , remove the locking/button mechanism, replace all the bent parts to normal position. I took the connecting bar/rod and slightly bent it enough to not allow the rod to slide from side to side. It did not take much to do either. Re-assembles all parts with a tad bit of lubricant. To this date, I have not had any issues. BEER30
  25. I typically carry in my vest and when not in vest, IWB using this little contraption. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm312/BEERCART/droid/bcf51600.jpg Bare minimal and protects the trigger during the draw or an AD in the shorts. If open carry , I either use the G-Code kydex holsters or one of my own making on a RTI wheel to either use drop leg, belt or on MOLLE for my 3 gun shoots. I have an SA XD 9mm subcompact. If I had known at the time I would have gotten the .40 as you can change only the barrel to make it a 9mm. BEER30
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