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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. June 4th is OKie-Dokie for me as well and it's also my birthday! I might just wear my B-day suit that day......................:banana::8::8: BEER30
  2. Rolling Thunder in DC on Memorial Day weekend for me, if that matters. BEER30
  3. Dang People,,,,,,, I'm going to have to drink more , just to put up you all ! BEER30
  4. I didn't call him an Idiot, I called him the Dumbest SOB in Moscow. Whrether is 10 -15 frames per second and he was riding a tricycle, he still in the wrong. Riding wheelies in the opposing lane with traffic coming towards him among many other life threatening stunts he pulled that not only put his life in danger, but others. Just imagane all the soiled under wear this guy caused as he spat by them whether sitting still or in the lane changes. Yeah we all did something stupid in our lives, but did any of us post it on the net? BEER30
  5. C'mom Marcarl, He got lucky. He's also more appreciative that no one else made a mistake. 2 left turns don't make a right U-turn......................... BEER30
  6. Hey Boomer! Ever had one or two of them pygmies crawl up your pants leg while riding the scoot ? I've heard word that your do amazing twisties on the straight aways ! Better yet , them pygmies throwing their beer bottles at the cagers riding that your arse. BEER30
  7. Honestly , the wife says I drive better after a beer or 2. And I say I look better as well ! Guess everyone needs to warn the OP of the BEERCART I pull behind the scoot ! There's usually a case or 2 in it ! LOL !!!!!!!! Where's Starbog ? Better yet , this family we have here really looks after one another, especially when we ride together. I know that any one of us will voice our concerns and use proper judgment when or if the time comes that ones safety might come into jeopardy. Man I love you guys ! Group HUG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEER30
  8. Title says it all ! BEER30 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XihQeZpwqpE]YouTube - Black Devil - Moscow Ride on R1[/ame]
  9. Not a bad idea. I throw the suggestion his way. BEER30
  10. So-saying, Bobbie is wanting another? I can arrange that Tat ! BEER30
  11. Build yourself a lean-too or a make-shift crate. Set a low wattage bulb inside to draw out the moisture like in a chicken coop. I set a light in my boats bilge (motor compartment), set on a thermostat. It has helped tremendously to reduce rust and weatherization. Plus the added security. BEER30
  12. Same feeling as SilrT. Besides I"M NOT CHANGING MY NICK ! At our M& E's, I think we all can get crapped-faced at lunch. By the time we quit tinkering with the scoots in the parking lot after the eat'ns, we'll all be sobered up by then! By the way , 2 is my limit with a big hearty meal as well. 3 max, if we are going to be there for long while. Then a 6-pack of unleaded Pepsi for a chaser. BEER30
  13. Wished I could have tattooed you , Ye-Haa! But the son does a better job at it. BEER30
  14. Charlie ....Your FIRED. You got the boot and have been replaced as my Dancing Partner. Not that I don'tlove ya , but my new partner is better looking and smells better! Watch and see why. BEER30 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc9xq-TVyHI]YouTube - Dancing Merengue Dog[/ame]
  15. I climbed towers as well for several months in my younger days. Contracted out to switch out light bulbs. What's better is the towers up on the mountain tops ! Would have done it longer as the pay was great, but that darn law that said I was under aged .......... Whats I really liked was working derricks in the oil fields, watching when either the sun set or sunrise. BEER30
  16. Avoid the cat litter too ! BEER30
  17. Marcarl, Just asking , will this work with nipple extensions ? Salty , or shall I say Oh Salty ? BEER30
  18. Tape ....it's a bondage thing BEER30
  19. you like ? beer30
  20. Not Crossed, but stripped threads....... Oh , you don't want to go there ! BEER30
  21. Already pierced my nutts.............That thread is way way back in time! BEER30
  22. Witness the same thing the day I bought my RSV. Scroungy Old Geezer on a brand new RSTD whom refused to have the dealer deliver it to his house after openly admitting he hasn't never ridden an MC. Claiming he was going to take a riding course in a few weeks at the college, the dealer insisted in delivering the bike for him and after the new owner refuse, they even said that they would give him a crash course in riding in the parking lot being that he was so stubborn. As I was awaiting the scoot to come out of the shop for my pre-inspection prior to signing the papers, I watch him literally climb on top of the scoot, fire it up and burn rubber through parking lot, cross the busy 2 lanes and right into the ditch in them median till he laid it over. Sorta had his own definition of a CRASH COURSE to say the least! Luckily he wasn't hit by the heavy traffic or hurt in the spill! However his wife beat the living crap out of him as they inspected and loaded the scoot on the trailer to deliver it to his home. Then the wife took possession of the keys and said, "NO MC class , NO keys"! I see the Old Geezer now and then and amazing he is still alive and riding......oh and by the way , he has training wheels on the scoot ! BEER30
  23. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm312/BEERCART/droid/nipples.jpg Do you think they are too long ? BEER30
  24. Hey Charlie, Hadn't fished much this year. A lot going on at the shop at which I cannot discuss openly. Other than that, we have been making a lot of gear for the Canadian Military to say the least. Started 2 new contracts today at which will not allow me to attend "The Ride Home" in Andersonville Ga. to where we Honor former POW's. There will be around 200 in attendance this year. Plus I have to make some bags for a Speckled Trout Fishing Tournament that we help sponsor each year to benefit the USO. You bet I will be fishing that day....rain or shine. You go ahead and catch the minnows and leave the big fish for the Big Boys ! BEER30
  25. One's EGO is Highly Reflective off of all that shiny chrome. Has Big Tom gotten his Safety Chrome Ice Cream Bowl yet ? BEER30
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