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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Would that "one nut" be the rider ? BEER30
  2. Mic-Mutes got rid of the white noise on my set. Being IC is open all the time and set on 15 for me and wife to hear one another. Try setting the squelch, IC volume for your preference (higher the volume,more white noise). Clean and D-grease all connections will help as well. Power lines and transformers are murder, I just turn up the squelch high or higher as needed depending on the range I want to listen too within our group. Receiving skips from some of these Mexican, Hillbillies, and Rural Ma-Bell radio clubs get annoying as well. BEER30
  3. Now Ted, Where's the dog gonna go. Gonna strap Muffy on the trailer? They look cool, but I don't think I could spend more than an hour in this sitting position. BEER30
  4. I think I'll go to the range today. Practice, Practice, Practice,etc.........Never can get enough of it. Might even takeout the Mac 11 for S&G's. BEER30
  5. Darn Gerald, I thought you were going to talk about SEX ! :crackup: BEER30
  6. I'll pass on Stud-Muffin. I hear his hands are too cold. Hope all goes well with you to . BEER30
  7. You forgot "Tasmanian Devil" in disguise! BEER30
  8. Ted, same here. Could it be the eyes or the appetite ? So those whom are wondering, I occasionally make toys for the K-9's. I sew up 2" scuba webbing into loops. Averaging up to 7 to 9 layers (3/4" thick) and up to about 12 rows of stitches. Most of those I make these toys are for Rotts and Pitts and now a Basset Hound. Please do not turn this into an Anti-Breed thread. Those I make these toys for are to keep the "Best Friend" occupied with by training, chewing or playing, but mainly keeping them from chewing your leg off. One of our past employees has Rotts. She ties one of the "LOOP" toys onto a rope and hangs it for the dog to hang off of. She, the Rott hangs for hours at a time playing. I make about 2 of these "Looped" to us for her a year. Cannot remember the dogs name, but she's a sweet loving animal and well obedient . My cousin up in AK raises Pitts. He hangs the "Looped" toys up on a rope as well. He's a responsible owner/trainer himself. He only has to say one word and all his Pitts stop what they are doing, regardless of what actions they are in and immediately go swinging on the toys. They hang for hours as well. BEER30
  9. Well right now, I'm filling the bladder up with plenty Beer and H2O. Making of the self induced fire hydrant. Got the funnel with screen ready as well. Talking with a few of my buddies today with vast experiences with this stones, they do not want to be any ways near around me. They just dropped off a case of cold ones and said , Good Luck! Great Friends...........LOL ! BEER30
  10. Morphine, Not what it used to be. About 1:30 A.M. this mourning , took a field trip to the hospital. Severe pain in my left side lower abdomen. It wasn't stopped up gas in the intestines, nor appendix. Got to the hospital ER......what NO ILLEGALS !!!!!!! They sent me directly to a room and had me undress with No formal invitation. Dropped my drawers and revealed my BUTT , like usual, LOL !! Man I was in Pain with a capital "P". So in with the IV, out with the blood samples, and then the Morphine. Got the usual bad taste and warm flash, and hours later still in pain. Shot #2 .....same affects and wide awake. Got my Birdie snapped (X-Rays) and then the good ole soft drinks for the Cat Scan. Poor Kittie . Up all night , 2 shots of Morphine and No pictures to show you of my little boy. No not what you are thinking , but of my new kidney stone. Now in the whom (Bladder) and just waiting the opportunity for me to turn my head away for the great escape! While in my bed , badger by the nurse to get a Flu shot. I said why not, just add it to the newly acquired med bill, what a few more large bills? Finally the Doc shows up to give me the spill. Blood pressure EXCELLENT ! . Kidney stone the culprit (my first one) and possible Diabetes Type II. Suger fix 211 at time they drew the first blood. Down to 192 at last check before they released me. So now awaiting the passage of the stone, M&M's for pain meds, and meds for possible Diabetes. instructions to go find a Sugar Daddy or Momma to check fer sure on the Diabetes. With all that , I was purely disappointing to get the watered down Morphine. Where in the heck was the Demerol ? In conclusion, I'm tired, fuzzy headed now and then from fatigue, starring at some Reese's Peanut Butter cups and saying to myself NO, NO, NO. Calling: Nurse Yamma Mama .....where are you ? BEER30
  11. My scoot started doing the same thing about 1.5 years ago periodically. Usually after sitting for 4-5 days. I had been pulling the fuel line off the tank and letting the engine idle until with choke on until the carbs ran out of fuel. All four were hitting and would only run with choke on and no throttle. I would also purge some fuel out of the tank in a clear class and let it set over an hour or two. Come back, reconnect the fuel line to the tank and then after a few cranks it would start and a few more minutes begin to pick up rpms. Fuel turned out to be clean and I normally drop 3-4 oz. of Seafoam or 44G every 4-5 tanks for GP. Well last week it did it again. This time I thought to check out the fuel filter. After I removed the side battery cover, I looked at the fuel pump and dawned to me that this time the fuel pump did not prime up (clicking sound it produces unti fuel pressure is achieved), so I struck the side of the fuel pump on the side and it then started to prime. I went ahead and started the scoot and it ran only with choke on until it finally picked up rpms and then shut the choke off. So I called Muffinman and told him about it. He confirmed it with Larry, his dealer. Kudos to Larry and Muffinman as Larry took care of me under warranty by replacing my fuel pump. I first took my issues to my NEW dealer as old dealership was acquired by LeJuene Honda. They gave me the run around and now LOST a customer. After that encounter, I requested to have the Yamamha rep call me and they refused to pass the request forward. Since then, I have talked to many of my friends about LeJuene Honda. Looks like I'm not the only customer they have screwed around or gave poor service. So saying, intermittent fuel pump failure may occur now and then. So get the hammer out now and then ! BEER30
  12. Oh and I forgot the 150 rds shotgun ........ Actually been going to 3 gun shoots here lately. Usually don't need that much ammo as I share it amongst our team when it is my turn to buy. That's nice of Dragon Rider offering to hold your weapon for you. BEER30
  13. Did you know that my 16" AR, broken down in half will fit into my saddle bag? And, 2K rounds of 5.56 and 1K of 9mm ammo in the other saddle bag and still have room for other goodies! WOOT! :banana::banana: BEER30
  14. "Oh , Mr. Bad man, could you please wait right here until I return, as I go home and get my gun. Heaven forbid that you shoot an un-armed citizen. And would you be so kind not to shoot my wife and kids while I'm fetching my gun? All we want to do is go on a boat along with Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, and Tinker Bell. And if your good , we might just want to bring you along too! I'll even buy you one of the little black hats with the Big ears on it. Yeah , Right ! (Let me exchange my helmet for a Tin Foil Cap) Just imagine you are in a convenient store to pay for gas and this happened. Click HERE BEER30
  15. I've have hear that some people do this. 1) Take to local PD and ask to leave in the dept. armory. 2) Take to the destinations Pawn shop and hock it for the duration of the trip. 3) BEST way and I have done it. Seek out local reputable Gun shop. Many will hold weapons in their safe for a small fee. Get a receipt and record all the firearms info. on the receipt and even prior to for your records. Many of my friends and LEO friends prefer this method. Call that Gun shop prior to going to them. Some states will not allow people from other states to do this as many require you to fill out the firearms paperwork as if it were a sale. It is not a sale, but a service. So check the gun shop out prior to you leaving home. BEER30
  16. Get yourself a copy of the "Mile Post" . Left AK 16 years ago. Never road the Al-Can on a scoot, but traveled it many times. BEER30
  17. Thanks Salty. But before anyone jumps to conclusions, let the facts come out first. And yes , we floated home. But the squirrels had to climb a few branches higher so their nuts would be dryer! Don, It's nice to know that there is a system out there. Just do not understand why there are those whom do not follow it. BEER30
  18. BEER30
  19. Getting home tonight ! Had to plow through water up past the bottom of my F-150 4x4 doors. 2 hours later, VFD rescued people in a PT Cruiser that was washed away 200' into the woods at the very same crossing. BEER30
  20. Now which side is it that your going to eye-balling the pretty girls.....I mean the wife! Here's a secrete, wear sunshades! Hopes and Prayers for the Best for you there, Don. BEER30
  21. Once again, Thank you to everyone for your support. Both here on the forum , PM's and e-mails. You are true family! I'm doing quiet well now and keeping myself pretty occupied.........Like I'm never busy doing something...LOL. Spirits are getting back to almost normal, so watch out for my mischief behaviors coming soon. I know that these memories will come back, but so will others that were worse than this incident. Candy.............I will e-mail you as soon as I finish this post and give you my contact info. for you to call upon me at any time. I have already responded to Ashely' e-mail and hope she received it. There is something that bothers me that the JPD did not want my statement or contact info.. I was 2nd at the scene, did not witness the accident, but I believe I that I had at least some info. that might help out. You may have seen what I had posted on the blog @ JDnews. As I stated on the blog, I can only bare witness to what I seen from the time I arrive to where I departed. I could care less of the boys past, I can only testify to what I observed at the time of the accident in the company of Eric. I said it before and I stand by my words that I did not smell alcohol. I couldn't get any more closer to Eric's face than any body else there till the officials arrived. Though many on that blog have already turned vigilantie towards Eric cause of his past. I will not judge this man's innocence nor guilt until all the facts are put forth. This is what bothers me the most now as cowardly people behind the keyboard judge the man before the facts are out. Sorry people for me ranting. I just had to say what was and is on my mind. Well need to go, E-mail Candy, then get the boat ready as we have received 29" of rain since Monday with 5" more to come by mourning. Row, Row, Row , your Boat. Gently down the stream ......or is now my front yard? BEER30
  22. I live right across the street from a TLZ (Tactical Landing Zone) and have them buzzing around all the time. I always wanted to pull out the camcorder and record them. BEER30
  23. I'm feeling much better today that my mind is back to work. It's just the kids I worry more about. Like I said before , I have seen many a horrific tragedies. Once again, seeing kids hurt is what gets me. Hadn't seen the news or any report other than what was posted here. However I did not smell alcohol on the father and I was face to face with him arm in arms with him. If I did, I may have done something stupid, maybe not, but glad I didn't. But then again with all that was happening, it was better to make the best out of it for safety for all at the time. Nothing can be done now for the child, but look upon it as a reunion with his Mother. I'm not much of a religious person, but May the Lord Bless the both of them and deal with the father the best way he can. Thanks again, all of you for your concerns. BEER30
  24. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Needless to say I feel like craps as I only managed to get a few hours of restless sleep. However I beleive the father needs all the help he can get. I only know of his first name and he lives near by on the same street I do. Keeping him occupied last night was the only thing I could do and yes to help prevent a further tragedy. It's the gut wrenching scene of the helpless child that get's to me. But I'll be OK and will most likely prevail stronger in the future. Just have to get the images out my head. Thanks again , BEER30
  25. Sorry friends for what I have to say, but coming home tonight I stumble unto an accident. I've seen my fair share of horrific accidents, but when it comes to children, it is hard to grasp. It had been raining with a some water standing on the roads. Just as I was coming in front of the main gate here at Camp Lejuene, a lady whom witnessed an accident was on the outside side of the road. Trees in the medium that were planted years ago in remembrance of the Marines lost in Beirut. In them trees was a ford P/U twisted among one of them with a man wondering beside. No other traffic stopped to help, so as I passed, slowed down, stopped and backed up and applied my 4-ways. Lady came to me to let me know 911 was called and was in fear as she was by herself other than her small child in her car that she could not leave unattended. I approached the man, he was in near shock. I asked if he was OK, and I he could say was."Where is my baby?" We were within 10" of his truck and I glanced over towards the truck. I wished I hadn't............. I knew there was nothing I could do for the 5 year old child. I will not go into what I seen , but it I tell you is one of the most heart breaking thing that one will endure is seeing a child in the manner that I had seen. All I knew now was to keep the father from going further into shock by talking with him , asking him simple questions to keep his thoughts away from what happened. I asked him his name, where he live, and then his wife's name. And then he told me he lost his wife 3 years ago and that he was a single parent and suddenly he pleaded,"Please go check on his son" repetitively. I knew there was nothing I could do for his son, but to say that he was OK for now and when the EMT arrives , they will do a better job to take care of him that we could. I could not , nor would not tell him what had happened to his loved one. Only to keep him occupied on answering simple questions to avoid him from going to his truck. It was about 10 minutes before another car stopped to help as many rubber-necked as they went by. A man gets out along with his wife to give me a blanket to lay the father down. Then a few more minutes before a lady stopped and thankfully she was a nurse. No one else knew that the child was in the truck until he cried out loudly again of his child. I could only give signals to others when the father wasn't looking that the child was lost, but she went over to the P/U to access what I have gestured to her. Soon, JPD arrived and took over the scene with the EMT and FD soon arriving shortly afterwords. I was relieved by the JPD as I did not witness the accident. I was only 15 miles from home and it was the longest 15 mile ride that I could remember. I cannot sleep right now though I tried, nor do I think I will fall asleep here soon. I don't lean on shoulders much , but this is really eating at me at it involved a child and hopefully letting this out might get some of it off my chest. Thanks for lending me your ear. BEER30
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