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Everything posted by BEER30

  1. Hey Jay, I'm still around. Just haven't had time to say much.....Kinda hard to believe that, huh...LOL! Busy with the hassles of building a new house and amongst a few other things. New granddaughter which will be 6 months this coming 27th. Passing of a few family members and putting a few boots up other peoples arses..... Hard to believe we're retire! BEER30
  2. Getting rid of my cassette player and might just have to install this..... BEER30
  3. I plead the 5th! BEER30
  4. Happy Birthday Minnie!!!!!! BEER30
  5. Thanks everyone for the B-Day wishes. One of my B-Day wishes is to get more involved, however got still too many issues to get taken care of. Retirement life isn't getting to be LAZY................. BEER30
  6. Being on the other side of the "Chain-Gang", I see...............:rotf: BEER30
  7. I seen a sign that said "Tour Buses Welcome", but did not see a sign that says "Big Tom's Welcome". News of you must have hit Maine already.............. But don't worry little buddy, I'll sneak you in! We can be Ice Cream Ninja's.:256: BEER30
  8. Dang, we just past you! We will be here for 4-5 days, possibly longer. BEER30
  9. Like 1700 lbs of it? Pure Chocolate! Do not know how much the Bears weigh.... Stopped by Lin Libby Chocolate factory in Scarborough, Maine. They serve Ice Cream TOO! BEER30
  10. Made it to Bar Harbor Maine......Well sort of. Arrive to Trenton, a few miles away as there was only one campground that could handle a long rig such as ours. Maybe scout out for more tomorrow. Let's say that the trip here was not as we planned. Rain.....Dang highway......was rough in parts of PA, NY, and Mass. Some of my SOLO cups got cracked and broke a few paper plates! The rest of the rig stayed intact until the last 50 miles. Thanks to another driver whom informed us that we had a flown tire. They flagged our attention with a hand written note to say" Your trailer tire is GONE, and it's riding only on the rim"! Pulling the 20' car hauler with the 43' motorhome, you couldn't even notice it. We pulled to side of highway, tossed on the spare and back out onto the highway in less than 30 minutes in the rain. Stopped into next town and got a new tire. Old rim was a goner! Other tire on same side did not look to well either, so replace the rubber on it as well. TBA ( Tire, Battery and Accessories) in Bangor Maine had us up and going in less than 30 minutes. Even fixed the trailer brake wiring. Rubber off the tire jerked the electrical wiring apart. The customer service was GOOD! Weather man says one more day of rain and it should clear up. Hope so, as we plan to ride Acadia NF on the scoot. If not Smart Car will get wet! BEER30
  11. With out a shadow of a doubt, Slammer Dan was the SLOWEST 1st Gen that day! :rotf: BEER30
  12. Oh, quit your sniveling and drop a few gallons of oil back in that beast and patch her up with more duct tape! Be safe there Squidley. BEER30
  13. We're in Belafonte Pa. right now and will not be home until the 21or 25th. I can all turn back around and make another party again......... I hope you didn't take that photo and that quart of Mobil 1 with you on the road back tomorrow! And Thanks again to you and the Better Half for a GREAT TIME! BEER30
  14. She's 50 today.......After tonight and Apple Pie, can she survive 50 and a night? Does Mini keep us up all night with giggle attack? Or Does Mini have a hangover? Or Does Mini barf in Riderdukes boots by the bedside? Or Does Mini sleepwalk naked? Or Does Mini find a squeeze box and sings all night? Or Does Mini just cancel MD? Stay tuned until tomorrow. Happy Birthday Mini-Lush! BEER30
  15. Big Tom got the ONLY Ice Cream in the HOUSE! BEER30
  16. Thanks everyone for the B-Day wishes. I maybe getting older, but I refuse to grow up! BEER30
  17. Wonder how many Bodyguards Don will have? BEER30
  18. Happy Birthday Tater-Tot! Is Big Tom going to share any Ice Cream with ya? BEER30
  19. Any suggestions for best route? After MD, plans are to go to Bar Harbor ME. Unfortunately, we are not on the scoot now. We are now 65' long, 23 tons and 12'8" High! EZ-Pass is supposed to be on the way, but still would like to avoid tolls as much as possible. Scoot will be ( I hate to say it) trailered, however will be our primary transportation when we park the big rig. Any low clearance, weighted bridges or other hazards that anyone knows about would be deeply appreciated. This is not an Eck question about gravel roads, nor Big Brown UPS truck racing. Not picking on Eck, as he's Welcome to come sip on a cold one and shoot billiards anytime. BEER30
  20. Ah...... Just strap a couple of Roo's on the scoot and HOP on over here! BEER30
  21. The BEERCART is somewhat boxed shape and has slight slope in front top and side. Some flare around wheel wells and a wing spoiler on rear. Empty weight is 190 lbs., however had fully burdened down with 550 lbs.. I find it more assuring when riding in the rain. The BEERCART causes enough drag to keep me straight going through standing water in lane grooves. I somewhat think it helps with hydroplaneing. There has been more times that I have passed slowed down cagers in the rain. Onetime while coming back from MD, we rode too close to a tornado that just passed. 60 MPH crosswinds, rain , hail and heavy traffic to which NO one was giving us a break. There were no where to pull over as there were no shoulders. As I was more concerned and concentrating on keeping 2 wheels on the road, wife later said we were leaning into the wind very hard and was suprised we managed as good as we did. Honestly, I was not sceered at all....maybe I'm too crazy to say the least. Another time, Muffinman and I were both 1 up pulling our trailers. His was a Harbor Freight with box on it. Just to see how they pull, we pegged the speedo's to the max. Needless to say, we never even noticed that the trailers were behind us. Bottom line is, I think regardless on how your trailer is shaped, it's more on how you pack your cargo and tongue weight. Tongue length is also a factor. I later had to lengthen the BEERCART's tongue about 10" to reduce the tail wagging. Shorter tongue = more sway, longer tongue = less sway. BEER30
  22. I've been to 13 tactical training classes in the past 16 months. That counts for over 20K rounds 5.56, 12K rounds of 9mm, 3K rounds of 5.45 and 2K round 7.62 x 39. Classes taken in Colorado, Texas, Alabama, Louisianna, NC, and SC. Taught by Ron Pincus, Travis Haley, Chris Costa, Ron Avery, Sonny Puzikas, Chase Jenkins and more. Also to mention training with Seal Teams, SF, LEO's and ATF. Traveled with Full Magazines(no clips) and one in the chamber every mile on the road with exception of flying. I keep websites bookmarked on my smart phone and tablet for quick references. Only once did I have an young LEO question me about my Class 3 SBR and Suppressor when he saw me unload my pelican case out of the back of my truck when I was checking into my hotel. Had my 5320.20's in hand, copies of my tax stamps. Young lad did not know what to do when I did the paper dump on him, so he changed the subject and fled off. Fellow class mate, ATF agent staying at same hotel only laughed at the situation. We all were wearing our tactical clothing, faces covered gun powder black, ammo cans as overnight bags! You should see the faces of all the people whom stay at our hotels when 30 guys all toten gun cases, back packs and ammo cans into the hotels. Life is FUN! BEER30
  23. Maybe it wasn't worth anything, being that it was that easy to not notice being gone...... :stirthepot: :stirthepot: BEER30
  24. You would be suprised on how many people I know that just get their CCP just to be able to purchase handguns. There are many who can shoot very well, however do not have to common sense to handle them in a heated situation. There are many whom can hit the bullseye on paper, but when does paper shoot back. Without going through any type of advanced firearms training or real life experience, these people can do more harm than good. The classes I speak of are from people like Travis Haley www.haleystrategic.com/ , Chris Costa www.costaludus.com/ , Rob Pincus, Talon Defense, Mike Lamb, Ron Avery, and many more. These classes teach the student more advanced shooting techniques. They range from 1-3 day courses. Most are rain or shine. Last class I attended was low light gunfighter and it was raining cats and dogs, shooting through glass while inside vehicles at bad man targets. Not just myself in the car, but along side of another shooter. Learning also how to shoot under cars, over hoods, ultilizing on how to use proper lighting and even if one of my arms was shot. Just because you got shot does not mean your out of the fight! Some of these classes, your in complete battle rattle. Many your grey-man (concealed) How many of you CCW's carry an extra magazine? "Oh, You have 15-17 round mag, If you cannot hit them in that many shots, you might have might as well give up", someone tells you. So, imagine you fire 2-3 rounds. Your pistol has a malfunction, stove pipe, double feed, failure to feed, failure to eject? You drop that one and only mag, what next? You have to clear that weapons, you drop that mag in the dark, what next? You go to that extra mag that no says you need! Flashlights, and a darn good one. Your confronted at night, you may need to blind them to detour or dissorintate (sp?), limit the amount of light and only use when needed, not remain on and become a target. Shooting positions, supine, urban prone, modified urban prone Isosolese, weaver, prone, kneeling, supported kneeling, shoot while moving, move to shoot, reload while moving, clearing malfunctions while moving, search and assess, breaking tunnel vision, identifying a threat, shooting left or right hand and many more positions. You do not learn this information at a CCW class. Some say that one whom takes these classes are extremist. Not! Taking these classes gives you extra tools to put in your tool box so if the time comes that you need to protect yourself, your loved ones and the innocent bystander. Examples I listed above are just a few subjects one can learn. I strongely urge anyone whom carries or even just for home defense to take one of these course. BEER30
  25. Are these classes to obtain CCP? Ones I spoke of are advanced classes. BEER30
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