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Everything posted by hhoffmanlv

  1. I also followed the instructions from here and would not change it back. I have put 15000 mi on the bike since the change. I also went to the narrow tire about 8k back.. Still no wobble. I have an 06 rsvm. Hope this helps.
  2. I am just outside of Vegas in Pahrump. I am heading out tonight for Colorado to hunt, and will not be back till Nov 9th .. So , timing is a little off for me , but I will check back when I return to see what is up , or keep me in mind when you hit " Town " again!
  3. I put the Dyna on my 06 RSVM. I am very happy with it. I was always bumping the limiter, with the Dyna I can 'get on it' and not hit the wall. I also like the 'power curve' advance versus stock. At 2k rpm it starts to get agressive, which feels 'right' to me. I found no change in mpg and would do it again. I run Curve 3 and only bumped the limiter to 7500. Hope this helped.
  4. Ok, just returned from the dealer , and they say it is the ignition switch. No part in stock and none local , so have to wait. Printed out the article about 'rebuilding the switch' which showed how to swap 1 part and use your old key with the new switch. They said they would do that for me.. Hope they follow through with that. Since they hadn't removed the old switch yet, I suggested that from what I read, it could very well just be a broken wire/bad connection underneath but seems they want to just wait for the new part. So if everything goes ok, should get it back in a few days.. Thanks for all the fine input!! Will post how it turns out.
  5. Thanks to everyone for the great ideas! I am going to copy them all and print them out and take them over to the dealer later today. Hopefully, they will let me see the patient, and I will share all the info with the service manager for sure and hopefully get to talk to the mechanic who is working on my bike. Don't know how 'receptive' they will be to input.. . I will 'post' how it goes. Thanks to everyone!
  6. Looking for help. I have an 06 RSVM bought new last june. Bike has 14250 mi and is garage kept, and all scheduled services performed by dealer. Yesterday after work the bike wouldn't fire.. No Spark. Since I was on the 10th floor of a parking garage, I tried to bump start it all the way to the ground level.. Never got a hint of 'ignition'. So , got it towed to the Yamaha dealer.. I have a D3K on it, so today I took them my 'stock' module for them to try, and it made no difference. So what we have is, everything seems to be working fine, but no go! The dealer left me a phone message, to the effect, that they are scratching there heads and have a call into Mama Yamaha. Any input would be greatly appreceated!
  7. Well if you have checked out the various responses on Headset choice I know you have seen the Edsets mentioned. I haven't had any others to compare them with, but these work great. They recently upgraded there cables at the headset , and are giving them to those who are still under warranty. Got mine in the mail a few weeks ago, but put them away until I have a problem with the one that is installed.. The sound quality of the headsets is fantastic and I use them with a full face helmet, so can't comment on any other setup.
  8. Well , I tote my laptop every day on the bike, in the rear trunk. Haven't had any trouble caused by shock or vibration.. Since the hard drive isn't spinning, shouldn't be a problem.. The new phones with Internet are handy for quick check of email, or browsing . I currently have the T-mobile Dash, which is a decent smart phone and runs Windows Mobile. They have an unlimited Internet package for $20 bucks.. and the phone also has WiFi and Bluetooth . But , not trying to 'sell' that model, just an example of an option.
  9. Thought I would try a quote from Geico , $219 posted by Cougar looked good! Mine quoted at $419 for the full coverage, with $1000 for addons and a $500 deductible.. I currently have State Farm and they seem to be close price wise.. Need to get out my policy to compare coverage.. I live in Pahrump Nv.. Rural area about 60mi west of vegas.
  10. Yes , my cables are tight. But full lock right or left, other than 'creaking' , hasn't been a problem.. Now , whether it's adding additional stress/wear on them I don't know.. Wish I could be more help. Just remembered one other item.. I removed the plastic cable guides that are attached to the handlebar , closest to the fairing. The ones up near the controls I left in place. This was suggested in another post about installing the Risers..
  11. Well , I did the new hole in the rail technique .. And not as 'precise' as Eck. I removed the saddle bag.. Took the screw out of the side rail were it is bolted to the bike frame in back.. placed a block of wood between bike and rail , and drilled new hole in side rail... Really didn't have to measure, not a lot of room between existing hole and edge of metal.. So basically a little up and over... Worked out real well ... Think V7Goose had some pictures in a post.. yep this is the link http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=18179
  12. I did this modification of lowering the bike on the forks the 1" and add the risers at the same time.. I used a rolled up towel to hold the fairing out from the bike, and used the overhead hook to support the handlebars during the job. In my case the bolts that hold the fairing to the triple tree were a problem.. They are button head allen bolts and one was very tight.. So I stripped the head trying to get it out.. Getting a replacement wasn't easy, and getting it out was a little harder still.. Some filing and muscle eventually worked.. and my local yam dealer ordered the bolt for me.. Also sliding the fork up in the clamp was a bit difficult for me, others had no problem, but I put some wood under the front wheel and let off the jack a small amount and the fork slid just fine.. I am very pleased with the results. And despite the few hic-ups would do it again..
  13. I have the corbin and would like to have it narrowed also. I am 5' 8" with 29" inseam. I bought my seat used, so no corbin warranty, but seems if you are original owner they will make adjustments for you, free.
  14. Wired up the tach yesterday! Used the coil location for signal and power, and went with the 150 ohm resistor.. I will go back and redo my electrical connection at the coil when I get a multi-stack connector or Double Male-Female Adapter . I modified a lug to work for now. Really appreciate all the helpfull input!!
  15. Thanks for the information.. I was able to physically mount the tach today. Looks Great! Will be a couple of days before I can break the bike down and do the wiring.
  16. Great info..!! And concerning the resistor. Since we can tie the red and yellow together , will they both run thru the resistor or just the yellow wire ?? And as a reminder the documentation says " Yellow wire to lamp on " , " Red wire to Ignition "on" DC 12v ".. I am going to try Bummer's suggestion and tie into the coil, for both signal and hot.
  17. Ok, not alot of documentation with this tach.. But this is what it shows. Green wire to negative side of coil. Black wire to ground. Yellow wire to Lamp on ?? Red wire to ignition "on" DC 12v ?? So the ones I have question marks after are confusing to me... can anyone shed some light ?
  18. Ok , thanks for the information! I am sure the 'light' will bother me, I would like to be able to dimm the dash! Maybe a variable potentiometer would be an easy fix and offer some flexibility for the tach?? I like the idea of grabbing power and signal off the same coil, but it seems to me there are a few more wires hanging off the tach ?? I will have to get it out and study it some more. Todays weather here is "WAY" to good to be doing any projects other than riding.. so I will do that 1st !!!
  19. My Drag Specialties Tach and Formotion clamp have arrived.. !! Before I tackle the project, can you recall the how-to for the wiring ? Or any other Tips , you could share. I really liked the 90 degree idea and I went with the white face model.
  20. Thankyou for the heads up on the Tach I linked to. I will look for the Fomotion setup.
  21. Is the Tach mounted using the clamp that came with it?? If not what did you use? I would like to add a tach, but can't bring myself to pay the price Baron's is asking for them. Found a site with the mini for $53.99. Shipping for me is $18 .. here is the link http://www.oneidasuzuki.com/store/parts-accessories/drag-specialties-mini-8000-rpm-tachometer.html# Anyone see a better price?
  22. Don't want crappy !! Took your advice and placed the order for the db400 with the baffles ! Enjoyed your write-up and will be referencing it when I put mine in.
  23. So , what about the baffles being used with the stock speakers?? Would that make an improvement?
  24. Glad to hear about RedRider's positive results. I tossed Tim an email asking for shipping/tracking info.. no response for a week. So emailed him again, as a reminder and asked the same question, but included a paste of his email to me saying he would be putting it in the mail, monday past.. Haven't gone into any heavy dialog, and hope to avoid any heavy handed action. Update: Figured it was important to update my post. Got my package in the mail today. He even tossed in chrome deflectors, as an "extra", so I am 100% satisfied.
  25. Hmm, That's a bummer. I have a deal in the works with him right now, for his passing light setup. Sent him the $150, and did get an email saying he received the money and would ship this week.. Sent him an email today, asking if he got them in the mail yet. That was before I saw this post. So, hopefully he has just been busy, maybe riding that new HD he had posted about! I'll post feedback as this progresses.
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