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About dschwei

  • Birthday 10/20/1968

Personal Information

  • Name
    Derek Schweikarth


  • Location
    Celestine, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1987 Venture Royale
  1. I don't know about your specific color but I found Rust-o-leum spray paint at Home Depot that was a perfect match to the gold on my 84. I painted the lower fairings and trunk and from 3 feet away it looks almost factory. I put a clear coat on top of the gold to get the shine. At 5 bucks a can I have been able to restore my broken plastic pieces to near factory for under $20. I will be painting my side bags next.
  2. Does the front fairing have to be removed to get to the steering head bearings? I have scheduled a bearing replacement with the shop and have issues surrounding the integrety of the front fairing. It would be better if I took the fairing off myself because of all the plastic repair. Just curious! BTW... I AM KEEPING HER. SHE RUNS GREAT! Derek
  3. I have lowered the total package price to $1,400 OBO. I will prime the saddle bags to match the primed trunk. This bike does run! I really want it out of my garage. Surely there is a taker out there. Derek
  4. No bites? That's ok. I am going to start taking inventory tomorrow and ready the bike for parting. I will let you all know what is available before I EBAY! Derek
  5. photos of the bike!
  6. I rode it home today from the repair shop. It ran great but was a little squirley at slow speed turns. I just can't keep putting money into the hole. If I could get $1,800 I would be happy. Derek 812-661-0108
  7. I see you are from the Cincinnati area. I could meet you in Louisville if you wanted it. Derek
  8. Give me an offer. I really don't don't know what it's worth. It does run. In fact I will be riding it home (15 miles) from the repair shop in about 30 minutes.
  9. Hey folks, I got an 84 that came back from the shop today with carbs fixed. But now the steering berings are bad. I have decided to sell the bike as is or for parts. I have stripped the luggage off and started to prime for paint. The side fairings are off as well. The lower fairings are damaged. The front fairings (with some wear) are intact and on the bike. This bike now runs great and is mechanically sound but I can't afford to put any more into it. I was going to paint it but even that decision has changed. I will take offers for the bike as is and then if I don't get any for the bike I will start to part it out. It would be a great bike for someone who is mechaincally inclined and could do the work. I am not and don't have the patience or time. Please reply to this post or call me at 812-661-0108 and lets talk. I would love for somebody in this group to get her before I go EBAY. Derek
  10. I need a right front fairing. Derek 812-661-0108
  11. I am having my bike repainted. I want to paint the aluminum trim rings on my hard bags a contrasting reflective color. Can I prime them with the same primer as the rest of the boxes. Does this need to have a prep treatment before primer and paint? Derek
  12. What are the luggage and the fairings made of? Plastic of fiberglass? I am currently preping for paint with bondo. Will this work to patch holes on the luggage. I am using PLASTEX for the front fairing repair. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks, Derek
  13. Thanks for the info. guys. The bypass worked. Derek
  14. Dash computer is shot! Does anybody know how to completely bypass the dash computer. I have bypassed the headlight and the taillight but I can't figure out the brake lights. I jumped the pin connector for the head light and tail light but I am having trouble finding the right combination for a brake light jump across the connector. Any help would be appreciated and would get me back on the road. Thanks, Derek
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