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Everything posted by minnmac

  1. minnmac

    PIP Patch

    steve, put me down for 2, send u a check when I get home next week...al
  2. Reading USA Today , Wednesday,s edition and in the money section I see Tim Horton,s stockholders just approved its sale. For about 11 billion dollars they will now be owned by Miami based, wait for it, Burger King. To be honest, Burger King is moving to Ontario, tax purposes, so Timmies wont be totally American. I just hope they don't try to mix them together and start serving Whoppers. Sorry to all my northern friends but little by little and soon you,ll be just like us. Just get rid of the ""eh"" and we got ya.
  3. Spent last weekend visiting sarges46 and Marilyn when they came (south of the border). At one point me and Rick ended up outside swapping war stories from our youth. Thinking back it seems almost unreal the things young men and women are asked to do in the service of their country. So this memorial weekend I just wanted to say Thanks Vets for all you do and have done. Its a cliché but freedom really isn,t free and someone always has shoulder the costs. Thank You
  4. I was in Palmer Alaska this weekend. 47 degrees and saw a Goldwing on the road. for someone who stored his bike 4 months ago it was just sad.
  5. congrats. now, remember what it was like to get up in the morning
  6. my 2 cents worth
  7. you,ve about covered it bubber.
  8. as long as i,ve known her she,s never drank 3 beers. you must have that effect on women dan,,,,lol
  9. i,ll bring it just to hear what bubber has to say about that. by the way, those cigs we talked about are called peter jackson. they will get me to quit
  10. after too many years Renate finally came off the road for medical reasons. Was pretty lonely at home by herself so a week ago we went to the humane society and adopted a hound cross as a companion. 11 months old and smart and stubborn at the same time, quite a handful. they bonded within 2 days and now he wont leave her side. Just got to figure out where to put a 50 pound dog with the wife on a bike. hey gary, any restictions on pups at pork in the pines? al
  11. happy holiday season to everyone. i,ve been wanting to send some small token of thanks to our troops overseas. i dont personally know anyone so i was looking at ways to do it when i found this website, anysoldier.com. after looking it over it seemed pretty legit and well meaning. they have lists of real deployed servicemen/women who are the contacts to 5 to ??? number of people and can distribute the packages. you can chose who to contact based on service branch, area of deployment, unit origin or whoever you want. the package is shipped by you directly overseas so it seems on the up and uo. i was wondering if anybody has done this or knew anything good/bad about this website before i commit ???? thanks al:fingers-crossed-emo
  12. glad to hear your allright. good thing riding season is almost over. can,t see big bike trips for awhile. should be good to go for pip next year. how we gonna find the dirt roads without marilyn? take care rick......al
  13. congrats rick, hope retirement is good to you...al:clap2:
  14. congrats green bay, there will be no living my neighbors all year:clap2:
  15. never took a bike but i have done 3 round trips and i would definately plan my stops so i was off the road when the sun goes down. one of the thrills of the highway is the amount and variety of wildlife you will see, up close and personal. black bear in abundance, buffalo, elk, caribou, wolf, maybe even a grizzly. most don,t seem overly concerned about being in close proximaty to people. meeting a bear at night coming around a curve might not be the memory to take away from the trip.
  16. we made it back sunday night. couldn,t hang with the big dogs. next year i have been told it,s either a camper or an artic sleeping bag. it was great meeting old friends and new. thanks gary, ann, kris, russell. you guys did it again and russell, now i know the difference between over easy and basted.
  17. Angela,s Ashes by Frank McCourt..
  18. Everything in the house allready, mostly in boxes in the garage. Spent a couple nights with a beer watching renate assemble the kitchen. Congrats on the new camper, stop by if you have time
  19. hey all, Been away a little bit so just saying hi. Me and renate been running around like the proverbial chicken with no head the last few months. We,ve been looking at homes while the market, the interest rates and the tax credit were still around. Finally found what we wanted and closed on the 5th. Not going to bore ya with the details but we got a helluva deal on a great home. One extra that came with the house was a 6 person hot tub on the deck so if anyone ever needs to soak the bones after a long ride and your close to Zimmerman MN give a shout to me or Renate. Till then, almost riding time up here. Can,t wait. al
  20. 22 23 if english would have been our official language:bang head:
  21. I am sitting on the side of the road right now in sw minnesota. About a foot of snow fell last night and now we have up to 40 mph wind gusts. Whiteout conditions and 2 foot drifts on the highway. The school annoucements last night were '' 2 hours late''. Maybe we should switch school administrators.
  22. congratulations steve, that,s great. what exactly is an iso coordinator? fyi, might be buying a house in cambridge so might finally be able to get you that saddlebag if your still thinking about plastic welding.
  23. i would,ve thought they would remake the one with katherine hepburn in it. thought that was the more popular of the series,
  24. just wondering, which end of the taser is that qualification in dan? lol
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