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Everything posted by etronicharsha

  1. Hey cowpuc, thanks for the reply. Cleaning the battery didn't solve the problem Back here for more advice.
  2. I got the battery load tested and it had the rated CCA. I don't know the year of the battery but AAparts guy told me it is not the original battery.
  3. Thanks for your reply FreeBird. I cleaned the battery and terminals. It still happened this morning. Any other ideas? I asked on another site and a mechanic told me it could be the starter coil, solenoid etc which might not be getting the power always and that the solenoid might be stuck so I'll have to tap it to make it free again. All of that scared me!
  4. Hi, First time post in this forum I bought an 08 RSV last month. Now, I have this weird problem. This has happened a few times to me and a few times to the previous owner. When I turn the key to ignition position and hit the start button, the oil pressure and temp. lights show up and the battery makes a single click noise but the engine doesn't start. All components like horn, lights still work. If I continue to press the start button every couple seconds, the engine starts after about 5-10 pulses. Do you know what might be happening? Am I ruining something by pressing the start button? This started about 5 days ago after the bike got wet in the rain for a couple of days. I am not sure if the rain did this though. I am not very mechanically inclined but I am learning slowly. Also, wife and I panic when our vehicles start the drama! HELP! Thanks in advance.
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