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Lug Nut

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Everything posted by Lug Nut

  1. I'll probably ride it some more and if I feel it slip under WOT more then I'll do the Barnett spring conversion
  2. I just had Ivans installed and only rode it bavk home in 30 degree weather but it started without the choke...and felt pepper especially in 3rd gear....pulled nicely $138 for the kit and about $160 to have it installed.....was worth it to me.
  3. I will definitely let him know.... His name is Mike Johnson at Johnson Motorspirts in Decatur, IN. 6251 N. ST. Rd. 1 260-724-4845
  4. I will definitely let him know.... His name is Mike Johnson at Johnson Motorspirts in Decatur, IN. 6251 N. ST. Rd. 1 260-724-4845
  5. Got a 14k mile RSV with Ivans jet kit, K&N filters, and Barons Nasty Boys 4-2-4 exhaust. Feels fine and strong but seems to slip just a tad WPT going into 3rd. AM I at a power levelbtgatbtypicalky necessitates a Barnett spring conversion?
  6. I forgot he also Lubed all cables for that price. Runs perfect....Ivans jet kit is a noticeable improvement also.
  7. Picked up bike this morning mechanic rode it twice to verify everything.....very happy with work AND performance of Ivans jet kit.....noticeably faster.
  8. I picked up my bike and turned off the CB.....problem solved
  9. That's what i was thinking...and the piece of mind knowing that the mechanic working on my bike is the same guy talking to me, explaining things, and taking my money from my hand is priceless. I like that I am paying significantly less than a dealership but i would actually pay more tondeal directly with the guy turning the wrenches...ALWAYS works out better that way.
  10. Always have done my own maintenance on my Roadstar and pretty decent at cars. I bought Ivans Jet Kit FOR MY RSV and did not want to touch the carbs.....seen TOO many horror stories of owners screwing things up and having a bike that never runs right. I found an individual Yamaha certified mechanic with 20+years at a dealership who has his own business now working on Yamahas. He installed Ivans jet kit, synced the carbs, replaced fuel filter and flushed coolant (since he had to remove the tank anyways), test rode and all ready to be picked up tomorrow. The total was $227.00. To me this seems very reasonable especially since i wont have to continually mess with pulling carbs, changing things, etc. I think he charges $40/hr which again seems reasonable for his level of training and experience. What do you guys think?
  11. Have an aftermarket amp and speakers with PAC converter tied into stock cassette and controller system (PO had this done). When using g the radio or the AUX playing music via auxillary cable from my phone I noticed something for the first time. I was on the higjway around many semis and when playing either the radio or AUX ibwould get CB transmissions for just a second....and even weirder was thatvibturned the volume all the way down AND switched from cassette to aux to cb to radio and still got the VERY LOUD CB transmissions intermittently. Any input on this? I guess I will play with the squelch abd other CB settings.
  12. Installed Speedy Bleeders at all 4 locations, flushed brakes and clutch and put in Prestone Synthetic DOT 4. Changed engine oil and filter even though it only had 300 miles on it...switched to Castrol 4T full synthetic, and drained final drive (the magnetic plug was coated in gunk grease like material), refilled with Mobil 1 75w-90 synthetic. Shifts and breaks much smoother and nicer than before for sure. If anyone hasn't switched to full synthetic I can HIGHLY recommend doing so....made a big difference for me (bike has 14,300 miles on it).
  13. Well I just bought a 2nd gen....and it has the Barons Nasty Boys 4-2-4 exhaust. It's very loud. And I have a Roadstar with Vance & Hines Longshots which is loud So I am used to it. However, the Barons on my RSV are pretty annoyingly loud. I like the look of big ovals better than my skinnier dual exhaust on each side as well...
  14. Well I just bought a 2nd gen....and it has the Barons Nasty Boys 4-2-4 exhaust. It's very loud. And I have a Roadstar with Vance & Hines Longshots which is loud Soni am used to it. However, the Barons on my RSV are pretty annoyingly loud.
  15. Thanks for the info and links. I don't want to mess with splitting the fairing now. I think I will jut leave them and tuck them out of the way and remove the black plastic holders that are held on by double sided tape.
  16. Would I have to open up the fairing to do this? Also how did you lower your bike?
  17. I do not plan on using the intercom system on my RSV. I have the headset put aside and don't really like the black cables with pkug on the tank and under the passenger arm rest. Is it easy to remove, and what all is involved? Thanks
  18. Got my air pump on Amazon....fronts has 10 and 12 respectively rear had 20. When I picked up the bike tires were also low...down around 28 psi. I put tires at 38 front and 41 rear and aire suspension to 5 front and 35 rear. Feels good so far.
  19. I got it but it was a pain In the ass....I am thinking the PO or the dealership didn't install it rigjt and the rider then puts weight on the seat bending the plastic tab on top of the metal bracket instead of being inserted into it. All better now.
  20. Any helpful tricks or hints on reinstalling the stock rider seat? I can seem to git the plastic tab to reach down enough to fit in the metal tab....tried pushing but didn't want to break anything.
  21. Is it OK to use compressed air to drive out all the old coolant from the system when doing a coolant flush? If so, what would be the best procedure? Seems like the write ups in have seen involve lots of drain points, removing lots of stuff....just wondering if you drained at one point and used compressed air to force everything out through that drain...then maybe flush with a garden hose and then air again before refilling with fresh coolant..... Thoughts?
  22. There is a brand new in the bag OEM Venture windshield for sale locally on CL in my town for $100.
  23. Thanks....that's what bi was thinking but needed a starting point.
  24. I put my tires (Dunlop Elite stock sizes) at 38 front and 41 rear just like indo on my Roadie. Is this correct? I am 250 lbs and my passenger when she goes is 130 lbs (maybe an extra 20 lbs in the bags). Also, the air suspension has been set by a bike shop by the previous owner but I wanted to know what the correct air pressure front and back for the suspension. Thanks
  25. Thanks for the input...I'll contact Nancy.....in like the star one but $200 seems excessive
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